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Posts posted by WWFChilli

  1. I sit on the seat and stand up to wipe my arse, right handed with the toilet paper, flush the chain, pull the seat lid down, viola.


    ...and tbh I can't really believe the day came when a topic arrived that would lead me to post such a statement. Madness, this stuff happens when you disband 'the lads'. Forum madness. I'm calling an election.

  2. On the topic of Hugo Sandwich, the news sites are reporting today that he was recently released.


    nooooooooooo! Not Hugo :( I enjoyed his banter with the other guy even though i didn't understand what they were saying, for some reason seeing them at a ppv always made me happy.


    I beleive Hugo actually retired... good on him... and he used to nail Wendi Richter, she bop!

  3. "Why ent me fuckin' dole gone in?"

    "Sorry Mr Billington, but we had a report that you were working last week. Your claim is under investigation."

    "A report off who?"

    "He didn't give a name, but he did laugh and say he always gets his man."



  4. Women's wrestling in the WWF in 1985 was awesome. Here's Judy Martin and Desiree Petersen beating seven shades at MSG... Who the fuck is Desiree Petersen, shes the shit. Check out Petersen's cracking bumps onto the announce table as well as bumping and selling like she's Ricky Morton all match. Makes you hate Moolah for fucking most of these ladies career's over but still... Really well worth the watch.



    Part 1

    Part 2


    EDIT: Just found another cracker from the same year from the Boston Garden, featuring more announce table bumping and crowd brawling in 1985. Petersen takes some fuck off nasty bumps considering this was the days before ring mats. Judy Martin is also a really great heel in both matches, you really get the feeling in her heelishness that she utterly fucking detests Petersen. Both matches tell great stories. Petersen plays a never say die babyface that Kelly Kelly could fucking dream about!


    Boston Garden Match


    It's 1984. It's Thatcher... one is black, one is a punk and together they revolutionised channel 4 comedy for about six weeks... and by revolutionized it sucked. I'd be hard pressed to find any fucker who remembers this... my favourite underater K-Mac on theme tune duty though.

  6. Would anyone else be interested in similar threads?


    I.e South Park, Family Guy, Eastenders, e.t.c


    Bottle Boys, Howard's Way, Mr. Bean, Watching, Brighton Belles, Dream Stuffing, Just a Gigolo... these shows are more in need I say


    a clip from GPW Friday Night Thriller 7/10/11 Voodoo vs. Bruce Sheila. Don't you just hate it when you're in the middle of a wrestling match and a Thriller dance breaks out? Pssh. :p

    Be ok if Osirian portal hadnt done it first.

    it would be ok if it could in anyway make money for anyone involved and adhere to the principles of pro wrestling, I hated that, nothing spells fake like a bunch of people shitting all over the hardwork of every past wrestler to ever lace up a set of boots.... and those 'Portal' douches can fuck off as well.


    What a massive cunt

  8. Lisa: "It sounds like your singing about a girl named Mindy... or a boy named Andy".Homer's Brain: "Tell a lie! Tell a lie".Homer: "It's because I have a small part in a broadway musical, not much but it's a start".Homer's Brain: (Sarcastically) Bravo! *slow clap*Sideshow Bob: "Very well. I shall send you to heaven. Before I send you to hell".Lionel Hutz: "Care to join me in a belt of scotch?".Marge: "It's 9:30 in the morning".Lionel Hutz: "Yeah but I haven't slept in days".

  9. It was early 2001 and I was 17. My grandad took very ill all of a sudden so we had to travel back up north (we were away for a long weekend) to be at his bedside. Family came from all over the country to the hospital but within 24 hours he passed away. Stricken by grief, me and my cousin (she was 21) walked out of the hospital and went to the nearest pub where we drank ourselves stupid.


    It's at this point where, overcome with emotion, the feeling of emptiness and the want of affection took over from us and we ended up sleeping together. The next morning I felt truely terrible and sick to the pit of my stomach. It was even worse at the funeral when I had to see her again, as well as her fella and my then missus. Thankfully I've only had to see her twice since then, once when she married said fella.


    So in short, the night that my grandfather passed away, two of his grandchildren fucked.


    So, so low.


    Christ. If that's a joke it's terrific for it's dark content. If it's true then great googally moogally what made you think posting that was a grand idea.

  10. Hogan, Vince and Linda on a talk show together from only a few years ago. Odd as fuck. I dont know why Hogan and Vince were on the same show together. You get a sense what it must be like around Vince and Hogan when they are on good terms. Both playfully kissing each others arses with fake smiles.



    Vin man is fucking saccherine smiling through that, brilliant!

  11. I never really been into Solie the announcer but Christ he was superb there with just a brilliant natural flow to the whole angle, it was sympathetic but almost in a "well it's wrestling, this crazy stuff happens" style. The woman also did a bang up job there too.


    Plus it made me remember Tom Pritchard, underated with a fuckish lush bit of mane on the lad.

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