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Posts posted by WWFChilli

  1. It appears as if John Laurinaitis is no longer the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations in WWE, as his name has been removed from the company's corporate website's list of executive officers.


    Paul "Triple H" Levesque's name has been added to the corporate site, and it appears as if he will be taking over for Laurinaitis as his job title is now Executive Vice President, Talent and Live Events.


    With Laurinaitis being removed as WWE's Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, that makes Big Johnny only an on-air performer for WWE. For story line purposes, Laurinaitis' WWE.com profile is still billing him as the EVP of Talent Relations, and it's likely he will still refer to himself as such on TV.


    Big Johnny's lost his calling card to a cat bath from those mag models now.

  2. Courtesy of Jim Ross's blog re: Thursday's final FCW taping....


    "Lots of kids stood out. Rollins, Steamboat, Cesaro, Ohno, Bo Dallas, Bray Wyatt, Brad Maddox, Ascension, Big E Langston, Jason Jordan, Paige, and several others."


    "Loved the @thedeanambrose vs @realkingregal bout that had a shockingly, real, physical conclusion. That match was on hour three and will likely air in July but I'm not sure of any of the air dates. When FCW's TV show runs its course on the Brighthouse Network in Florida, FCW will be replaced by NXT. I'm unaware if the rebranded NXT will air on WWE.com ( doubtful) but will air outside the USA where NXT is currently airing.



    Nice to see the UK's Paige get a mention and to see that NXT in its new format might be airing on our TV.


    Always, this ridiculous obsession with love.

  3. I also watched a wonderfully cheesy 80's beach/sex comedy called Hardbodies. Less crude than the likes of Porky's and Private School, but would appeal to the same sort of fan.

    Chick rock band Vixen put in an appearance, and it's great if you want to see some genuine 80's excessive interior design, instead of a 21st century interpretation.


    I watched a film almost exactly the same, called 'Summer Job', but ELO cast-off band OrKestra made an appearance in the Vixen role. Awful film.

  4. I wished I had saw that unexpectedly. Would've been an awesome spot, especially in the context of a Benoit/Lyger match.


    Got me thinking about dives from the top to the floor. There can't have been too many of them in the US big leagues. Fatu inexplicably done it in a meaningless squash. Psicosis onto Rey Jr too at BATB96. Chris Daniels from a springboard in that spotfest with Modest on Nitro. Then there was Pierre Oullett with his cannonball once in TNA. And more recently, Jeff with the swanton onto Angle.


    There must be a few other examples, especially from all those x-division nutters over the years.


    I know it isn't quite the same but I absolutely loved it when Randy Savage did the Double Axhandle from the top rope to the outside.


    One of the best things about Savage that. His bump when he missed it was usually magic. That's what made Savage superb. He never kept still.

  5. According to several sources, Chris Sabin has been telling people close to him that he will be departing TNA Wrestling when his contract expires in August. Sabin's former Motorcity Machine Guns partner Alex Shelley recently departed TNA as well, and is likely headed to WWE.


    taken from Wrestlezone.com

    From Velvet Sky's Twitter:


    People, Chris Sabin is NOT, I repeat, NOT leaving TNA! I'm getting lots of those questions. Please stop believing everything you read.


    Guess we know who wears the pants.

  6. I am currently going through this tremendous box set



    Shame they never released it over here. It's basically a best-of, divided into 6 4-disc subsets with a bonus disc tacked on featuring a few other of the mysteries that didn't fit with the other sets. Strongly recommended if you're into that sort of this. Which, if you're reading this thread, there's a good chance you are.

    I used to love this in the '90s, I've got 4 DVD's that I managed to aquire a couple of years ago and I've just started watching the newer version that's on CBS. Same cool, creapy music, but whoever the presenter he's no Robert Stack, RIP :(


    I agree with you about how much better this thread is too. Thing is when you have someone like Duane people are gonna get frustrated and go so far the other way. It's nice that the discussion is a little more interesting on both sides.


    I own this lovely little babe. It's well worth the price I paid (which IIRC was somewhere around

  7. I hated, HATED, Austin in 2002. One skit in particular just annoyed the fuck out of me. It was just after Flair had turned heel on him and Austin attacked Arn Anderson backstage while Flair was cutting a promo. Austin then proceeded to 'piss' on Double A. It came off as a corny shite skit and made Austin look like a right cunt. It worked when he did horrible shit to Vince because it was give or take, but by 2002, Austin just came across like a right arsey sod on TV, not just backstage. I was glad when Eddie mullered him at that karaoke bar.

  8. Or you could watch the good British ones, minus that fucking awful Drew Carey, here:-




    Can't stand Drew Carey yet oddly Whose Line is the only thing I can tolerate him on. Shite in everything else. Love the British series but as said, only the good episodes. The early seasons featuring John Sessions boring the fuck out of everyone are not worth it. Series 5 onwards for the UK version is the way to go.

  9. Rendlesham Forest is a load of old toot. Some blokes chasing around a lighthouse beam and a star thirty years ago has grown, year-on-year, to encompass tons of extra details, because everyone involved was desperate to become part of a new Roswell. Every year, some colonel or other remembers an incredible new detail, while getting stuff like the actual date wrong. It's interesting in terms of the 'live' tapes being a look at the psychology of people caught up in the moment, but it's been thoroughly debunked many, many times.
    Agreed, it's still a fun story. Some cases of UFO's I have noticed always seemed to have happened in Mexico or Canada. Any idea why that's occurring?
  10. The GPW Thriller dance routine was comedy that worked in BritWres. Partly because it was in an undercard match with comedy characters. Using main guys to do it on the PCW is daft IMO. You need to keep the comedians and the wrestlers apart and retain a good balance.


    Thriller Dance (for the record this was filmed and out online by a fan)

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