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UK Kat Von D

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Posts posted by UK Kat Von D

  1. As bad as the town you lived in that was so piss poor you were considered a celebrity?


    Fuck off it clearly stated it was a small town were everyone knew each other. Just so happened a lot of people there had a reason to stop me and try to talk to me every five minutes

  2. I sympathise to an extent. I tattooed in a small town for a few years and it's the type of place where everyone knows everyone else anyway. What should be a five minute walk through the town centre would take half an hour due to people stopping me to show me their tattoo, talk about ideas etc. I've been stopped eating many times and a night out there was a lot more hassle than it should have been. Yeah I was making money off them, but I just like my personal space. I imagine it would be a million times worse in Chicargo for Punk. The simple answer is just for him to move away from where he grew up as and all his friends.


    I'd like to say if I saw him I'd be respectful and just do a mongy wave and run away giggling, but I'd probably wander over and end up hassling him

  3. Natalie is a really nice girl, spoken to her about tattooing her when I eventually start doing guest spots in the states. Punk would probably benefit a lot from moving out to a quiet suburb, rather than a really busy city where he is worshiped as a hero. Bit of a shitter if he prefers the city but he can't have it both ways

  4. Only people who can't spell think spelling doesn't matter. To the rest of us, it's a sign of low intelligence, or especially in the era of spellcheck, of laziness.

    Maybe they can't spell because they don't think it matters. I don't really put any effort into spelling these days because my phone just fixes half of it for me. As long as people aren't typing like their Dad is trying to get his head round how to shorten stuff on his 3210 it doesn't matter

  5. Nevermind whether it's a rip-off or not, it's a fucking awful logo. First time I've seen it - looks like it's been thrown together in MS Paint.

    I though the exact same thing. It looks so amature



    So are spelling errors


    Good thing my posts are mainly throw away comments on a forum hardly any one reads and my posts aren't logos for large events. I'm sure if I was actually doing something important to be seen by millions of people I would try to be more professional.


    I find it so funny when people correct spelling when it doesn't matter. If I was to spell a tattoo wrong then fair enough, but does it really matter here? It's just a sad attempt to look intelligent when really it just means you have fuck all to add to any kind of discussion.

  6. I don't see the appeal of Foley's daughter at all. Looks too much like Mick. Imagine her with a big fuck off beard.

    It's like when a mate looks like their really fit sister and you have to shag her just for the novelty value. Usually you wouldn't look at her twice, but the comedy value makes it well worth while

  7. I wasn't going to bother giving the full story of what he said to my ex, but since everyone seems to enjoy stories of Foley being a creepy weirdo I might as well. As I was making him sign my sock he looked at her and asked if her cheek peircings had hurt. She's covered in tattoos and has huge stretched ears so that type of question was pretty normal. She gave him her usual reply of "the only thing that really bothered me was my tongue." She'd had it split a while before hand so her tongue was like a snake tongue (if you haven't seen tongue splitting I'd advise not to google it because it's pretty gross.)

    His reply was "ouch that must have hurt. I'll be thinking about that tonight." At the time I just thought it was cool my girlfriend had made Foley wince in pain, and didn't really pay attention to the latter. Looking back knowing he really is a creepy old man makes it a bit sour, rather than thinking it was a casual throw away joke

  8. Foley tried to flirt with my ex when we met him at one of his meet and greets. At the time I just thought it was a bit funny, but looking back it does make him a bit of a bellend

  9. I'd actually be more inclined to watch SmackDown every week if they made it a show like has been suggested above for Main Event, again with the foreign tv deals it can't happen but even if they took say 15/20 minutes of wrestling off SD every week and put some skits in it'd make a massive difference


    Who'd have 15 years after everyone slagged off WCW and the WWF for having too much backstage stuff we'd be wanting more of it now and less wrestling?


    I suppose it could actually work with Smackdown because it's prerecorded. They could film it as they do now but produce two versions. Have an English version which is half matches and half character based stuff (and less Raw recaps,) then a foreign version which is more match based. The matches that don't make the English version could then also be used at "network exclusives" so they squeeze as much out of this as possible. Smackdown has always suffered from being pre recorded because spoilers will ruin the impact of putting anything good on the show, but that's not really a factor with vignettes, skits and interviews

  10. WWE are so good at character building skits, it's a shame they are hardly used on Raw. All the best stuff seems to be made for WWE.com and such. The Sheild did an awesome in character sit down interview before Wrestlemania which just are all three guys so much more likeable. There is that awesome video of Cesaro's training regime. Cody Rhodes in wrestler's court. I understand they want more focus on the in-ring product to help market them in non-English speaking areas, it's just a shame this is at a detriment to the wrestler's in ring characters.


    Seeing as WWE is now apparently in the reality era, I'd like them to use the a secondary show like Main Event as pure character and plot building. Kind of like a weekly Total Divas, but showing all the roster. Build little stories, have interviews, vignettes and no matches. On Raw they could show highlights during entrances and even split screens at the start matches giving a quick run down on what the beef is/who this is. They could do it in a way that doesn't leave anyone out who can't be bothered to watch the the other show (like how they explain bits and bobs from Total Divas.)


    They could still run some of the main stories on Raw, but just give an extra little hour show to build everyone else up. The beauty of this would be everything would be pre recorded and out of sight of the fans before it airs. Meaning they can throw all sorts of shit at the wall, and if something doesn't work then it just doesn't make the show. The only problem I see is that with Raw being three hours now it might be too much for people to squeeze in another hour of wrestling a week, but I guess WWE have never been scared to produce too much content

  11. Kinda chilling if you watch his RAW promo back too, some of the things he says about "breathing final breath" etc


    I haven't had a chance to watch Raw yet, going to be really weird seeing this knowing it was so soon before his death.


    Glad he got one last chance in the spotlight and my heart goes out to his family

  12. Yeah, but you're begging the question with that point, because the argument is that it is to his detriment that "looking like he could kick someone's ass" isn't one of his key characteristics.


    "Could he kick someone's ass" is pretty one dimensional. We should also think "do I want to see him get his ass kicked" and/or "do I want to see him kick someone's ass." Punk has both if those qualities in abundance and can switch from one to the other very easily. The perfect wrestler would be able to master all three, but a good wrestler will do well off one or two

  13. top.jpg



    You literally wouldn't pick him out of a crowd.


    That's just a really stupid thing to say. He is wearing a baggy top exactly the same as most the other people in the picture. If you put most the roster in that position the only people who would stand out are guys like Khali and Ryback. Some of the things that set Punk apart from the roster are the way he dresses, his tattoos and they he talks. So yes if you strip away all those things he won't stand out.

  14. It annoyed me when Bully Ray went to the TNA headquarters. It looks so shit in comparison to WWE's, it just really underscored the difference between the two promotions. Obviously the TNA headquarters isn't going to have shit on the WWE headquarters, so common sense would be not to put that on the fucking telly. Accentuate the positives while hiding the negatives and all that bollocks

  15. Undertaker is a lot more fragile than he used to and Brock is one of the most brutal guys he could go up against. I'd say the chances of Taker picking up a legit injury are higher than they would be for all his recent Wrestlemania matches.


    Saying that Taker knows what he is doing, if something was to go wrong he would know exactly what to do on the spot and lead Brock through it. He would have to be near death to deviate from the script though

  16. I swear those that still hate Menry have convinced themselves to not watch or stubbornly not enjoy anything he's done since 2011.


    He has always been fast forward material for me. When he started getting good I just couldn't be bothered to get out of the habit of skipping anything he does. I don't watch Smackdown and I think most of it was happening there wasn't it? Plus the way Butch goes on about him is really off putting

    You've pretty much proved my point right there.


    He was mostly on Smackdown, but the superb match against CM Punk was on Raw. Bet you liked that one.


    I wasn't particularly arguing anything you said, but it's not exactly how you put it. It's not being stubborn to just think "meh, I don't care." I'm not going to force myself to watch Smackdown because a wrestler I don't like has gotten better according to other people. I did watch The Raw match with Punk, and it was good, but not good enough to make me go through his back catalogue in case I might like it all. Wouldn't really say I have any problem with the guy, I just don't care

  17. These pictures of empty TNA arenas are starting to piss me off. It seems there are sad acts actually making the effort to go to shows early, just to take the worst picture possible and get it up on the internet as fast as they can. Why? Everyone with half a brain knows it's not going to look like that on TV. We all know what their attendance figures are like without seeing pictures of the arena before anyone has shown up

  18. I swear those that still hate Menry have convinced themselves to not watch or stubbornly not enjoy anything he's done since 2011.


    He has always been fast forward material for me. When he started getting good I just couldn't be bothered to get out of the habit of skipping anything he does. I don't watch Smackdown and I think most of it was happening there wasn't it? Plus the way Butch goes on about him is really off putting

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