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Posts posted by Tommy!

  1. Notice that the joke in question could easily replace "President Barack Obama", "aides" and "ni**a" with "Tommyboi", "mate" and "ji**ie".


    So essentially the joke is "black people are dumb".


    Ahh, thanks. Now I didn't see it as that. I didn't see the face his black having any impact on the joke at all, I just didn't read that into it at all and saw word play on paypal with the word nigger tagged on to for effect or something and Obama use as he was all the rage at the time.

    A bit like in SouthPark when they don't get why the flags wrong, because they just see a group of people as apposed to white people and black people.

    Its still not funny at all though.

  2. Yes, you've missed something.


    Fuck, could you PM it, its the only way I'll learn.

    I assume its in the context or my shit inability to read. We can all agree the joke was shit though yeah, even if theres some misunderstanding on how racists it is, I'm not claiming its not before any one thinks I'm being a cunt, or more of a cunt than normal anyway.

  3. The joke in question has went over peoples heads here. The joke was not mine and in fact came from another forum that had a forum about ebay.


    The joke was an attempt to have people think of the word "paypal" being very similar to the word "papal" meaning "Of, relating to, or issued by a pope" The joke was meant as a toungue in cheek way of linking the paypal service with ebay to the pope. I never actually in full said the offending word as it was a tounge in cheek joke indicated by the asterisks *.


    To be fair I didn't see anything overly racist in it, apart from the implication that a black man called another black man "nigger". However the joke was shit and the N-Bomb in no way relevant to the joke. Its like when old people say "I went to the doctors, hes a black chap/Arab/whatever, and he said....". The fact the blokes black is neither here nor there, but yet the old ones like to slip it in to the story, god knows why, much like you did with that joke.

    Unless I've missed something

  4. Ignore the paranoid thoughts, otherwise you'll convince yourself you have AIDS or something.


    Been there done that,

    "What if I caught AIDS"

    "Don't be daft, I'd know"

    "Not until I'm all thin and wasting, and then its too late"

    "Its too late any way isn't it?"

    "True, lets get a pie"

  5. Was Fitch the one who, it was insinuated, nicked some money from a charity show or something?

    Its a bit before my time here, If it wasn't him who was it. I looked in Gold and somethings implied in some "I'm off in a huff" thread of his in there.

  6. I may be reading this to literally, but as a poster Neil has never done anything remotely funny for me. He's done some mod stuff people found amusing, but if all that was taken away, well I don't think any one would be laughing.

    I also don't find the mod stuff particularly funny, but each to their own on that one I guess.


    You know Tom, I almost get the impression that you don't like neil.


    Still, at least you don't go on and on about it.


    Not at all, I was just saying it as I see it. I don't find him amusing as a poster myself thats all. I wouldn't say I dislike him, just that his "lol mod stuff" posts out weigh his actually interesting posts quite heavily at certain times and then all the "ohh Neil is soooo funny and great and super" comments by some get on my tits at times.


    I like how you pick me up on that over some of the things people say and do on here, I mentioned it here and to him actually a bit back, which he seemed quite sound about. I can't really think of many other times I've really mentioned him.

  7. C/W Mark actually seems like a nice bloke who just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut and takes stuff a bit too seriously when people bite when he doesn't know when to not carry on. C/W Mark then add's stuff to the forum, who doesn't love that bit of banter, I know I do.

    Thats just my view, I may be on my own with that.

  8. If you haven't yet seen Marty Scurll, I strongly recommend you do if you get a chance. He definately deserves more votes than this.


    So many names there leap out as one's I've seen and blew me away ahead of him, to me its not a knock on him but the strength of the list, should that make any sense. I was torn between every one on the list bar about 3.

  9. I may be reading this to literally, but as a poster Neil has never done anything remotely funny for me. He's done some mod stuff people found amusing, but if all that was taken away, well I don't think any one would be laughing.

    I also don't find the mod stuff particularly funny, but each to their own on that one I guess.

  10. I remember on the "This Is Extreme" montage on some of my ECW videos, there is a segment where Steve Corino is arguing with Fred Durst.


    What was the deal with that?


    If you didn't know already, it was at a Limp Bizkit gig.

    I can't add much else. Except i watched a dvd recently (i'm not sure what one) and Corino was cutting a promo backstage, and then storms off and onto the stage that they were playing. Is there a possibility that ECW and Limp Bizkit both had events/gigs and the same venue so something was set-up?


    I'm watching through ECW on TNN, they show it on that. He moans about them playing too loud next door, goes off and slags off some fans, gets in Dursts face and tells every one they are whats wrongs with america and how they are all drunk and stoned and evil and "extream". Then new jack, balls and axl turn up, Durst mubles something and Corin says how if Balls was there he's fuck him up, turns around and gets hit by the three, and the walloped with a chair. They plugged the hell out of it for the whole show.


    I think its this show, with the whole saga split into bits through the show


    I have a ECW title question. In the montage RVD gives a van daminator to some one, buh buh Dudley I believe. What shows that off?

  11. Perhaps its how you do it?


    Like how some people do that "reaching a natural conclusion" bit you speak of by keep going until every one agrees with them (or pretends to at least), because if they didn't they must be stupid. Arrogant I know but some people get a right kick from being some one on a forum.


    I couldn't give a shit about being a, "someone," on a forum. It's a discussion forum, and as such I use it to discuss. Everything else is hogwash. If people like my posts then that's great, but if they don't then I'm not exactly going to lose sleep over it. If you enjoy my delivery, awesome, and if you don't then feel free to skip my contributions entirely. That's what I do if I don't enjoy someone's posts. And I don't "go until everyone agrees with me" because I don't care whether people agree with me or not. In fact, it's much better when people don't agree with me, since that's the very basis of discussion and you can then engage in a debate and therefore further elaborate. Here's the deal; I go until the area of discussion has been discussed. If I think you're wrong I'll explain why, and I'd love for the same thing to happen to me. It's not my fault if I'm more confident in my opinions than others might be, and it's not my fault if I'm better at backing up my opinion than others are either. The last thing I'd want is for someone to, "pretend," to agree with me. By all means, if you think I'm wrong then explain how and why. Grow a set of balls and provide evidence as to why you're right. It's not exactly hard. It's your opinion after all, so you must have based it on something.


    I never said you did, but the rest of what you said may suggest other wise to some..

  12. Why are you bringing that up as if it portrays you in some type of favourable light? It doesn't at all. I kept hitting you with cold hard facts that proved you were talking absolute shit, you kept ignoring my points because the only logical comeback was to admit you didn't have a fucking clue about what you were attempting to argue, and so accordingly I was forced to keep repeating myself.


    You could have just not said anything, it wouldn't be the end of the world if you didn't "win", well not to any one beside you any way.

    By your own admission above you were getting no where, and yet you persisted to go on and on :duh: .

    Actually, I did give up once it became apparent it was futile. I tried to discuss the issue as best as I could, but once it became obvious that he was never going to address anything with any actual substance, I decided it simply wasn't worth it any more. I really couldn't give a shit about, "winning," though, whatever that means. I simply discuss the topics at hand, like you're supposed to do on a discussion forum, in the hope of reaching a natural conclusion. It's not my fault if that conclusion is never reached because someone else prefers to dance around the issue, ducking and diving whenever they're faced with something that challenges or disproves their viewpoint. And I'm baffled as to how trying to steer things back on track can be seen as anything but a positive.


    Perhaps its how you do it?


    Like how some people do that "reaching a natural conclusion" bit you speak of by keep going until every one agrees with them (or pretends to at least), because if they didn't they must be stupid. Arrogant I know but some people get a right kick from being some one on a forum.

  13. Why are you bringing that up as if it portrays you in some type of favourable light? It doesn't at all. I kept hitting you with cold hard facts that proved you were talking absolute shit, you kept ignoring my points because the only logical comeback was to admit you didn't have a fucking clue about what you were attempting to argue, and so accordingly I was forced to keep repeating myself.


    You could have just not said anything, it wouldn't be the end of the world if you didn't "win", well not to any one beside you any way.

    By your own admission above you were getting no where, and yet you persisted to go on and on :duh: .

  14. Also, if anyone decides to pull the "I'm gonna have a laff and act like I want people to vote me in the bad polls" then you'll be suspended till the polls finish. Same applies to those who go on big cry-baby rants about being nominated - instead you should try and learn from this.



    Sorry I didn't read this before posting - this doesn't apply to blatant self promotion to win GOOD awards does it, neil??


    Just a thought, Neil. If anyone were self-obsessed enough to nominate themselves for one of the "Best..." awards, that'd earn an automatic disqualification. Right?


    Nope, just a lot of mocking.



    If that's all, totally worth it!


    To be fair yours has an air of self parody about it, rather than being some self obsessed twat who likes some ego stroke from a forum (which some would so easily generate with what they say and how they say it over the long term and in the self nomination)

  15. HHH v Kevin Nash @ Judgement Day 2003


    :( I always enjoyed that. Mind you I have a soft spot for the whole PPV, for reasons unknown even to me.


    I'm still angry with HHH for being so shit that year that he managed to make Nash and Steiner look shit. Nash's powerbomb through the table was cool, but the rest of it was REALLY slow and boring, even by HHH's standards at the time.


    HHH really did blow in 03, fucking sad really.

    His stuff with HHH was my first experience of steiner. I hated him, but since then I saw him in TNA and WCW, and his old WWF stuff and loved him. Something really fucked up to make him seem as shit as it did when he really has so much to offer.

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