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Posts posted by Tommy!

  1. I'm on a Rambo-a-thon. I've just watched Rambo 3, which is crap next to the first two and the last one.


    Now first blood is amazing, we all know that. First Blood part 2 is amazing, again we all know. 3, well, its not that its a bad film, it just misses a few things for me. First Rambo gets by in the first two on the fact he can be all sneaky and hide in the surroundings, thats how he gets by and fucks shit up so wonderfully. In 3 he doesn't do this fucking once, the closest he gets is hiding behind a rock in a cave which is just so much shittier than the wonderful becoming the jungle parts in the first 2.


    Now I can forgive that a bit, but he sneaks into a Russian camp, ohh how sneaky and good is Rambo, but no he's not because he is followed by a artard 8 year old with a rifle who ambles about un-noticed. This tells me Rambo didn't get in by his skill, it was clearly just that all the Russians are blind stupid fucks and it left Rambo looking like a tool.


    It also under sells Rambo's troubled mind and soul. The other 3 show that side of him, he is a character with feelings and a purpose. He has a meaning to what he does and why he does it. Every action has a feeling behind it. In 3 he's a man with a big gun who walks about and his character never really gets to shine. And that bit where he just sits in a hole and blows up tank after tank while they fire at him and an OAP, It just seems silly to me.


    I enjoyed it, its not Rocky five bad and theres plenty of action, but its just not up to the others for me

  2. Apparently CNN have reported that NASA are due to make an announcement on UFO contact imminently, not seen the news myself but wonder if anyone can clarify on the apparent announcement?


    Don't get your hopes up, from what I have heard its an unidentified frying object. Some one, or something, has broken into NASA head quarters and cooked all the sausage, bacon, hash browns and eggs. Apparently there may still some black pudding left but its unconfirmed at this stage.

  3. They should do it on house shows today. Imagine being at a live show where you think the belt changed hands?


    I remember they did it with the IC in Birmingham between Shelton and Orton. The place went ape shit for Shelton until Bish made it 2 out of 3 falls.

    Or thats how I recall it any way.

  4. Thunderslam Wrestling are awesome. Their website has no details about any other shows until they return to Harlow in November. I don't doubt it'd be a good show, but I imagine their non Harlow shows may not have the complete awesomeness that the Harlow shows have.


    Thanks for that, I should have thought to goggle for a website so sorry about that.

    Theres plenty of names on there who look boss and I know of which is good. I'd guess I'd go whatever as it opposite the pub and its a day out but I did wonder if there was some info, especially as they quote this place in the book :laugh: I can't wait for it now.

  5. Can any one give me any info on "Thunderslam Wrestling".

    Now normally we get a Slam show in town every so often, but this time its this Thunderslam group. The picture in the book of Stixx being whipped across the ring by the UK Pit Bulls has been replaced with a picture of people I've never seen on a show before.


    The best bit, a quote from some one on the UKFF in my local whats on book.


    It's not a wrestling show, it's a fun filled night of family entertainment at the theater- and it's awesome! - UKFF (WRESTLING FAN FORUM)


    So any info would be good. We also have Jim Davidson and Roy Chubby Brown coming to town. One day we might get some one funny. To be fair I'd go a see Jim if he was cheaper,

  6. Why would she bin them? As long as they're of consenting adults they should treat them as with every other photo? A bit rich coming from Boots who used naked children in their adverts in the 80s.


    She said it was something to do with regulations regarding decency on what they could print. Like I say it may not be true, I never actually spent the day with her at work and as any one who has had a conversation with me will attest to it can be hard work to make it interesting so it may be shit.


    While I'm here I'll share, again, that I found two photos of a woman in the buff spread eagle on the bed in side my GAB92 VHS I bought from the NEC which was cosmic.

  7. I can't find it now but I read a piece the other day about the people who vet photos on some major upload site and apparantly few last more than six months or so.


    Apparantly the UK system for the five levels is:



    1) Nudity or erotic posing with no sexual activity

    2) Sexual activity between children, or solo masturbation by a child

    3) Non-penetrative sexual activity between adult(s) and child(ren)

    4) Penetrative sexual activity between child(ren) and adult(s)

    5) Sadism or bestiality


    Level one has to have the child deliberately posed rather than just being a general snapshot.


    Off topic massively but I used to sort of know some one who worked in the photo bit of boots who said it was amazing how many photos of people in the buff or a close up of some ones twat would come through she would have to bin when checking them. I don't know if its true but I'd like to think it was.

    Anything potentially illegal would need reporting, apparently, if I recall right.

  8. I love when a mongs attemped comeback falls flat on its face. Keep 'em coming MAT.


    Anyway, who saved the pictures before they were taken down? We need to get them back up. And has Midas vanished? I want clarification on whether or not the vest really is Megan's.


    What, your mean with that lame, shit come back from her that's not funny or good in any way?

    And is it ok to have a good laugh at how Midas looks and acts but not "MAT"?

  9. I've just wasted some of my fucking life reading this bullshit, but it'll all be worth it if this Midas fellah answers this question:


    Would you let her pitch a loaf on your chin, Mr.Midas sir, is what I want to know?

    what the shit is "pitch a loaf on your chin" when it's at home?

    Would you let her do a right big smelly shit on your chin?





    Come off it, you so fucking would.

  10. Bit of an ask for the FWA fans out there. I'm trying to compile a list of the current active roster. This is what i've got at the moment but was wondering if people could confirm that everyone is on the list. I only keep up through the stuff on YouTube so i'm not greatly knowledgable.


    Martin Stone, Leroy Kincaide, Dave Moralez, Iestyn Rees, Joel Redman, The Kartel (Terry Frazier and Sha Samuels), Jonny Storm, Rockstar Spud, El Ligero, RJ Singh, The Leaders of the New School (Marty Scurll and Zack Sabre Jr. ), Northern Xposure (CJ banks and Joey Hayes), Stixx, Paul Malen, Jon Ryan, Derice Coffie, Project Ego (Kris Travis and Scotty Hexx), Retro Pop (Dave Rayne and Sam Bailey) and The Daredevil Dragons (Shane Spyral and Flyin' Ryan). Also from what i've heard Andy Boy Simmonz, Bubblegum, Darren Burridge and Johnny Moss are on the roster but are inactive at the present time.


    Also could anyone give me names for the entourages of both Rockstar Spud and RJ Singh, as well as the name of Jon Ryan's new manager?


    A quick look on google says RJ's are Darrell Amrah & Adil Khan but doesn't name the excellent chap with the megaphone. Don't hold me to that, I'm just going on google.

    Spuds are Jimmy Crash and Callum Piper.


    I found this in the last FWA thread on the chap with Ryan

    It was Richie West, alias Richard Dunn of NGW, and the new head of Richie's International Promotions.


    Hope that helps. Why you want to know, just to be nosey

  11. Is bad company 2 acting up for any one else. People shifting about all of a sudden or not being able to move and the like. Its just happened today, which seems odd after so many hours of play and really spoils it.


    For me, it's only when I connect to a USA server, but that could just be my crappy internet :laugh:


    ahh, that might be it then. Thank you

  12. Is bad company 2 acting up for any one else. People shifting about all of a sudden or not being able to move and the like. Its just happened today, which seems odd after so many hours of play and really spoils it.

  13. I just downloaded the new mode for bad company and had a quick spin. its good stuff, good fun. It won't top conquest for me but its worth a go.

    I've not enjoyed a game as much as this for years, I've not even started one player yet. Its great, it encourages the team play and stops all the dicks and twats I've found taking over every other FPS I've played on line. Its just great to really work together and change how you play to suit the level and the oppositions tactics.

    God damn its fun.

  14. taker backstage at ufc 2003 - maybe the inspiration for his hells gate finisher?


    Pretty sure he made Big Show tap with the Hell's Gate earlier that year.


    He was using the "taking care of business" Dragon sleeper thing and an odd triangle choke thing back then I think. Did he give that choke a name?

  15. I watched memoirs of an invisible man, with Chevy Chase and Sam Niel.

    It was another of those films I loved when I was young and was still as good as I remembered. The FX were still good too, I thought how things have moved on there may be some slightly ropey bits in there next to some more modern stuff, but it all looked quite swish. There was also a how they did it bit on the DVD which was good too.


    I now have an urge to watch Dirty Dancing, Predator and the Running man so I might do. Dirty Dancings the odd one out there really.

  16. can any one link me to a short film that revolves around a load of old British wrester's meeting on the late bus?



    I've got it. sorry about that

    This sometimes appears on the Sky Movies channels. Keep an eye out for it! :thumbsup:


    Will do, it was actually quite good I thought. Some funny stuff there. I found it quicker on youtube than I'd have expected given I didn't know the name

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