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Posts posted by WWFChilli

  1. CD, have you plagiarised Russell Kane's look?

    That was my first thought too! Russell Kane's rocking a ridiculous Jedwardesque quiff these days though, so I think we should let him off.


    The Harrison look is way cooler and far less camp.


    He obviously wasn't 'marketable' with the old look.

  2. CD, have you plagiarised Russell Kane's look?


    Christ! The amount of bloody people who tell me that:P I got that comment a lot when my hair was longer as well. It appears I share the fuckers face.


    It should be noted I hate being clean shaven because I almost have no chin. The beard gives me a lovely 'George Harrison/Peter Sutcliffe' look.




    Much better!

  3. Somewhat curious and alarmed that my name is being thrown around in people's nominations for TDK. I've pretty much exhausted all criticism of that movie so there's not much new ground to break. It still boggles my mind just how far the fanboys go to plug all the holes in it and I'll never understand the "It's the best superhero genre film ever and therefore that means it's high art" as if that genre is 1) primarily populated by low budget student films and 2) devoid of entertainment value outside of Christopher Nolan's wildly overrated and overlong entries into it.


    The flaws of his Batman films are many, but it's mostly pointless to debate them because those who are willing to overlook them have accepted being blind.


    That or they just might not agree with your disagreements?


    For me it's a good film. I'm not a Batman fanboy and I fucking hate comic book movies, so it was a fun film to get lost in for a few hours.

  4. Dogs suck. Look at them - all these pictures are of the dog staring vacantly at its master/camera. They don't DO anything interesting apart from wander around after humans, usually making pathetic pining noises. The cats in this thread have been using computers, for Christ's sake.


    They stink to high heaven, crap all over the place - even when they remember to go outside, they don't bother to bury their faeces. They dribble, leaving long strands of goo on surfaces/your face. And they are completely dependent on humans, even having to be "taken for a walk" otherwise they'd just drop dead.


    I can't be the only one thinking that's exactly how your mother/ girlfriend would describe their relationship with you...


    Copyright - Chest Rockwell

  5. 3 Minute Warning Destroy Lesbians


    Can't help but laugh at this. One of them got seriously hurt I think. Jamal was stiff as fuck.


    Oh, you great big humanitarian :laugh:


    Don't get me wrong I feel bad for the girl. It's just them being so careless with the women gives me a chuckle. A bloke as large as Fatu kicking her so hard it ends up breaking one of her ribs. Careless for the sake of being careless that.


    It was most definitely reckless and got 3MW a shitload of heat if I remember rightly. I believe Jamal also ended up injuring Mae Young too.


    Best Samoan Drop bump though has to be Lilian in my opinion http://youtu.be/wQERf941_Zo - credit to her for taking that!


    They also fucked up Patterson as well, which must have caused them a massive bollocking.

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