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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. Just now, JNLister said:

    It's not official in the procedural sense (that comes once the states certify the votes later this month, appoint the Electoral College and then it votes in December.)

    It's official in the sense that projections like this are how Americans decide/agree who's won on Election Night (or shortly after.)

    Fair enough! 

    Thanks for all the in depth explanations and updates for plebs like me that have always been ignorant of politics outside our own borders for so long! They have been a big help for me!

  2. 25 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    For anyone that hasn’t seen it yet

    The ramblings of a madman

    “In Philadelphia, the observers are being kept far away, very far away, so far away that people are using binoculars” 😆

    He's a fucking man-child. He sounded just like my 7 year old when one her friends gets a new toy that she want's but didn't get. "Unfair" this and "unfair" that, every postal vote is illegal(Bet they won't be if a pallet of Trump postal votes turn up!), the states that he has a rapidly dwindling lead are all historically corrupt. 

    Once the election has finally been called in favour of Biden, the authorities should prosecute him for clearly calling for violence(as well as all the other dodgy shit he has done), and the actual counters in the states that he has accused of being corrupt and duplicating votes should mount a big, fuck off lawsuit against him for a hell of a lot of money for disparaging their name and reputation, and putting their lives at risk by blaming them for him losing(making them a target for all the hardcore Trump supporters). He might learn to think before he opens his mouth in future then...

  3. The secret service need to wade in and get the codes for the nukes out of his possession. The crazy fucker will end up blowing us all up if anymore of his remaining lead gets over turned! 


    Just wondering though, do the members of the Electoral College legally have to vote for who wins the state? I suppose what I'm asking is, is there any chance of any of them going into business for themselves and using votes intended for Biden for Trump(or vice versa, I just thought Trumps supporters tend to be the more hardcore supporters)?

    Can I also say how much I have enjoyed this thread, not only the last few days but from the start. I never took it upon myself to look into the more intricate details of American politics, but thanks to many posters in this thread I now have a much better idea. Thank you!


  4. I don't get what legal right they have to attempt to stop the remaining counts. Those states that allow late absentee voting were given the legal go-ahead before the election, weren't they? Both sides had the same rules and the Trump voters could postal vote too if they wanted.

    If he succeeds in getting the counts stopped, wouldn't that basically mean that the US is no longer a democracy and make Trump tantamount to a dictator? Hopefully common sense wins and it doesn't come to that, but if it did it would become a very rocky time for world politics...

  5. 2 minutes ago, JNLister said:

    Just spotted that the New York Times results shows you the percentage breakdown of the absentee votes so far (though Nevada doesn't appear a reliable figure.) That suggests Biden should end up taking Pennsylvania clearly if not comfortably, but being too far behind in North Carolina and Georgia.

    Most likely outcome now appears to be Biden winning with 290 or 291 and then Trump having to decide if it's worth trying to pull off some court shenanigans in Pennsylvania and trying his luck with a recount in Wisconsin.

    I really hope your right! 

    It's going to rumble on for months though, isn't it? What strings is Trump clutching at that makes him think he would have a case to take it to the supreme court? 

  6. 2 minutes ago, JNLister said:

    It's something like he needs to win 67% of the remaining ballots (all absentee) and he's won 65% of the absentee ballots so far. It's really down to where in the state the remaining ballots are from.

    In true Kevin Keegan style, I'd love it if Biden wins the state! The Republican rep they had on Tv was your classic, over the top, I know more than you type who was obnoxiously and loudly laughing over the top of whatever the woman who was representing the Democrats had to say. It was pure arrogance.

  7. Just now, tiger_rick said:

    Biden leads in Michigan. Only 0.1% (7k votes) with 89% counted but big news after he trailed by 5% and 200k+ this morning.

    That just highlight how strong the absentee voting is for him. Any news on Pennsylvania? According to some Republican campaign manager on the BBC this morning, Trump was up ~750k and was saying that they might as well stop counting as Biden couldn't win the state(despite there still being circa 1m votes still to be counted)...

  8. 2 minutes ago, Astro Hollywood said:

    It was one of Trump's routines in his speeches the last couple of weeks.

    Fair enough. Just shows you how quick misinformation can spread and become "fact" in your head. I mean, I hate Trump, his politics and everything he stands for, but some bullshit he says has been spread, re-worded and re-posted so many times that it seems like it must have come from a reliable source so must be gospel. I'm embarrassed now that I regurgitated some of the pricks rhetoric...    

  9. 2 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    It does sound like that's exactly what you're doing if you can't even remember the source let alone if there wss any reasoning or logic behind that other than scaremongering.

    You're probably right. I hate it when other people spread false info, so I apologise for doing the same...

  10. Just now, Chest Rockwell said:

    Wait, what? Why is it guaranteed he won't serve a full term? He's ruled out a second term but is there any reason to think he wouldn't make it through a first one?

    Edit: @Cod Eye

    Thinking about it, I'm not sure where I heard/read it. I've seen somewhere though that it was expected that Kamala Harris would take over from him at some point in the term should he win. 

    I'm second guessing myself now though, so if that was just idle chit chat that I had taken as gospel, then please accept my apologies. I'd hate to be someone who is spreading false info...

  11. 2 minutes ago, David said:

    Am I the only one who's woken up this morning shocked that we haven't gotten the landslide-esque victory for Biden?

    I mean, considering everything Trump has done over the past four years? What does he need to do in order to actually fucking lose decisively? I said previously that I didn't think this was the end of the shitstorm, and this has just confirmed that for me.

    Holy fuck. 

    I expected it to be closer than people were predicting. The combination of Trump's almost cult like following(and the "shy" Republican effect), and the fact it's almost guaranteed that Biden will not serve a full term(and the "senior" moments that have been reported recently) told me that lots of voters would be nervous to go all in on Biden. 

    I'm very surprised that Trump's popularity with certain minorities has increased though, especially with the black voters in light of the BLM protests and Trump declaring Antifa should be classified as a terrorist group. 

  12. Just now, tiger_rick said:

    Trump now out to 3/1. Presumably as a reaction to Trump now only having a 0.5% lead (27k votes) in Michigan.

    Wisconsin and Michigan would give Biden 264 meaning Nevada would make the 270 if he holds on there. He's not out of it in Georgia or North Carolina so this could still be decided today.

    I had to laugh at Navada(I think it is them, anyway) deciding they'd had enough of counting for one day, and clocked off for the day. It's only the most important elections America have had for many a year, with an incumbent president that is known for being a rash hothead and has already spouted off about going to the courts to stop votes being counted, and with a country that is decided and has threats of riots and violence all across the nation, but you guys go home and fuck it off for a bit. 

  13. 21 minutes ago, Factotum said:

    Stunning performance from Trump in this election. The fucker really does know how to motivate a base to get out and vote. I didn't see it this time myself like 2016,

    That said, the midwest IS still to play for given the sheer number of mail in ballots. But It wouldn't shock me if Trump wins 1 or 2. A Trump landslide. Wow.


    Biden's just taken the lead in WI for the first time, thanks to the early postal votes. Fingers crossed the other carry on this trend...

  14. 24 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Wasn’t it the first PPV after the Hogan/Jarrett incident? Probably playing up to that at a guess

    Was that a shoot? I always just assumed it was classic Russo "worked shoot" bullshit...

  15. 4 minutes ago, Shy Dad said:

    I can't be helped. I'm a fucking horrible human and I deserve the pain in my head. The only reason I should survive and just batter myself is so my nephews don't know what death is. 

    Everyone can be helped.It's just a question on how much help someone needs. It sounds like you need help to realise that you are no where near a "horrible human" and to learn to like yourself again. Every one of us has positive and negative character traits. Most people can see those negative traits as exactly what they are; a small part of them that is out weighed by the good. Unfortunately, many of us have a brain that can't think like that and we need help putting things right, either by talking or chemically in the form of anti-depressants. 

    Honestly, I've been exactly where you have been. In fact it was about 8 years to the day I turned a corner and hopefully it will be the same for you. 

  16. 10 minutes ago, Shy Dad said:

    I'm sat by the river side and I don't think I'm coming back. 


    Love you lot


    Get up, go for a little walk. Maybe buy yourself a drink and some good food and ring 999 and speak to someone. 

    I've been where you are a good few times and I'm so happy I didn't go through with what I was going to do. I guarantee you will feel much better after getting the help you need.

  17. 4 hours ago, neil said:

    Just been scrolling through giantpoppywatch and howling with laughter/sad that the UK is turning into the US as far as cringey patriotism.

    I particularly enjoyed the fallen poppy of Bournemouth and the Newcastle Utd #LestWeForBet t-shirt...

  18. 19 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

    Someone in my office has tested positive, in the days before they were sat with a handful of people for the day training and milling around another small group of us having a chat. 

    When asked if we should keep coming in without getting checked, about 8 people were in close contact, given they can work from home we were told they hadn't thought about it and assume yes keep coming into the office for now. 

    Am I being harsh in saying that's a poorly thought out approach worth challenging? 


    That sounds like a real shitarse "approach". If they can work from home, I don't see any point risking an even bigger outbreak and if taken to the extremes, someone suffering from a life changing condition thanks to the effects of the virus, or even worse dying. Even Boris fucking Johnson, who can't give any advice without sitting on the fence in case he upsets his wealthy donators says people should continue to work from home if they can.

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