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UK Kat Von D

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Posts posted by UK Kat Von D

  1. Does anyone think when Punk hangs up the boots he would look to try and be a colour commentator? Part of me thinks he would miss wrestling and still want to be involved somehow. He also seems the type who would get bored at home. However saying that he does also seem the type who wants the spotlight, and being a commentator might not be enough for him

  2. I don't know why that after over a decade, that people still want or think the Attitude Era is coming back. The whole reason that happened was because WCW was killing them, they had to do something to stay in business, and as said before, trash tv was the mainstream with stuff like Jerry Springer, South Park etc, all big shows back then.


    This is something I think TNA have done better than WWE with for the past few years, they are quite good at feeding off pop culture. All the backstage segments have that hidden camera reality vibe, which is popular these days. It makes it that much easier to buy into the characters if they know the camera is there, and I think it would make it easier for casual fans to get invested. The Aces and Eights were clearly inspired by the popular Sons of Anarchy. Bro Mans are doing a Jersey Shore thing. Bad Influence will make Miley Cyrus jokes. Manic is like a super hero, complete with a separate identity when he backstage without the mask. There are also longer more detailed storylines, much like popular other TV programs which have big long running stories. The problem is the mainstream audience who might appreciate stuff like this don't know they are there

  3. Things moved a lot faster during the attitude era, these days people do expect the big payoffs at Wrestlemania. Dusty putting his hand in Steph's face is hardly a big payoff though.


    I don't see a clear right and wrong between Dusty and Steph. WWE Have to expect veterans to go off script a little because they spent their entire career's working without one and most of them are a bit mental. However it's not Dusty's place to do anything that might fuck up his sons' biggest storyline in years. He probably didn't think much of it at the time, but should have grovelled afterwards to protect his sons' careers. Which is a funny example of life imitating art

  4. The Samuel Shaw was an interesting one. While it was going on I figured TNA were just being cheap putting him in an obviously empty fake house. Looking at his drawings I thought they were just a bit shit and weird. Then when he asked Christy out I figured all this bollocks was to set up a shit love story. But then he moved the pen and now I think he is obviously a psychopath who's gonna murder Christy Hemme along with a few with knockouts. When he moved the pen it went from boring and weird to potential really great

  5. To be honest I've never really been bothered about the word moveset and think it depends on context. Talking about Orton's moveset and Davey Richards' moveset are two different things. When people who bum the stupid Indy stuff use it my skin does crawl a bit, but when used for good wrestlers its just a word. Like if the story of a match is made with a moveset it's fine, but if the match is just a moveset then it's shit. Hearing Stone Cold and Sean Waltman use it in a conversation is perfectly acceptable to me

  6. Or that they were late in paying "Mr Litigation" himself, Hulk Hogan.


    Surely that just means they aren't getting much help from Panda? If they were late paying Hogan I'd assume they were waiting for some money to come in, rather than Dixie getting her pocket money late. It would be safe to assume Hogan was getting paid from a different revenue source rather than Panda. I'm not saying I beleive her, because she might be talking shit, especially since she might be trying to sell the company


    Trust me that does make sense, but I've had no sleep so I'm not sure if I have used real words that explain my train of thought

  7. Reigns would look good in Chainmail during his entrance. In fact a toned down version of HHH's Wrestlemania 27 outfit for entrances then trunks after the bell rings could be cool. If not just a bit of Chainmail would do.


    Ambrose would look smart in a leather motorcycle jacket. Either trunks are jeans would suit him.


    Rollins doesn't suit trunks at all, I think it makes him look lankier than he needs to. Would probably be best sticking to tights

  8. There was a bit of talk in the minor news thread about wrestlers with shit tattoos, and figured I'd carry it on over here.


    My main problem with wrestler's tattoos is when they don't fit the gimmick that wrestler is trying to play. Guys like Undertaker and Punk have tattoos that suit their gimmick and who they are trying to portray on TV. It suited Taker a lot more during his biker phase obviously but it goes well with his other stuff too. Randy Orton has some really lame stuff, but that's what I would expect from him, so again it fits in with his character. Even Mr Anderson's god awful shit on his back suits his character. He comes across as a dickhead trying to be hard, and that's exactly what I would expect a dickhead trying to be hard would get tattooed.


    The wrestler tattoos I hate most are Santino's. Imagine his character in a tattoo studio trying to get something done, for me it just detracts from his act.


    Roman Reigns has a lovely sleeve, its just fucking awesome. It's also what you would expect a badass like him to have. Top notch

  9. Well you said quite a few, so would make sense for me to have seen at least something. Plus a grown man berating someone else's child tends to stick out quite a bit. Unless you just mean pissed blokes wandering around shouting "Cena sucks" in the vicinity of kids, rather than actually tearing into the children for wearing his merch.

  10. I let the guy dressed as goldust in front of me by the rail at the end and he caught Cody's attention who dragged Goldust over for pictures. Goldust actually seemed really flattered, probably because he knows how much balls it takes to leave the house like that

  11. Some fans are utter bellends, though. I witnessed quite a few idiots berating kids for wearing Cena gear.


    Just seen this, wow. What dicks. These kind of people should just stop watching wrestling. It isn't for you.


    Didn't see any of that, really doubt it's true to be honest. Unless we define berating differently.


    I had a great time. Starting drinking on the train up and alcohol always makes wrestling better. Had our seats upgraded to right by the entrance for some reason, that was pretty cool. Enjoyed the main event and Cesaro and Cena

  12. Just watched the first ten minutes. TNA don't seem to understand why they do things, they just do it. Pacman was advertised as returning, then shown backstage with Dixie and then shown sitting at ringside. It's like they watched WWE celebrity tie ins and it was just thrown it together with no understanding. Why would they advertise someone will be sitting in the crowd? Either a celebrity has shown up to do something (in which case you advertise them) or they show up as a fan and something spontaneous happens. Then when he showed up he played a face, (despite longtime fans hating him) and beat up two heels (who the fans like.) It could have been a decent little angle if Daniels and Kaz had just clocked him in the crowd, then as the loyal TNA wrestlers told him he wasn't welcome there. Maybe thrown a drink in his face before security pulled them apart. Emphasise that wrestlers are unhappy with past TNA mistakes.


    Just none of it made sense

  13. I haven't like Hero since I saw him on one of those border patrol TV programs. He was being denied entrance to Australia to work a show because he hadn't got a license. He just came across as a smug dick who thought he was a lot more intelligent than he actually was. He always seemed to think he was above going to the gym too. You need something about you to get away with having a shit physique, and like Anderson he just doesn't have it. Not everyone has to have big muscles, but not everyone can get away with not having them too

  14. All they need is good simple stories, then let the few really good wrestlers they have turn it into gold. Let AJ just wrestle. Let Joe kill people. Let Aries be Aries. Let Roode be a cunt and after a while give him some ducks to look at so we all love him again. Send Angle to put on great matches. Bad Influence will be fun. Gunner can stomp around looking like the most intense man in the world. Sign a few new people for those guys to work with. It's really simple.


    The problem is a lot of that's been diminished. AJ's just been wrestling in TNA for ten fucking years. Joe used to kill people but they can't recapture the lightning, its diminishing returns. They probably shouldn't be relying heavily on Angle going out there and putting good matches on either. AJ and Joe are pretty much depleted. They're never going to be bigger than they are now, and they're never going to use much either. That's a way to create a decent but dull product.


    They have to make the most of what they have before bringing new people in. They can't just sack every wrestler and have nothing but vignettes for a few weeks. TNA fans still want to cheer AJ and Joe, they just don't any reason to. Plus if TNA want to sign anyone worth a fuck they would have to prove that they can look after their wrestlers with decent pushes first. It's not just fans that have no faith in TNA, it's the free agents as well

  15. In all seriousness the two hours a week they put out is fine, I was just being a dick for he sake of it (that's my gimmick right?) Two hours a week is a fraction of what WWE are putting out, the two hours just needs to be good. As much as everyone is quick to shit on TNA people are just as quick to give it another chance. All they need is good simple stories, then let the few really good wrestlers they have turn it into gold. Let AJ just wrestle. Let Joe kill people. Let Aries be Aries. Let Roode be a cunt and after a while give him some ducks to look at so we all love him again. Send Angle to put on great matches. Bad Influence will be fun. Gunner can stomp around looking like the most intense man in the world. Sign a few new people for those guys to work with. It's really simple.


    As soon as TNA stop trying so hard to find something different and just let the guys get on with it they will have a much better show. They throw too much shit at the wall, when all they need to do is present what they have and filter out the crap. I have honestly lost count of the amount of times I have read "the wrestlers worked hard to put on a good show but it was ruined by the booking."

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