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UK Kat Von D

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Posts posted by UK Kat Von D

  1. You have both missed my point entirely, obviously you aren't paying attention. I never once said they should give him the title, I even said myself that a Christian level status would be perfect. But if they treat Mr TNA like an average Indy bloke then that would deter any other top TNA talent even more than they already might be. Styles should not spend a long spell in development, or have to crawl in on his hands and knees.

  2. The stigma is that wrestlers are mistreated if they come from TNA. Not a case of wrestlers just being mistreated, but mistreated for one reason in particular. If AJ fucking Styles was mistreated then that would solidify that stigma as fact. As it stands we have The knowledge that Chris Harris was actually just a bit shit and James Storm made him seem a big deal. Right now it's debatable, fucking AJ around would take out all doubt.

  3. You seem weirdly dismissive of a guy who most wrestlers talk highly of. If someone like Roode saw that, he would be would only go to WWE as a last resort. WWE would be shooting themselves in the foot for future potential signings. AJ is good enough to debut on smack down next week. The best thing to do would be run a series of video packages and actually judge where the crowd want him to slot in. If he gets a Wyatt style buzz then give him a decent push from the off and if he gets a Los Matadors reaction just stick him in a role that suits him

  4. WWE would do well signing Styles. He seems quite respected among wrestlers. For years whenever wrestlers get asked in interviews about if they would join TNA, the standard reply usually involves AJ. I assume a lot of the WWE roster would like the chance to have a match with him. He would fit into Christian's spot nicely


    Not to mention WWE have a stigma of not pushing TNA guys, giving Mr TNA a decent push would entice any future guys they may want.

  5. That would literally never work as an excuse anywhere else in life, only with wrestlers who fans are keen to rationalise for.


    'Sorry love, but you know me... I'm known for my raping...'


    Monday was the least of his sins, but its still a bit shitty. Riffing on a crowd member, insulting them, because it furthers a pretend storyline is a bit naff. Whether or not the fan enjoyed it is just conjecture, and more rationalising.


    If you can't convey the emotions of the story from within the confines of the story then you clearly aren't as good as you think you are.


    Using rape to make your point is pretty shit. Not cool. If you cant convey the point of your argument from within the confines of the subject then you clearly aren't as good a poster as you think you are.


    The only people I can imagine not liking that segment are fat guys or people who just don't like 90% of the things that Punk does.

  6. GayTats - it's not Cena not being able to convey anger, Cenas reaction would be staying true to his character and what John Cena is supposed to be. Rise above hate and all that. To be fair, Punk doing what he did is pretty true to what he is. Both reactions don't appeal to everyone. Your criticism of Cena here is invalid, it's not that he doesn't know how to or fails to comprehend that reaction is desired. Quite the opposite. It was true to Punk being Punk, which is good in a way but that Punk being Punk is definitely a right whiny little cunt.


    I agree with you on all that. I understand Cena's reaction fit in with his character, but I didn't see any anger in him. I didn't feel like that character really gave a toss about what had happened. That may just be who he is but I can't connect with him on any level. The only time I can remember that I have really thought Cena was pissed off was when Orton slapped his Dad about. Punk's performance reminded me of when I have been extremely wound up about something, so I bought into it all.


    Its clear a lot of fans either like Punk or Cena. If one character really appeals to you the other wont because they are as different as can be. That really just goes to show how special Bryan is, the guy appeals to everyone. There doesn't seem to be a section of fans that hate something about him. The guy literally has it all


    Also loving the name GayTats, rolls off the tongue a lot more than tats are gay

  7. It was right in the moment. Its not something he should be doing every week whenever a fan says something he doesn't like. There and then, it worked. Like Arch said the fan probably enjoyed being center of attention, I also agree with his spot on analogy of comedian putting down a heckler. The guy probably has a gif of it on his sig on some random forum with a caption saying "I WAS IN AN ANGLE BETWEEN CM PUNK AND PAUL HEYMAN and they called me fat"


    Either way Punk showed more anger in that segment than Cena has ever been able to get across. It was so much better than just looking at the fat guy and saying "I love you man and I respect your right to be an idiot" like Cena would. Even when he is fired up Cena still talks like his Nan watches Raw every week.

  8. When he's babyface he must have to suppress so much of his natural personality, every now and then his real life attitude reveals itself.


    No he was playing someone who was furious and was looking for a fight, he was happy to just batter the first person he came across and it ended up being Axel. He wouldn't have done that if he had won the night before. He did it because his character was pissed off.


    Everyone was waiting to hear what Punk had to say so the arena was pretty quiet, and he knew that guy would ruin how the segment came across on TV. He turned it into part of the angle and used it to expand on the point he was there to make.

  9. Finally finished watching earlier and the end segment was great. Triple H is such a prick and I really want Bryan to make him tap as the last hurdle before taking the title from Orton. Should comfortably fill the main event scene until Cena is back. I can also see Punk siding with Bryan once he runs out of things to do with Heyman. From a storyline point of view it would be logical looking at his history with all men involved.


    Speaking of Punk I really liked when he ripped into the fat guy. He just seemed in one of those moods where you are so angry you are willing to batter the first person to look at you slightly funny. I'll take that over Cena's passive aggressive nice guy act any day

  10. Cena grated on me so much during his promo and I felt emabarrassed watching him try to lead the you can't wrestle chant. Why didn't he abandon it instead of pretending we just couldn't hear it? I wasn't fond of the opening segment at all until the headbutt. I'm a lot more interested in the match than the story at this point.


    Punk and Brock were great. Not keen on Punk's sideburns and the bags under his eyes are getting worse. He needs to sort them out. Other than that the segment was perfect. The duplex on the outside just really emphasised that Brock is willing to throw Punk about and that his is willing to be thrown.


    For some reason it also annoys me that Bray seems quite fresh faced underneath the gimmick. I want him to be all haggard

  11. If you turn it off after the main event then impact is a really good show this week. Manik and Sabin had an awesome match, really different from a lot of stuff you see on TV. Not to mention Aries and AJ did really well. I'd have preferred a proper non finish to it though. Wrestling fans are conditioned to think a non finish means a rematch later on, so I don't think it would have been shit on too badly, especially if they just stuck some post match brawling


    On the plus side is Anderson or Briscoe get pinned in the five on five match then they are gone. That's exciting

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