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Posts posted by Tommy!

  1. Some of the people on the news are amazing, did that one bloke just say "would they have let Hitler on TV befor the war, no they wouldn't". I hope he did and I didn't miss hear him.


    I've said it befor and I will say it again, I don't agree with what the BNP say but I respect their right to say it. You shouldn't stop them from a spot on question time based on the fact you don't agree, it undermines the whole system the people who object the BNP support.


    If you don't like them don't vote for them and/or try to educate others, don't try to ban them from having their say or start a riot with the police.

  2. Get them when theyre desperate e? ;)

    Hardly. Older women are more secure in themselves and are less likely to engage in game playing and the other tedious bullshit women half their age do. They know what they want, articulate that fact and everyone knows where they stand from the start. Thumbs up for transparency.


    I'd say they have more character about them too. They move out of that ten a penny look in most young women.

  3. No it's not, myself, JNLister and numerous others have espoused the virtues of the Dent for some time. she cropped up in the "less commercial or conventional hotties" thread more than once. Whinehouse is a fan also. She's a bit posh, pleasing to the eye and heavily into anecdotes about etymology. There are literally no negatives there. She also wears knee high boots under the table when on Countdown. Oh yes she does.


    Good form, bloody good form :thumbsup:

  4. Theres already a better looking group of women in here than the "who would you most want to have sex with thread".

    At least in my view any way


    I'll suggest Sexy Susie Dent at 42, I know its only me but fuck it I so would.

  5. I watched the last Indian Jones film the other night.


    It was better than some people made out but wasn't up to the first or 3rds level for me.


    The aliens as a plot was a bit underwhelming next to the others but it was a good light hearted little film with some good moments and a story that kept me interested over all. After this and Die Hard 4 I have to say I don't like them going so OTT with the computer based effects though. Just because they can do anything doesn't mean I enjoy them doing it and even though there not fully factual films they seem to be pushing my suspension of belief a bit for my liking.

  6. They never followed up on it did they?

    No. But that's probably for the best as it was pretty dreadful.


    I did love the idea of a horror movie being set in the Underground though. Having spent loads of time in London whilst I was growing up and waiting for late night trains home in deserted tube stations, I really hoped they'd make me terrified to ever use the tube late at night ever again. They failed miserably and did a pretty bad job of making a decent horror film in the process.


    It was dreadful, but if Jeepers Creepers can get a second film I assume anything can.


    After having a nose about I found Death Line/Raw Meat which is a London Underground based horror with cannibals and Donald Pleasence.

    Might be worth a look.

  7. Im trying to recall the name of a film I watched where some people were stuck on the London Underground and were chased by this hobit man type thing through an old lab with all hospital equipment.


    One person gets away and it hints at what this half man chap was doing without giving it away


    I watched it on TV ages ago and it was shit but I'd like to recall the name

  8. Seeing as how the DVDs are out of print, here are the results for the shows from the past results page on the ROH site...


    War of the Wire - Framingham, MA 11/29/03

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    1. The Backseat Boyz defeated Fast Eddie & Hotstuff Hernandez

    2. Special K (Dixie, Lit, Hydro & Angeldust) defeated The Carnage Crew (Loc & Devito) & The SAT in a Scramble Match

    3. CM Punk defeated Jimmy Rave in the first match of the gauntlet

    4. Matt Stryker defeated CM Punk to move on in the gauntlet

    5. Matt Stryker defeated Colt Cabana to advance to the next round of the gauntlet

    6. BJ Whitmer defeated Matt Stryker to win the gauntlet

    7. The Outcast Killaz defeated Slyk Wagner Brown & April Hunter

    8. John Walters defeated Xavier. After the match, Xavier destroyed Walters with a steel chair, setting up their match at Final Battle 2003

    9. The Briscoes defeated The Prophecy (Christopher Daniels & Dan Maff) to retain the ROH Tag Team Titles

    10. Samoa Joe defeated AJ Styles to retain the ROH World Title

    11. Steve Corino defeated Homicide in a No-Ropes Barbed Wire Match when Julius Smokes threw in the towel as Homicide was locked in a cobra choke. This feud continued with extreme violence, as even barbed wire bats, forks and rubbing alcohol came into play.


    [close spoiler]



    Ring of Homicide - Edison, NJ 5/13/06

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    1 . Colt Cabana defeated Kikutaro

    2. Homicide & Ricky Reyes beat Dunn & Marcos

    3. Jimmy Rave beat Jimmy Yang

    4. Nigel McGuinness beat Jay Lethal to retain the Pure Title

    5. Bryan Danielson defeated Delirious to retain the ROH World Title

    6. Christopher Daniels beat Matt Sydal

    7. Austin Aries & Roderick Strong beat Jay & Mark Briscoe to retain the Tag Titles


    8. Samoa Joe vs. Necro Butcher went to a No Contest which lead to a wild brawl involving Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, BJ Whitmer, & Adam Pearce. Homicide eventually came out leading to a match where Homicide defeated Necro Butcher following a wild brawl


    [close spoiler]



    Thanks for that, I caught the end of Ring Of Homicide on TWC I believe and thought it was quite good.

    I may look those up some where down the road some time soon


    I don't recall an episode of Yes Minister where Paul Eddington made some stupid comment and got picked up on it and then tried to hide behind a load of bullshit


    Jesus, get over it dude. If it means that much to you I'll e-mail you an apology.


    Could you not just post it? ;)

    And what is there to apologize for, its admittance really isn't it.


  9. I watched batman, the one with Jack Nicklaus in. It was just as great as i remember it being when i was about 7. Next on the list is Memoirs of an invisible man with Chevy Chase, which i hope is also just as good as it was when i was about 7.




    :confused: :confused: :confused:


    Thats the one, Batman has to stop his evil plan to cheat a win in the Ryder Cup.


    That or the spell checker just switched it without me really looking at what I was doing, but I'd rather go with the first mind.

    Id also hope you aren't really confused by that and are joking or i'd suspect you're a bit simple

  10. I think its the same type of thing that tempts me to get Maximum Overdrive.


    Maximum Overdrive is fucking marvellous. They used to show it about every year on Channel 4 on a Friday night. I watch it whenever I see it on, which is rare these days.


    Top stuff, I will pick it up some day and watch it. I'll have a gander tomorrow in fact.


    I watched batman, the one with Jack Nicklaus in. It was just as great as i remember it being when i was about 7. Next on the list is Memoirs of an invisible man with Chevy Chase, which i hope is also just as good as it was when i was about 7.

  11. Can't be arsed to argue - I know what meant and I stand by it. But feel free to cut more promos. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

    You know as well as we do that you're really just saying you can't argue because your point was bullshit.


    This is getting into Yes Minster territory - "What don't I know Bernard?/ I don't know Minister. I don't know what you don't know."


    I don't recall an episode of Yes Minister where Paul Eddington made some stupid comment and got picked up on it and then tried to hide behind a load of bullshit.


    On a different note are both the War of the Wire and Ring Of Homicide DVD's no longer on the ROH site?

    Any chance of a match run down on both shows, I'm working on the assumption theres a War of the Wire 1 as theres a 2 and Ring Of Homicide ends with Joe Vs Necro.

  12. Can't be arsed to argue - I know what meant and I stand by it. But feel free to cut more promos. :thumbsup::thumbsup:


    so why post anything?


    Who's arguing any way, people were discussing it in the other thread and you kicked off with the dickhead line in all honesty.


    I'd like to see Nigel do something, as long as they use him in some form then he can get something out of it after how hards hes worked pandering to the ROH fans.

    For ROH personally i think its going to make the steps forward harder as again they have lost a name they have established with the ROH name.

  13. As for McGuinness, seeing as how the thread devoted to his departure seems to be attracting a large amount of dickheads, I'll post my response here. It's kind of ironic - we were all braced for Dragon and Nigel to leave in May, and when it didn't happen it was a case of "phew". Happening as it has now, I think it's more of a blow than if it had happened then. It's not like ROH hasn't had time to build up new talent....I really think this is the end for ROH, unless they turn things around sharpish. For me personally, I guess it gives me more time to watch UFC - unless TNA gets it's act together.... End of an era.


    How is that thread full of "dickheads" when most say the same as you, ROH are gonna struggle with the loss of yet more talent who were main event level there, but yet would like McGuinness to succeed and move on and make some good money with any luck but have some skepticism over it in WWE?



  14. Secondly, the film has no plot whatsoever. Bloke has a vision that him and his mates will die. They leave and don't die. Then they die in amusing and creative ways. That's it. The end is fucking shit.


    That sums up every Final Destination film for me. So shit in the plot and acting department It wound up being one of those films that actually made me laugh quite a bit with how stupid, contrived and poorly done they were.

    Final Destination films are like Road Runner cartoons, with the protagonists being Wile E. Coyote. We all know what is going to happen, we just hope for a laugh when it does.


    Ohh yeah, definatly. Thats why I hold a small soft spot for them. There shit, I know it but I will always have a go at watching them if theres not much on just for the laugh of it.


    I think its the same type of thing that tempts me to get Maximum Overdrive.


    While i'm here I was looking into getting some of the Cheech and Chong stuff. Any one care to share any thoughts one way or another.




  15. Secondly, the film has no plot whatsoever. Bloke has a vision that him and his mates will die. They leave and don't die. Then they die in amusing and creative ways. That's it. The end is fucking shit.


    That sums up every Final Destination film for me. So shit in the plot and acting department It wound up being one of those films that actually made me laugh quite a bit with how stupid, contrived and poorly done they were.

  16. That's how I've always loved MMA. Olden days.


    Couldn't agree more. UFC was more fun when it was more a case of different styles clashing and they actually fucked each other up good and proper.


    Also Keith Hackney is greater than any current UFC name,

  17. Put me down for some love of Dues Ex, one of the first real FPS games i played after doom and it was amazing. The story was excellent and i loved every minute of it.


    Also on a side I picked up a cheap mag of the market the other week for 50P, Edge on File (or File on Edge), just a load of old back issues re-printed in one mag. It covered the creation of the 3DO home console thing and development and launch of the playstation and the start of the 64 i believe. Any way thats issue 2, so if any of you like the sound from my short poor blurb then have a gander on ebay or something as its quite interesting to read in retrospective.

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