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Posts posted by Tommy!

  1. Wasn't Mike Awesome's awesome bomb pretty much a razor's edge as well?


    Most of the awesome bombs I've seen have always just been an over one shoulder affair rather than the cross type hold.

    The border toss is sort of the same thing he just doesn't drop to his knees if I recall.

  2. Its funny, the hottest topic on the UKFF dies as soon as deaf wrestler is placed. Geuss nobody wants to rip into a deaf guy.


    As a deaf, dumb and blind man I think laying into people for something unrelated to a disability is well out of order. Knock me on my pinball skillz, I dear you.

  3. Doesn't Supremo still post here? Or have I been reading posts by someone else with a Superman avatar and thinking it was Supremo?


    He doesn't post that often, but he's still knocking about. What happened with the avatar (from what Supremo said in the super elite paid members section) is that Mr.Showtime hotlinked Supremo's avatar, so Supremo just changed it to a penis.


    Hilarious, truly hilarious.

    Incidentally then should some one want to report that for a breech of the NSFW ruling then they should just report supremo or just PM Neil or what?

  4. The worst bit was the matches. Most of it was tasteless shit but if they'd had great matches, you might forgive it. That ladder match was dire. They could have saved that too be hanging the kid from a hook above the ring.


    I'm the opposite. I enjoyed most of the matches, just not as much as if they hadn't have had the daft kid story involved.

  5. exjqzx5a.jpg

    just horrible.

    Admittedly not the wrestling world's best creation. But after his initial appearances on Smackdown, he then started popping up in random places backstage and frankly it was pretty awesome. Like during the Raw vs SD rivalry around Survivor Series 05 where Bradshaw goes to a truck which he thinks is full of Raw guys, only to find the Boogeyman. And when Cena is walking around backstage interacting with people, and finds him in the closet. Some of those backstage bits were pretty cool. Then the wrestling started and well, yeah it was a bit cack. But he had his moments.


    He was part of one of my favorite segments. Teddy and Palmer Cannon were talking shit while a load of midgets ran around the office, one of which is eating a huge ham. Teddy then shook his head and went to walk into a cupboard (for reasons unknown. Why the fuck would he want to stand in the cupboard?) and was met by the Bogeyman singing at him. Although to be fair part of the segments charm must go to Teddy's over acting at every turn.

  6. My mate's missus is giving birth today, and me and my pal Matt have decided we should probably get them something. He suggested Nappies (Which I agreed with, but would look a bit shit), or Vouchers (Which I also refused, as I fucking hate getting vouchers, and wouldn't get someone else them). I suggest a George Foreman grill as they're handy.


    What do you reckon we should get them? We're willing to go all the way to twenty quid each, so forty quid.

    I would buy bits like muslin squares, cotton wool, wipes, nappies, maybe one of those casting kits you can get from mothercare. What you don't spend, buy a mothercare voucher :)


    Fuck that, get them the grill. I fucking love my Foreman, if I had a kid I'd want a way to quickly and safely grill shit for my dinner, while also draining the fat right off.

  7. This is all most amusing. I'm not going to comment on his wrestling as while I believe I may have seen him I have no memory of it, but there's a lesson in life in there some where. There must be.


    I'm also down for a trip when his promotion starts up, I think I'll take my mom along too.

  8. Im not going to post it but that brings HORRIBLE memories of the Royal Rumble 2000 bikini content if anyone can remember that, she was teh fecking reason PPV's were delayed by 50 minutes in the UK in 2000

    When I met Foley at an autograph thing I got him to sign the RR 2000. The conversation quickly turned to Mae's tits, by his hand oddly, and he seemed quite surprised when I said it caused a bit of a fuss for C4. They were fake too, so he said.

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