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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. 31 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    fucking state of it

    Moaning about the camera work and direction has been done to death, but I'll never understand their thinking when it comes to putting out a product like this.

    I always thought the idea of having a hard camera, supplemented with a few hand helds was to allow the viewer at home to get an idea of the orientation of what is happening where in the ring/ringside area. Jump to a handheld shot for a while, but allow the viewer enough time to get their bearings before going back to the hard camera again. By constantly jumping from shot to shot like this, you have no idea of what or where you're actually looking at(especially with loads wearing the same shit). It;s just baffling...

  2. I've always been emotionally torn by these nonce hunting groups that are all over social media. On one hand, they are doing the job the police should be doing and exposing a very real danger that exists amongst us, but the reports that criminal cases are collapsing due to them making the meets public by live streaming them means that the danger is being allowed back into the community to potentially do it again makes it all a futile effort.

    I just wish they would fuck off with the live streaming, and just catch them and take them to the police. Everybody is happy then(except the perv). I suppose the hunters wouldn't get their "likes" and "retweets" that they crave though...

  3. 3 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Euros next summer. He loves playing for Wales, I'd say that's his motivation.

    You maybe right! 

    I hope he does end up back at Spurs. A front 3 of of Kane, Bale and Son could be brilliant if they can get the supply to them right(as already mentioned, allowing Ali to play deeper could go along way to achieving this).

    I still think they are missing a top drawer left back though(Davies is solid, but I thing they need better than just solid) and they still need to find a way to replace the assists they lost when Eriksen went if they want to be in the conversation for a Champion's League spot.  

  4. Bale is a great player who if motivated would make almost every team in the world better. Is he still motivated though?

    For £300k a week it a huge risk, and if he flops and spends more time on the putting green that football pitch I think the likes of Harry Kane will be fucking fuming. If he produces though and actually provides Kane with more scoring chances, I'm sure he will be happy with his ~£200k a week...

  5. Just now, patiirc said:

    Macclesfield have been wound up. phone's being a knob with links so apologies. 

    I fear this will domino

    Southend were or are close last time I checked and there will be others as Covid bites :/

    I can see the league being 5 or 6 teams down by this time next year. Wigan might be the next unless I've missed something I fear for Bolton unless they can bounce back at least a league fairly quickly. 

  6. 56 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    @Loki can you confirm that your mate Richard Stanley isn't a Nazi, thanks.

    Note to any lawyers:

    I have not said he is a "Nazi", just that the end of my name was written in the style of the "SS" logo for comedic effect! 

    edit: I found the poster out. The SS isn't as prominent as I remember, but still there...



  7. 11 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

    I'm going to guess that - hopefully - he meant this as a reference to KISS.

    I love Lost Soul, though. It just piles madness on madness on madness, most of it from Stanley. Every "making of" documentary has its stories about how the weather or egos or some unforeseen circumstance made the movie so difficult to make and it almost didn't happen, but this is the only one that has, "I paid a sorcerer to magically protect the film, but then all his bones melted".

    Nope, he meant the "SS" as in the Schutzstaffel. Did the "comedy" german accent while explaining it and everything! He did it because my mate and I have a bit of a joke where I have to spell my name out for everyone(obviously, as it's a fucking strange spelling!), and if he's there he will always say "don't forget the SS, he's very touchy if you miss the SS", and it tickled him that he wrote it like the "SS" logo.

  8. 53 minutes ago, SaitoRyo said:

    I watched Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau (2014) last night (available with Prime). 

    It's not the most polished documentary out there but it's really interesting because they have some incredible behind-the-scenes footage and the story itself is just batshit insane. 

    Most of the main (living) players are interviewed and it's a really easy 90 or so minutes to get through. I'd read about the production problems for years but had no idea just how far out of control things had gotten and there's some great insight as to why here. 

    I felt quite bad for Stanley at the end, even though he wasn't entirely innocent and clearly in over his head with the size of the film and the egos attached. 

    It made me want to re-watch Hardware and finally get watching Dust Devil, so hey ho. 

    Has anyone seen his latest - Color Out of Space - by any chance? 

    I met Richard Stanley at a little film fest I helped the owners with that had a 35mm print of Hardware showing and Stanley in attendance. He's the single strangest bloke I've ever met in my life. He signed a poster for me(that I had a hand in creating) and my first name is spelt "Kriss", so when he signed the dedication to me, he wrote the double S like the symbol for the "SS" and sat laughing to himself about it for about an hour afterwards...

  9. 18 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

    So people have bid to buy Wrexham. I was sceptical about selling after the shit we've been through and being fan owned. But I found who it is today. 



    I hope it works out for Wrexham. Barnsley's take-over is looking worse and worse by the day. Firstly, the previous owners are suing the new "billionaire" owners as, even after they negotiated the price down by a further few million quid due to the COVID situation, they still have not been paid the last £2.5m they are owed. Then, the new owners have said they want to buy the stadium and land, but due to someone being given first option on the ground 125 years ago and all members of said persons family being dead, they can't.

    NOW, it's been reported that the owners have been in touch with the FA, EFL and other clubs to discuss moving out of Oakwell, and the potential of playing in fucking LANCASHIRE(!!!) has been talked about! So, we're fooked!

    May I be the first to profess my love and support for AFC Barnsley(Mk II)!

  10. 1 hour ago, Gooner said:

    Alex Morgan needs to be starting up front in Spurs men's team. She'd be an improvement.

    Oh yeah before I forget. Auba! Auba! Auba!

    Special mention to Gabriel and Willian on yesterday's performance, impressive debuts and I know much more to come from the both of them and us too.

    Hypothetical question this, but if Spurs lost Kane due to his bi-annual just enough time before the Euro's start that he can recover and just about fit for the tournament and the other forward players in the squad all eat a laxative laden lasagne again, would there be any rules stopping Jose picking her for the men's team? 

    *Not saying she is good enough, or wanting to start a debate about if women could cope in the men's game. I'm thinking more on if there would be any red tape stopping her even being registered as a Spurs player?

  11. I loved the first Babysitter. It's a cracking, fun movie chocked full of laughs and a brilliant early twist(I avoided all trailers ad reviews the first time I watched it, and never saw it coming!). 

    The sequel, while not being a disaster felt a bit souless and missed having Samara Weaving in it for anything other than what felt like a tagged on, crap and cheesy ending. 

  12. Can see Leeds being a really entertaining team to watch this year(I was sick in my mouth a little as I typed that!). They look like they have something about them going forward, have a manager who is world renowned for his tactical knowledge, and a defence that looks like it could struggle a bit. They could be on for a dood number of high scoring games at Elland Road...

    Edit: the above is based on one match in the Premier League admittedly against the champions and a truly world class forward line, but also on what I saw from them last year in the Championship(the real best league in the world!) 

  13. 8 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

    Now, you see, in my constituency which was one of the most solid of the red wall, the youth vote wasn't the problem. 

    The issue was people, several of them my friends, from 50-80 who were staunch Labour voters and remember or worked in industrial Rhos and Brymbo or Shotton who voted Conservative as Out Means Out and all that. 

    The Youth vote in my area went massively Labour, to the extent that Plaid Cymru have had a huge influx of young members since Keir Starmer got in. And there a lot of anger about the selling of the water, and the end of coal and steel amongst local youth, far more than the middle aged. Almost to the point of romanticism.

    "No one can afford a house without a trade, but trades are over subscribes but dad worked on steel, but steel/coal has gone so I'm fucked for life. Tory pricks" - if you get me. It's mine and the one below's generations "Thatcher took our milk". Although, when it comes to brass tacks it's the same as our father's and grandfather's "Thatcher took our jobs". I've never even so many smiles and handshakes as the party we had in the Oddfellows Arms when Thatcher carked it, and its a shame that so many of the men celebrating the cunt going to hell saw fit to vote Conservative. 

    The Cofiwch Treweryn and Yes Cymru movements are huge amongst North Walian youth at the moment and there's large Facebook groups dedicated to it and people walking and spreading the word and there's posters and stickers and graffiti everywhere. Theres a real feeling of hope and a passion to fight. 

    If it wasn't for the fucking Brexit vote the red wall would still exist.

    And the saddest thing is that all those dyed in the wool Labour voters moved away to the tories to fuck off the EU, when the EU is a massive centre right Neo Liberal hole - essentially the Conservative party since Major to Cameron. And Labour should have attacked the last election from a Bennite point of view instead of making Corbyn pretend he was Denis Healey. "Listen lads, we've never liked the bastards anyway, here's our historic proof on the left. Blair did like them, but fuck him, we dislike him as much as you do". Moreover if Labour did take that tact and made it a Brexit vs Brexit vote against the Tories they wouldn't have lost out on votes as the Lib Dems are almost Jeremy Thorpe era levels of irrelevance now and people know that and would not waste their vote on them unless they live in the Shetland Isles or Cornwall. 

    Labour's lack of understanding of their bread and butter ex trade unionist voters in the, let's say, more *ahem* old school *ahem* areas has fucked them forever. 

    Now I'm happy with this all day, as there's now a thirst for Left Wing Nationalism in Wales (32% want independence according to latest polls which has pretty much come out of nowhere. The Welsh language areas of the West of Wales have always been so inclined as @garynysmon will attest to, but now its even hitting border areas like mine on the far east and its gaining huge momentum. Especially after realising that the Conservative MPs which were parachuted in for the last election are either absent or absolutely fucking useless) Scotland will have another referendum at some point, and Ireland will reunite as an independent nation in full in the next 25-30 years unless Westminster shit it and cause issues. 

    England is fucked if you're left wing though. Absolutely fucked. 

    I've not seen the actual breakdown, but I believe the same thing happened here. The younger end were massively in favour or Labour/Corbyn and the older end were the stereotypical "send the buggers back" and "Brexit means Brexit" lot(see the infamous Channel 4 news video). I think it was only the fact that many of them would rather die than vote blue in a General Election that Labour managed to hold(the saying round here is put a red rose on a broom stick and it would win). The Tories even redefined the wards to include a more affluent areas in the poorer ones to dilute the vote. It worked for one ward, who voted blue thanks to wealthy Penistone area being included the ward.

    Pat makes a great post about the younger ones being massively removed from the devastation that the Tories caused many Northern "Working Class" towns(not ignoring those further south, but I don't know enough about them). I lived through the miner's strike(my first memory is of my dad taking me to a soup kitchen at a local theatre on Christmas day as they couldn't afford a christmas dinner), and I've seen first hand what they did to my town, so I have made sure my kids know exactly what happened, and will do the same for their kids too. I know many others that do round here too...

  14. 38 minutes ago, PowerButchi said:

    These days a lot of tories do live in one bed flats with the council. That's how the red wall fell. 

    Suck a brilliant, yet simple comment/observation. 

    Think we all need to stop thinking of Tory voters as the stereotypical wealthy toffs and middle class wannabe ten bob millionaires. Now, many are traditional working class people who for one reason or another have voted for the very party that was hell bent on destroying the industries that put food on the tables of their parents and grandparents(and in many cases their tables too) in the not so distant past.


  15. 9 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Finished The Sopranos again as well, and still the GOAT and will never be bettered.

    To me, watching The Soprano's is like painting one of those big fuck off bridges. By the time I get to the end of the final episode, I feel like I need to start from the beginning again.

    It's not far off the perfect show, for me. It has it all; brilliantly written characters who get fully fleshed out, single episode story arcs, longer full series story arcs, sex, drugs and addiction, murder, comedy, truly sad moments. They really did catch lightening in a bottle with the whole series...

  16. 28 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    Is Brock even a proven draw the past few years? Has he justified his price tag? I don't recall any reports of big ratings bumps or sell out crowds for his appearances?

    I don't think anyone involved with wrestling is an actual draw anymore, at least in the traditional meaning of the word. Vince has got what he wanted all along, and that's to make the promotion the draw, so it took away the power the wrestlers had. As the old saying goes though, be careful what you wish for, as he's stuffed now the way we watch TV has changed and his rating are in an almost terminal decline as there is no-one left to bring in to pop the ratings or house show attendances like there has been in the past.

    Now, all he can do is hope to attract an outsider like he did with Tyson Fury, and because he is only ever going to be on a one or two shot deal it's like putting a plaster on the issue.

    The only person I can think of that would be a consistent draw would be if they could persuade Conner McGregor to do a Rhonda Rousey and turn his hand to wrestling, and  train/work full time for a spell. Trouble is, your then back to square one when he inevitably calls it a day...

  17. 1 hour ago, SaitoRyo said:

    This has got to be one of the best wrestling pictures ever. 


    I say this everytime a photo from this era is posted, but just look at the characters in that photo. 4 distinct characters, 4 distinct body types, 4 distinct looks.  If that sort of angle would be run now, they would all be a similar height, body type, all wear their ring gear with their t-shirt over. 

    Basically, everything that drew us to, and made us fall in love with pro-wrestling has been stripped away and made almost unrecognisable.


  18. Just a quick one on the epilepsy inducing camera cuts. 

    I thought it was just a WWE thing, but my youngest daughter has Youtube on all day today while I've been working in the same room. The shit she watches on there is exactly the same. She's had something called ZamZam family(or something similar), and it's unwatchable in my opinion. There is really jarring cuts constantly, and not just to swap angles. They will cut after each sentence but keep the same camera angles. You will just see them judder slightly where they have not lined them back up right. It game me a fucking headache!

    It's made me wonder though, is this what the current generation of young fans want and enjoy, and is it just us old farts that are complaining?

  19. Baked Beans. The thought of them on/in meals put me off them for years, even though I quite like the taste. But it's only recently I've realised why. When I was about 6, my dad  fucked off, leaving me and my mother to fend for ourselves(no maintenance or anything). We never had a lot of money, so my mam used t go to the KwickSave and buy shit loads of their 5p tins of beans and use them to pad out most meals she made. Caseroles, curry, stew, you name it and it had 2 tins of crap Kwicksave beans in it to make it go further. Ever since I dread the thought of having to even buy a tin of the stuff...  

  20. Just seen something that was linked on Reddit.

    A club congratulating their player on a "batting hattrick. He was caught on a no ball, clean bowled from the free hit, the lbw the next ball. I think I'd give it up as a bad job if I were him!

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