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UK Kat Von D

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Posts posted by UK Kat Von D

  1. Brock is a heel, with a manager and we all know he is only in it for the money.


    No doubt it's his biggest reason, he's a businessman after all. But saying it's the only reason is harsh. Look at his work in Japan, he absolutely phoned it in. He makes an effort with WWE, and often a great one at that.


    I'm assumig he means it from a Kayfabe point of view?


    Yeah I was talking from a character and storyline perspective

  2. That wasn't the part I was disputing. They will always be the Dudleys to me too, it was the way Ian buried them to make the point I had issue with

    I never buried them. Its fact. They would never have been pushed to the level they were without their previous experience in WWF and ECW. Especially when Bubba Ray Dudley was morbidly obese for the first 5 years of his TNA run.


    You summed up their TNA run with "You dont think of the electric cage match and the time Bubba Ray got his lip caught in a fishing rod off Curry Man." I just think thats a bit unfair. Yes they did get the job because of their previous employers and they will still always be the Dudleys, but their entire time in TNA wasn't spent chasing twinkies on fishing lines. Regardless of how they got there, they earned the right to stay around for so long

  3. That's a bit harsh on them, they have had a good run in TNA have deserved their spot. Other ex-WWE guys have come and gone, but those two always stuck around having good to great matches. They are also one of the few acts who haven't been destroyed by TNA by stupid booking

    I agree with Ian. Bubba particularly has had a good time in TNA, established a good character and has enough talent not to be particularly stale. But I'll never think of them as Team 3D, only ever The Dudleys and their stuff in ECW and WWE is prominent in my mind. Apart maybe from the Hogan/Brooke angle, they've done nothing in TNA on that level.

    That wasn't the part I was disputing. They will always be the Dudleys to me too, it was the way Ian buried them to make the point I had issue with

  4. I'd much rather only take bookings through email and deposits through paypal. Makes it a lot easier for me and no one has had a problem with it so far.


    Saying that I'm switching to an online booking system soon. People can email me their ideas, I okay it and tell them how long it will take. Then I give them the website they can use to book it all in for themselves

  5. Your business cards have no address or phone number.


    I don't have time to talk on the phone so would rather reply to emails at my leisure. 95% of clients will just google where the studio is, and those who can't do that just ask in the email. So don't worry, I intentionally only put on the information it needs

  6. It gets annoying when people only read what they want to have digs. I concluded it by saying it would be a million times worse for Punk. A million is fucking loads. He probably has a million times more money than me too. I can imagine how nice it would be to have that much money, because I already have some myself. I think it's a fair comment

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