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Posts posted by CAREBEAR LUVVA

  1. Really fancied a go of the old 360 game "Prototype" this evening. I checked the backwards compatibility list and was disappointed to see it wasn't on there, yet it's possible to download both Prototype games from the Xbox store for £20 each. So it exists and is available for purchase on the Series X, but I can't put the disc in and play it. Bugger paying £20 to download something that I already own a copy of. I don't think I've come across this situation before. Infuriating stuff.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    By my count you're about another four decent blocks away from the best Celebrity Big Brother line up in history. 

    One more for the roster...



  3. I don't think anyone's willing the show to fail, but a lot of people have been around long enough to have seen big ideas like these fall on their arse countless times over the years. It's more a general sense of apathy than anything else.

  4. 2 hours ago, Ro_y Disco said:

    Their two Instagram posts have comments from Nia Jax and Mojo Rawley. Flies to shit.

    The video in the WES announcement Tweet does mention they've got the "baddest" wrestlers, so either of these two being involved probably shouldn't be too much of a surprise.

  5. I'd love to see that video again of Fludder turning up outside the lad's house. Banging on the door while Chris Masters swaggers around vaping and shouting "Maaaatheeeewwwwwww" like a 10 year old scally outside the sweet shop. Absolute pair of bellends.

  6. The second Saints Row is really the only one you need. The first was one was an absolute mess and the third and fourth were far too goofy for their own good (especially 4, fucking hell), but SR2 got pretty much everything right. Now that I'm thinking about it, I might install it this afternoon and spend a few hours throwing innocent pedestrians into the sea. Great fun, that was.

  7. Oh indeed. Apologies to the people whose "secret ahead" messages I rated as "poor" after rolling into disappointing solid walls that might possibly have turned out to just need a good old bashing!

    Seemed to hit a wall last night, trying to get past the Fire Giant who seems to be soaking up a ridiculous amount of damage. Gave up on him for now, and I'm farting around the Haligtree at the moment. On the way there, Captain Niall was giving me a load of grief until I managed to summon a human player who was able to take him down with three shots of their Comet Azur spell. No idea how people have managed to make that thing so powerful. I "rebirthed" myself and poured all the relevant points into magic and that, but my staffs (which I'd upgraded) and spells were still nowhere near as strong as other people's seem to be. I quickly went back to my previous build instead.

  8. I got a freebie of Dawn of the Monsters on the Switch. You get four monsters to choose from, but only one of them is anywhere near close to being fun to use. It's slow as fuck too, like the videogame version of being severely constipated. Not a fan. I'd be furious if I'd spent 30 quid on it.

  9. If anyone's starting a new game of Dark Souls 1 after previously having trouble with it, Google how to get the Drake Sword early and it'll make things loads easier.

    Made some decent progress with Elden Ring over the last couple of days after getting a +8 rapier as a quest reward from an NPC which has been serving me very well indeed. It's got me through pretty much all of Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula, as well as Stormveil Castle and the first couple of main bosses. Really enjoying it very much, but I'm still not 100% sold on the lack of direction. I've been as thorough as possible with exploring everywhere but I'm not mega keen on moving on to the next area without any way of knowing if I might have missed anything.

  10. The first "proper" boss is doing my head in. The lad at the castle who you fight on a little bridge thing with no sides so it's dead easy to get knocked off (or roll off by accident). I've been levelling up for about 6 hours so I feel like I should he strong enough to beat him by now, but I'm barely doing any damage at all. Also, probably not many people will be affected by this, but he shares his name with the Cheeky Girls' mum / manager (Margit) which I'm finding terribly distracting. 

    I'm having a nightmare with the controls after playing Horizon Forbidden West for most of the last week, too. In Horizon, you press square to crouch, and I'm now so used to it that I keep pressing square to crouch in Elden Ring. But square in Elden Ring uses whatever's in your currently selected inventory slot, which means I just keep wasting flasks. For fuck's sake.

  11. Elden Ring arrived early so I've been able to have a couple of hours on it this evening. A couple of hours might as well be about five seconds in terms of how long the game is, but as far as first impressions go, it's very much Dark Souls crossed with Skyrim (possibly slightly more Oblivion than Skyrim) with a bit of Breath of the Wild thrown in. I'm currently at an enemy camp where I'm trying to sneak around and quietly backstab everyone, but it's difficult to know where the enemies are when you haven't got X-ray vision like what loads of other games give you these days so I keep accidentally being spotted and chased by a load of guards. The early enemies aren't that tough at all, but bugger me, there's no chance if you get surrounded by five or six of them. Good fun though, very keen to get back to it!

  12. Last night I watched "Covid-19: Invasion" which is a low-budget bit of nonsense "starring" (or more appropriately "featuring", seeing as he's only in it for about two minutes) Kevin Nash. Set in 2035 where a super-deadly variant has decimated the population to the point where there aren't many survivors left, Kev and his followers decide to wipe out a bunch of homeless people who have shacked up in a nearby abandoned school, because apparently they're to blame for spreading the virus. At the same time, an ex-military chap (because there always has to be one of those) has gone into the school to get his estranged sister out before she ends up being killed by the gang. Competently directed and edited, but also features lots of painfully slow fight scenes and awful dialogue (apparently they had no script at the time filming started, and it absolutely shows), a cast who are generally able to say their lines but are all completely unable to convey any sort of emotion whatsoever, and an almost complete lack of logic behind anybody's actions. Pretty much total nonsense from beginning to end. I had a really good sleep after it though, so at least that's something.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

    I've been handed-down a 2DS from the sister-in-law. Anyone got recommendations for smaller, lesser-known platformers and the like? It's come with the usual Mario and Zelda heavy hitters pre-installed which is great but I'd still like to play around with some other Nintendo exclusives (or anything that isn't already available on the VITA).

    Henry Hatsworth might be worth a look. It's a platformer on the top screen, then enemies you defeat send power-ups (and sometimes their own ghosts) to a "match three" puzzle game on the bottom screen. Way easier to get the hang of (and much less inconvenient) than it sounds!



  14. Similarly, someone doing a top rope dive onto a prone opponent who moves out of the way, then the lad doing the dive lands miles away from where their opponent originally was so they would've missed regardless of whether the other lad had moved or not.

  15. The combat's decent enough, but pretty much everything else is really dull and repetitive. Go here, follow a fox, go there, sit down and wait for some long-winded (and unskippable) dialogue to finish, follow another fox, go over there and sit down again but this time you get to press X a few times to write a haiku, oh look follow another fox etc etc etc. It does look nice, but even on a PS5 and a big fancy telly it's nowhere near as OMG STUNNING!!!1! as people claim it to be. 6 out of 10 at best.

  16. 28 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Enjoying watching these but I couldn’t tell if he was a bellend or not until he randomly calls a passer by a fat bastard whilst smirking at camera. I’ll still watch the rest but he’s no Brave Dave.

    Exactly this. I quite like his straight line missions, but I'd enjoy them a lot more if I didn't get such a strong feeling (from comments such as the one mentioned above) that he's probably a bit of a dick in real life.

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