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Posts posted by Tommy!

  1. Theres some really sound and top people on there for the most part, but non stand out as leaving me rolling in the isles or anything. Is it possible to have some links to what got them nominated at all?


    Also Neil is as funny as a prolapse, but I'm sure I've been there before ;)

  2. Anyway all you have to do is fuck off sulking and you don't get the shit award anyway.


    Who did that last year? I always forget and yeah if ThePhenom is dillkid why hasn't he been banned?


    Might have been Daniel Fitch last year? Seem to remember him leaving around this time of year.


    Joe the Lion played his face because no one found him funny I seem to recall

  3. California man. I've not seen this since I was about 7 when my sister got some tapes out from the local shop when she was looking after me. I was disappointed by just how annoying Pauly Shaw is and how little plot there really seemed to be at times. I really liked it when I was younger. It was enjoyable enough but it wasn't as good as youth had led me to believe.


    I now however have an urge to watch the other film I watched on the same night all those years ago, Dr. Jekyll and Mrs Hyde, as I assume thats also going to end up just being "alright".


    Prior to that I watched Jumanji, which is still amazing but some of the CGI seems to be showing its age. That doesn't hold the film back mind, its top.


    I've dug out some films I'd not watched for ages while I was coughing up a lung over Christmas, we were soldiers which was as good as I recall it being first time I watched it, it really does seem very well put together with every scene having maximum meaning and impact bar one or two taht seem to slow it down. Other films include the running man and predator which we all know are amazing bits of film and we have all seen them many, many times. Unless you're a slack jawed fagot, in which case you should watch more predator and running man as it will make you a sexual tyrannosaurus like me. Might watch terminator, commando and robocop when I can be arsed


    Kickboxer also got an airing, it was that or bloodsport and I've not long watched bloodsport. Both are amazing films but I do love Kickboxer from them just leaving poor Eric crippled in the street to Tong Po forcing hims self on that lass so he throws them off training to Van Dam kicking the shit out of a tree and then fucking up tong po big style and getting his revenge. Thats not to knock Bloodsport, which is amazing.


    I've also been watching what I can find of heavy metal on youtube

  4. "Entertainment" is fair criteria for a pro-wrestler but it has to come alongside having good matches or drawing money.


    I couldn't give a fuck who draws what to be honest. If I did, I wouldn't have nominated Kevin Steen, which incidentally hasn't caused one word to be said about it.


    On the good matches part, who says people haven't enjoyed Kevin Nash's matches?

    He's not had a good match all year. You might not care who draws what but it's measurable criteria of how successful a wrestler is. Like in 1998, Steve Austin's ring work wasn't his best but he was a massive draw, hence his position as the top pro-wrestler in the world. If a wrestler is not having good matches and not helping his company make money, he's not particularly successful.


    I'm not suggesting Loki and Gladstone shouldn't nominate him, they are entitled to their vote. I'm entitled to think it's laughable too.


    Well, just to stick my bit in, I'd say Austin's rind work was part of what made him so big at the time, just as much so as his character which was off the chain. He knew just how to pace and work the style he did, when to do what to make them get out their seats. Thats just a big a part of it as anything I think, especially as it let him work around injury's and weak spots on his body.

    I'm sure some one will pick me up on what ring work is and how pacing and sociology and that aren't part of it or something, but for me those things make a match and Austin knew how to do them match in and match out, he knew how to make what he did matter. That's my take any way.


    Also on "Entertainment is fair criteria for a pro-wrestler but it has to come alongside having good matches" It could be argued, could it not, that if people have enjoyed Nash's match's then by virtue it must be a good match, as the whole aim is to entertain


    Any way, I'll go with Shamus, Cena, Miz and Bryan

  5. The actual footage was pointless for the most part I though, unless I'm forgetting some thing.

    They werent on a television network worth a fuck at the time and TNA had no identity of its own. It isnt like if TNA did it now. It created a bit of buzz and made them look on the level, which they never looked before. It didnt cost them a penny either. Hardly call it worthless. TNA was still an upstart at the time.


    I guess, I can see where you are coming from. I just felt watching it at the time, quite new to TNA, that it made TNA look like a sad set trying to punch above their wight and be all cutting edge and instead looking like more of a Micky Mouse outfit than they were as they were putting out some good stuff.


    I include the HHH and Vince segments in that too by the way



    From 10:40 for those who give a toss. It was better than I remember but not by much.

    Again though I hate most things like this.

  6. It was a cleverly done skit and from what I remember TNA was praised for how well they made the company look and highlighted how hypocritical WWE were for calling their wrestlers into a little room away from the TNA cameras, after they did the same with WCW. If TNA tried the same thing today, it would probably be over the top and shoddy and with TNA coming out looking like shite, but whoever came up with the idea did it with humour and a sense of fun.


    Now I thought it looked really shoddy and pathetic, like they were trying hard to be seen. Then again I hate anything like that so I'm probably biased. The actual footage was pointless for the most part I though, unless I'm forgetting some thing.

  7. Can anybody explain the whole WWE thing at TNA Turning Point 04?


    TNA turned up at the filming of the rumble advert at Orlando studios trying to be all cutting edge, WWE played there face a bit, TNA showed the footage with WWE names badly blurred after mocking HHH and Vince to try and score some points and look all big.


    That my understanding of it, watch out for R-Truth stealing some salad like a real rebel.


    Nothing else of of note happens, its just Shane Douglas and abyss with some balloons and Dogg and R-truth stealing salad and talking to Rey.

  8. I can see why Seasider's gone, I can see the case for Repo but I don't really get the Loki action.

    Judging by the post Neil made in the UKFF announcements thread, it must have been because Loki posted the area where he lived.


    But to be fair, wasn't that just C&Ped from the news article seasider found by being a twat?

    meh, whatever I guess.

  9. Chinese Food In Minutes. I fucking love Chinese cooking, I don't know why but I do and this is a nice way to see some different stuff. I'm determined to give some a go ASAP.

    Its odd for me as I hate TV cooks, this one included in truth, but the food just looks too good on the whole.

    I've found myself watching this at 4 or 5 in the morning whenever i can't sleep and i think i might be getting a little addicted to it as i also love Chinese food.


    Sorry to bump, but the accompanying book is only

  10. However, is it still on would seem a bit of a daft question when it was only a few days ago that he did that last lot. Not as if its been weeks with no word. Yet :)


    Ohh Agreed, I was trying to think back over the whole therad but my memories a bit flaked so I could well be off. :blush:

  11. If I were Ben, I'd just fuck the lot of us off right now for being a bunch of cunts.


    Don't over react, unless I've missed something aren't some people just being impatient or questioning if its even still on (which isn't too unfair to be fair) in a perhaps poorly written way, and if he's not on here as he's busy he's not going to be affected by some ninny with no patients saying "Is this still on" or "when's the next up" or whatever.


    Again, for those who get the wrong end of my stick, I'm in no rush and to be honest don't really mind if he finished it or not as its not the be all and end all of life. It would be nice but if he's busy or something then thats fair isn't it. I'm not hassling him or anything, I can however see both sides of reaction regardless of my own view.

  12. People should know by now that anything set up on the UKFF never happens. Whether it's CD swaps, Best Footballers, or this.


    Well they do, or have. Incidentally is there going to be a gift swap this year. Didn't Au do it before, and has he has dropped off the board?


    Edit: its been name dropped in off topic, spooky

  13. What is there to forgive ? If he were to fuck off and not do a single other entry, nobody would have the right to say anything. It's not as if we're paying him for the privelage is it ?


    My point is people wouldn't make response like Freaky did, and wouldn't keep saying how "he puts his own time into it".


    I can't speak for freaky, but I know I'd be making that same point as I did earlier. UKHG put a lot of work into this even though he isn't obligated to do so. People should be thanking him, not hassling him, and I'd feel the same way if it was anyone else that did it. I want to see the list as much as many, but it'd please me greatly if UKHG decided "fuck it" and never posted another entry.


    If it was some newer member people wouldn't defend him as they do and I'm sure there would be more moaning on how its been done.


    I'd really hope this isn't the case, because the point would still stand.


    Well then its nice your a understanding and patient bloke then, I'm not singling any one out per say, but you must know how much of a dick some people on here can be with stuff.

    I'd like to point out I'm not hassling him for anything, I understand people have a life out side of the UKFF.

  14. What is there to forgive ? If he were to fuck off and not do a single other entry, nobody would have the right to say anything. It's not as if we're paying him for the privelage is it ?


    My point is people wouldn't make response like Freaky did, and wouldn't keep saying how "he puts his own time into it". If it was some newer member people wouldn't defend him as they do and I'm sure there would be more moaning on how its been done.


    I couldn't really care if he does this or not or posts any more, just saying how I see it.

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