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Posts posted by WWFChilli

  1. I've just watched 'Cool Hand Luke'. Owned it on DVD for about 6 years and finally watched it. Great little film and great to see George Kennedy outside of his Naked Gun roles. Morgan Woodward is fucking menacing and he doesn't even have any dialogue. I recommend for anyone who hasn't seen it.

  2. In relation to that last post I watched Godfather III last night and was not on par with the first films, it still was a very strong film. The story may have been the most flimsy of the bunch but it was still an engrossing finale. I even bypassed the famed Sofia Coppola performance. Some great stuff all round, and it might be my favorite film trilogy now. Part III is a good continuation from Part II and I enjoyed how it closely mirrored the story of Part I somewhat. Very glad I've finally got round to seeing them.

  3. US sitcoms have never been as good as they are now. 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, Modern Family, The Office, Community, It's Always Sunny and Eastbound & Down absolutely piss all over any TV comedy lineup there's ever been. Unless your criteria for good comedy consists purely of "was on telly when I was fifteen," which makes you nearly as bad as Dillnom's "I liked wrestling better when my mum was in her second trimester with me, it should go back to that" arsewank. Workaholics is alright as well.


    Yeah good point and all, sitcoms have also evolved. I do love an old school sitcom with a live audience. Taxi just randomly popped into my head. Channel 4 (when I didn't have Sky) was wonderful for showing random american 80's sitcoms at dinnertime. Still though in the last few years the amount of good quality sitcoms has been high in the US, the evolution away from a studio based show has aided that. The Big Bang Theory is the only really successful studio based US import we have at the moment, and How I met Your Mother isn't too bad either.

  4. Fuck a live studio audience. Who needs 'em?


    You are right on this point. It seems as if time has just passed really for this type of audience sitcom. Red Dwarf as mentioned is back to using a live audience but time will tell if that actually works. It's a more a case of 'Who needs 'em now' than who needs them. Many sitcoms would have not had that extra touch had it not been the addition of an audience. There would just be something lost on them somewhat. Timing etc.

  5. Chest's right, for every turdlike Two and a Half Men, How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory there's a 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation and Community. And let's not forget we get new Arrested Development next year.


    He's right but the first ones mentioned are all studio sitcoms in 'live studio audience' vein, whereas the others are better shows but are filmed differently. My point was there hasn't really been a culture changing (like Friends or Seinfeld) type sitcom in the live audience style.


    By the way, is anyone a fan of Cheers. That might be my favorite 'nothing's on but this will kill a half hour' show when it was shown on Paramount Comedy.

  6. Genuinely, Cryer is like a fucking temporal blip - he has caused me to travel mentally through time and reassess any project he has been involved with, in light of his shit spread on top of the twat bagel of Two and a Half Unbearable Cunts.



    I thought he was a dickhead before, but if he's got you questioning Back to the Future then that's really unforgivable..



    As to the rest of the conversation about all sitcoms being shit and being a dying trend - utter bollocks. There's just shitloads of choice and we get more of the US ones than we used to. There's always been a multitude of appaling sitcoms made in the US and we generally only got the best. Nowadays cable channels here will buy any old shite to fill TV time. There's still plenty of good shows too.


    In that case Chest can you recommend some to look out for? I don't think we've had a good sitcom over here for a while though.

  7. I've been watching The Big Bang Theory recently, I think it goes well with "How I Met Your Mother" and "Two And A Half Men" under the "extremely popular comedy shows which are extremely fucking shit" umbrella.


    Absolutely. I'm completely baffled by how popular they all are. They are all completely terrible. It's quite sad just how far the US network sitcom has fallen since the 90s, actually. At one time you had Friends, Frasier, Seinfeld and Roseanne crossing over.


    Sitcoms have felt like a dying trend in the US since the late 90's. The four camera comedy just seems to die on it's arse now. In fact over here it's a pretty similar thing. Shame really, We all love a good studio audience sitcom.


    EDIT: I think I've only seen two episodes of Two and a half Men and yes, it was fucking awful. In addition I hate seeing a show slowly losing it's way. Scrubs for example IMO had three really good seasons then it slowly started dying and it was sad to watch as it wasn't a bad show. Then it became an unbearable show.

  8. Its worth seeing and making your mind up yourself but Sofia Coppola and her stupid face ruin every scene shes in and it is nowhere near the other 2 films.


    Poor John Cazale :( Saying that he has probably the most perfect CV of any actor ever. You need to watch the Conversation as well, its a masterpiece


    With the first two still fresh in my mind, Cazale was one of the highlights of both films, in particular his performance in Part II.

  9. Only just watched the Godfather Part I & II over the last two evenings for the first time. Just one of those things I never got around to but have now. Both of them stunning pieces of work.


    Are you planning on watching the third?


    I've heard from many it's not as good as the other two but for the sake of doing it I will. I still hear it is actually a good film, just not to have exactly booming expectations.


    Then I have the Deer Hunter, Animal House and Dog Day Afternoon to get through on my week off. Going through a John Cazale addiction seemingly :p

  10. This week's FCW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6M_aGl-X6E&


    Featuring a fantastic 20min Iron Man match between Richie Steamboat and Antonio Cesaro with commentary by William Regal and Jim Ross. The way Cesaro has taken to this new shooter/catcher gimmick is astonishing. He's got it down perfectly.


    Also on the show, Ricky Knight's daughter continues to show that she's better than just about every WWE Diva put together and Husky Harris shows us his new gimmick, which seems to take it's idea from Waylon Mercy.


    I've never really given FCW much time other than the odd nosey here and there but fucking hell I might get onto watching that more regular. Great stuff.

  11. Rumours are going around that the Bella Twins are leaving soon


    WWE Divas Brie and Nikki Bella, real names Brianna and Nicole Garcia, seem to be on their way out of the company.


    The pair are being billed as former WWE stars for an autograph session at Frank and Sons in California on May 19th, according to the Wrestling Observer. The autograph session is being handled by American Icon Autographs.


    Speaking to Diva Dirt in a phone conversation, American Icon Autographs president Sean Jacoby claims that the twins

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