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Posts posted by Tommy!

  1. Does any one in the UK use a quote from terminator when they come out in the music or whatever?

    Namely the "It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear" bit. It induced a thought of some show some where and I don't know why.


    Yes, a heel faction in 1PW uses it. Opens with that quote, then mixes into an instrumental version of Mein Herz Brennt by Rammstein. If you need it, I can probably upload it and send it to you.


    Thank you for the offer but I don't need it, I was just watching the film and that line made me think of a wrestling show some where, I was sure some one used it on an entrance but couldn't put my finger on it.

    You've put my mind at rest, and I'd assume that its a good thing for it to stick with me as it did.

  2. Does any one in the UK use a quote from terminator when they come out in the music or whatever?

    Namely the "It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear" bit. It induced a thought of some show some where and I don't know why.

  3. in the second ROH shoot with Raven and The Sandman they are telling a story about working a UK show with Dreamer, and how he is and how much he loved being back on a show with that kind of feel. Its a funnier story from them obviously, I've cut to the quick, they also talk about trying to sort out the exchange rate with the promoter and I wondered if this story was about a 1PW show, I assume it is, and if so which show with the 3 of them all together.

    That would be the very first 1PW show "A Cruel Twist of Fate" back in October 2005 I believe? All 3 were in a Hardcore Triple-Threat Match.


    Excellent, thankyou for the help.

  4. in the second ROH shoot with Raven and The Sandman they are telling a story about working a UK show with Dreamer, and how he is and how much he loved being back on a show with that kind of feel. Its a funnier story from them obviously, I've cut to the quick, they also talk about trying to sort out the exchange rate with the promoter and I wondered if this story was about a 1PW show, I assume it is, and if so which show with the 3 of them all together.

  5. I've been playing Wu-tang: Taste the pain and the first GTA, just because I can and I like them. The first GTA is somewhat forgotten now among all the others but is still a really ace game in my view.

  6. Who's that woman in the advert for Petit Filous or some similar yogurt?

    She looks tastier than the yogurt, even pulling the sour face.


    Erm? :confused::confused:






    God no, its some woman pulling a face at sour yogurt until she finds this one with lemon or something. Its all with a French accent and shes scorching, It can't be only me whos seen it. I'll see if I can find it some where




    Its here Link......link

  7. How did Kane's May 19th storyline end? I vaguely remember it but can't remember it ever coming to a conclusion.


    wasn't that the one where fake kane turned up, who was shit and kane just pushed him through some double doors on raw and he was never seen again

  8. Can any one help me identify a wrestler. As a child my mom got me a signed photo when a wrestler stayed in the hotel she worked at by where I live and I wonder if any one can help.

    The last name looks like Elliott, the first starts with a B but thats all I can make out. He's doing a Nasty Boy's gimmick. I assume he was a UK chap but have no idea if he was in the Midlands for work or pleasure. This would have been late 90's/very early 2000's say, as I must have had an interest in wrestling.


    Many Thanks


    Sounds like Brad Elliott.


    Yeah, he was doing that gimmick when I saw him on an All-Star show in 2001.


    Thanks for that, I've had that years now and couldn't make out who the hell he was. Is he still going at all?

  9. Can any one help me identify a wrestler. As a child my mom got me a signed photo when a wrestler stayed in the hotel she worked at by where I live and I wonder if any one can help.

    The last name looks like Elliott, the first starts with a B but thats all I can make out. He's doing a Nasty Boy's gimmick. I assume he was a UK chap but have no idea if he was in the Midlands for work or pleasure. This would have been late 90's/very early 2000's say, as I must have had an interest in wrestling.


    Many Thanks

  10. Now I remember Hereford, it's one of those little towns in denial about being Welsh.


    Big tits in Hereford though? You learn something new every day.


    I know what you're thinking, I learned that yesterday, so what did I learn today? I learned that Kings Lynn FC went bust in December, ending a club that'd been in existance since the 1870's, sad stuff.


    If you knew both of those things already, and didn't learn anything from this post, then I ask you this smart arse, which two current Premier League players have won the World Cup?


    If you know the answer to that, and knew the other two things too, you're the smartest person alive. Well done.


    Was there a point to any of that, and I've missed it?

  11. as for the big chicken. all i can say is that comes from my nan who always says "I ve done you a big Chicken". my mate still says it when she cooks for her kids


    It wasn't a knock, it just tickled me. Encase it seemed like a knock.


    Beastmaster is on Skull Island, studying the giant apes there. Stingray is now running an electronics firm


    I love that Beastmaster is studying King Kong while Stingray is managing Dixons.



  12. Lesnar got the nod simply because he's a former WWE "superstar".


    He's got plenty of ability too. No-one voted for Bobby Lashley did they?


    Even the most emphatic of wrestling fans see Lashley as a dull, useless bastard in wrestling.


    Good arrows to Butchreedmark, my favourite poster on the forum in 2009. I think a suitable prize would be for TNA to be transformed into your beloved WCW... oh, wait.


    TNA needs to book big Barry Windham, fast.

  13. As much as I enjoyed going to Triple X (and I did) it really shouldn't be winning this for me, theres better overall shows and with a less niche appeal out there.


    Who the fuck are Triple X Wrestling?

    The most fun wrestling promotion in this country. It's un-PC, rude, bad-taste and low-brow. It's fucking awesome.


    Its not really is it, its a standard show that just appeals to internet fans and the boys club that hangs around on here.

  14. The cottage, with spudgun and and some other of people I recognized but couldn't place.

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    It was alright to start with, two brothers kidnap some load mouthed bint who's a mob boss daughter aided by her half brother. It sparks some good funny moments and an interesting film. Then as some Korean chaps turn up. After that it goes a bit down hill for me when she escapes and they all find a disfigured framer who's become a canable and kills any one who gets on his land. It then turns into a bit of a by the numbers comedy horror bit. Entertaining but nothing world shattering for me. The farmer kills them all until one gets him on the ropes and its implied he's dead, befor running into the cellar

    It turns out is family tried to run years ago, so the mental ill disfigured farmer locked them in the cellar until they went all ferrel and they kill the last of them. After the credits the farmers seen attacking some one else


    [close spoiler]


    Its worth a watch I guess, entertaining and fun but its nothing ground breaking.


    Mirrors, in which that bloke from 24 gets shit up by his reflection

    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    He gets a job guarding some burnt out shop when he notices some shit in the mirrors, fire, burning people screaming in pain and hand prints and a name. It turns out it used to be a hospital where some possessed girl from Pennsylvania had undergone some treatment for schizophrenia which had trapped the beast in the mirrors, how or why I don't fucking know. The mirrors then killed a load of patients and the hospital was shut. It then became a shop and the mirrors kept asking for the woman and showing freaky shit and killing selected people and their loved ones, so one bloke snapped and burnt the place down. since then the mirrors have killed people who go in their and their family's to try and get the woman back. 24 chap then cracks the mystery above in stages and finds her as a nun and takes her back. She explodes and he fights some demon while the mirrors in his house try and kill his family, like it had done to his sister some 40 minutes previous. He kills the daemon and his family is safe, but when he walks outside every things back to front and he is now in some mirror land or something, how or why I don't fucking know but I assume it has something to do with him falling into the reflection in the water when he killed the beast or something


    [close spoiler]



    Despite the some what inconclusive end it was a good film in my view, and the plot built quite well, much better than I make it sound. I'd have liked a bit longer playing on the "is it real or his he mad" bit, something crushed quite quick sadly but it doesn't really hold it back. Overall I quite enjoyed watching it despite it not being my thing at all, any one who's thing it is would more than likely hate it though.

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