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UK Kat Von D

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Posts posted by UK Kat Von D

  1. Most of tumblr is pretty shit, but there's some cool little wrestling ones dotted about. idontlikewrestling.tumblr.com is a nice mix of women in next to nothing, cool pictures and gif sets dedicated to matches/angles. There was one that posted a really diverse selection of matches which was great fun to waste a few hours on, forgotten what it's called though. There's a post on there giving shout outs to a few other wrestling themed tumblrs, if you have nothing else to do its a decent little time waster


    The one I couldn't remember was shitloadsofwrestling.tumblr.com Worth checking out if you are bored

  2. They could have done some inter promotional events with other companies and had all the matches as TNA guys versus their equivalent from another promotion. At least that would explain why these events have nothing to do with current storylines. They could have been filmed all over the world giving each event a different look and better crowd. To pad it out they could have even done stuff like TNA vs ECW/WCW/WWF attitude era guys (without using the names.)

  3. Most of tumblr is pretty shit, but there's some cool little wrestling ones dotted about. idontlikewrestling.tumblr.com is a nice mix of women in next to nothing, cool pictures and gif sets dedicated to matches/angles. There was one that posted a really diverse selection of matches which was great fun to waste a few hours on, forgotten what it's called though. There's a post on there giving shout outs to a few other wrestling themed tumblrs, if you have nothing else to do its a decent little time waster

  4. Was just thinking that since WWE don't have a lot to pick from now in terms of top names for the Hall of Fame, then maybe they could start padding it out by putting particular one off matches in. They would be able to induct another two big names a year, who potentially could already be in. They already have celebrities and a stable (including Flair with two rings) so I doubt it would cheapen the concept and it would give them a lot more mileage out of the HOF.


    If they did I assume the first match would be Hogan vs Andre. Would be great to see Hogan giving a half hour speech about that match

  5. Why would wrestlers do loser leaves town matches then 50/50 chance of getting the bullet. Point of the match is surely that the reward of a title shot is so great they are willing to get the bullet.


    Yeah, but "Loser Leaves Town" matches are usually feud-enders between two feuding wrestlers who hate each other. "Feast Or Fired" makes very little sense with no story to build it up. UK Kat Von D summed it up in that the only people who could possibly want to take part would be jobbers with no chance of winning, or Sting.


    Mate you can just call me Kat

  6. If the feast or fired matches were all jobbers who would never get a title shot then you could suspend your belief that they are going all in for the chance. Or maybe even Sting who can never have a title match. Going into a match like that you would need to have nothing left to lose to be willing to risk it. However that doesn't apply to most the roster and probably most of the participants.

  7. I don't think we should assume that the WWE audience is as stupid as you're suggesting. There are plenty of instances of the WWE crowds going off-message and chanting things from outside the WWE universe - the whole Matt Hardy thing for example, or people's indy names.


    I'm sorry, the people who don't know who AJ Styles is or don't watch TNA are stupid? Why? Does that include the people who thought Nash, Angle and RVD had retired were stupid?


    In all fairness most of the people who thought Nash, Angle and RVD had retired probably also think Undertaker and Kane are really brothers. They probably also don't know who AJ is.


    Something not being taken into consideration is that WWE have lost a lot of viewers and gained a lot of new ones from 2004-2010. That audience who watched WWE but no longer watch do, would probably have been aware of TNA and thus AJ Styles. That number combined with people who still know what TNA is, would boost the number of people who would recognise AJ Styles over AJ. AJ Styles might be the big fish in a little pond, but he has also been around for a long period of new fans coming and going

  8. To be fair my original comment about keeping him AJ Styles was a joke because "smart fans" would chant it at him like they do with Tensia and Ryback. I also mentioned there would be squabbling on here over the new name, like how people still get pissed off if when Daniel Bryan is called Bryan Danielson. I don't actually give a fuck if they change his name.


    Regarding the AJ/AJ Styles thing the only way to conclusively prove who is more recognisable would be for us to make a picture of their faces and all post it on our facebooks asking the general public if they recognise person A or B. Then everyone report the results here and make a pie chart. That ofcourse would be really lame and not worth the hassle. I see AJ's side and it could be right, but personally I don't buy it. I agree with Ian though that it doesn't matter

  9. Yeah, but that crowd is only 2 days a year so they're pretty much nothing in the big scheme of things. AJ Lee wins for the other 363. Remember if you are in TNA you don't really exist in the public consciousness. Hence the stories of people saying to Kurt Angle about him being retired now.


    Most of the crowd are WWE fans, not wrestling fans.

    No that's a fair point, I was merely disputing that AJ is much more famous than AJ Styles in general. Sort of similar to the discussion about who would you book for an Indy show between Kelly Kelly and Jushin Liger that was on here a while ago. In the WWE universe AJ is clearly above AJ Styles, but on the whole I doubt she doesn't have more name value. AJ only made her debut in 2010, while Styles has been the face of TNA for years before that

  10. They might as well just call him AJ Styles. Everyone is going to chant it at him anyway and there will only be arguements on here when people refuse to use his new name. I doubt TNA own the name

    WWE already has a much more famous AJ. They can call him Garrison Styles or Gregory Styles.

    Don't know if I would say she is much more famous. Definetly a lot more relevant at the moment and more well known with younger WWE fans, but on the whole I'd say more people know who Styles is. If anyone even vaguely knows what TNA is the they know who AJ Styles is. I'd say 80% of anyone who has been a wrestling fan in the past 8 years will know who he is

  11. I think WWE are more interested in growing their own talent from scratch now, but are still happy to give a chance to an Indy guy if they think there's something they can do with them. They got burned hiring Amazing Kong and Sin Cara, so its fair to think they might just be a bit more cautious who they sign. It says a lot that Styles was offered a contract and Richards was offered a trial

  12. Does anyone think when Punk hangs up the boots he would look to try and be a colour commentator? Part of me thinks he would miss wrestling and still want to be involved somehow. He also seems the type who would get bored at home. However saying that he does also seem the type who wants the spotlight, and being a commentator might not be enough for him

  13. I don't know why that after over a decade, that people still want or think the Attitude Era is coming back. The whole reason that happened was because WCW was killing them, they had to do something to stay in business, and as said before, trash tv was the mainstream with stuff like Jerry Springer, South Park etc, all big shows back then.


    This is something I think TNA have done better than WWE with for the past few years, they are quite good at feeding off pop culture. All the backstage segments have that hidden camera reality vibe, which is popular these days. It makes it that much easier to buy into the characters if they know the camera is there, and I think it would make it easier for casual fans to get invested. The Aces and Eights were clearly inspired by the popular Sons of Anarchy. Bro Mans are doing a Jersey Shore thing. Bad Influence will make Miley Cyrus jokes. Manic is like a super hero, complete with a separate identity when he backstage without the mask. There are also longer more detailed storylines, much like popular other TV programs which have big long running stories. The problem is the mainstream audience who might appreciate stuff like this don't know they are there

  14. Things moved a lot faster during the attitude era, these days people do expect the big payoffs at Wrestlemania. Dusty putting his hand in Steph's face is hardly a big payoff though.


    I don't see a clear right and wrong between Dusty and Steph. WWE Have to expect veterans to go off script a little because they spent their entire career's working without one and most of them are a bit mental. However it's not Dusty's place to do anything that might fuck up his sons' biggest storyline in years. He probably didn't think much of it at the time, but should have grovelled afterwards to protect his sons' careers. Which is a funny example of life imitating art

  15. The Samuel Shaw was an interesting one. While it was going on I figured TNA were just being cheap putting him in an obviously empty fake house. Looking at his drawings I thought they were just a bit shit and weird. Then when he asked Christy out I figured all this bollocks was to set up a shit love story. But then he moved the pen and now I think he is obviously a psychopath who's gonna murder Christy Hemme along with a few with knockouts. When he moved the pen it went from boring and weird to potential really great

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