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Posts posted by Merzbow

  1. Just listened to the new Wolvhammer LP, what a nasty and vicious mix of Black Metal, Sludge and Crust but with some great production. One of the best metal albums this year and hopefully it gets noticed now that they are on Profound Lore.


    Oh i forgot, don't support PF though as they are releasing Leviathans new album which is all based on Wrests missus who he battered and sexually assaulted with tattooing equipment. allegedly

  2. I just remembered Damnation is next Saturday. Jesus christ.


    It's cleaned me out, but I can't wait. ULVER! :D


    Don't remind me, they are my all time favorites but i can't travel for health reasons.

    Make sure you come back and tell us how they were.

  3. I don't know where to start on the Nightmare on Elm Street stuff but after 3 they just started ramping up the Freddy as a campy anti-hero they went to shit. I think i wrote about them on here when i went through them all in a week. Watching them back to back shows just how shitty they got.


    Just to try and put the whole NOES issue to bed.I wasn't likening the films to masterpieces of say Fritz Lang or Alfred Hitchcock,merely stating that within the horror genre and more specifically the Nightmare series that Parts 3 and 7 were both very good.


    No they're not! Within the series, the horror genre and film as a whole they are awful. The only really good film in that series is the first one. The second one is mediocre at best. The rest are shit. The Nightmare On Elm Street Code is - 12everythingelseinequalorderofshitness.


    No, just no. The second one is easily one of the worst and calling it mediocre is being VERY generous. Three might be super camp but at least it was a fun watch and seven is just as good as one if not better.


    Anyway, i'm not a huge fan of them anyway or any horror film's in that style (Friday 13th and Halloween etc are shite) but for a simple bit of fun those two and the first are a laugh.

  4. If you're a PC gamer, Steam now has the complete set of GTA, from 1 through Episodes from Liberty City (minus the ...Stories games that weren't on PC) for
  5. Hey lads, know of some good catchy death metal you can recommend me? It can be super heavy but I don't want any melodic stuff or anything that sounds too radio friendly but I don't want just technical noise either, definitely none of that extreme metal crossed with emo shit, Cannabis Corpse are perfect. I'm normally more of a Black Metal fan but I've been really feeling death metal vocals recently and was wondering if there was much good stuff about. Someone mentioned a Torture Killer album on this thread ages ago and that was wicked.


    PS I'm seeing Enslaved tonight, yes!


    Vader, they are my goto band when i need something heavy and catchy to nod along with. The third Carcass album is always a good bet too.



    Also, how were Enslaved? I saw them once but it was during an odd period when they just started the whole "post-metal" era before it clicked.

  6. Not to mention another one of hunts side projects, the mighty anaal nathrakh.They're very metal indeed.

    They're TOO metal i guess, i love myself a bit of good Black Metal but Anaal were just speed and fuck all else. No idea if they have changed at all but that old impression has kept me away from them.Currently listening to the Inerrant Rays of Infallible Sun (Blackship Shrinebuilder) split by Om and Current 93 (who are not metal but in my top "bands" of all time), i always seem to forget about Om for some reason even though i love Sleep so this needs to be rectified.
  7. Any discussion of sludge metal should begin with, end with and be comprised entirely of Iron Monkey.Beastwars and Hour of 13 tracks are cool. Nice one. I've not been following this thread so don't know score but I'm very open to some sludge sounds. My tiny musical brains usually baulks at the more technical metal so prefer the heavier, more atmospheric, doomy, occasionally excruciatingly slow stuff of Electric Wizard et al. Oh. Here's some Acid Bath.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy6WM8THTwg

    I'm going to be rather blasphemous here and say Mistress were doing the Iron Monkey sound better than the originators, the way they added a nasty ammount of grind into the act was perfect. Maybe it's a little bit of bias as i've met them multiple times but i do prefer thier sound. Related band Fukpig should really be given a listen as well, one of the better Blackened Grind/Crust bands around.Talking of Blackened music have some Dishammer, awesome head banging D-Beat.
  8. Does anybody in here actaully listens to metal that, you know, isn't on the mainstream charts?Not that I have anything against the mainstream, but for fuck sake - 99% of the discussion in this thread is pretty much just about mainstream metal. How's about a little variety?In other words - check the brilliant debut album of NZ's sludge masters Beastwars: http://beastwars.bandcamp.com/track/red-god

    Awesome, needed some new sludge to listen to and in return i give you Ecocide http://ecocide.bandcamp.com/album/ecocide-s-t, a mix of genres with a nice sludge feel and some violin.
  9. http://www.hellfest.fr/


    The first Hellfest announcement was made yesterday and the top acts are getting a lot of negative response. Trivium in a high profile spot at Hellfest? Fuck no. It's widely hoped that the next announcements will be better. Although this one has got some top bands - Alcest, Anaal Nathrakh, Darkspace, dISEMBOWELMENT, Napalm Death, Necros Christos, Solstafir mainly.


    The general consensus seems to be that because Hellfest sold out last year for the first time there's a fear that this year they're going to go more mainstream, which I certainly hope is not the case. I do think the next announcement will be better, but this one pales in comparison to the first announcements of the last few years.


    Those headliners are laughably bad apart from Oyster'. Nice to see Arcturus on there, hope it means we get a UK gig or two but i have no idea if it's Vortex or Garm on vocals, Garm would be more than preferable. Looks like Dave Cunt has two bands there aswell, just wish he would start up Mistress again.

  10. Anyone here into the whole Red and Anarchist Black Metal scene at all? I've been having a little nosey through many of the bands as i slightly lean that way at times and there is some awesome Crust/Sludge like stuff doing the rounds along with some amazing Post-Black Metal.


    This folky band/project Book Of Sand are pretty damn good, might not be everyones cup of tea but i find it beautiful.


  11. Bolt Thrower have never made a bad album, it may be true that they have had very little change thoughout them at times but it's always been solid efforts. Oh, and of course i should mention Death, they would probably be still making classics now if Chuck had not passed away.

  12. Is Gundam worth getting into?


    Yes but it's hard to choose where to start, Gundam Wing is possibly the most well known over here as it was on Cartoon Network after DBZ but starting from the original is always a good idea.

  13. Anyone who mentioned Deathnote in this thread - wins.

    When it comes to movie vs anime with deathnote both have their own pluses. The animes extra time to focus on the intricate details of the plot however is fantastic and it's deffinatly worth watching even if you've seen the live action movies.


    Naruto, Bleach and Full Metal are also good watches.


    See, that's part of the anime style these days that i can't stand too. I've tried giving each of them a try but i can't get into them what so ever (Bleach makes a good DS game though), it's all too ADHD for me.


    Good work on findng the PB live action though, i may try watching it.

  14. Any mentions for Perfect Blue or Wings Of Honneamise yet?


    I had a major anime phase just before I went to uni, and they used to show a lot of it on Channel 4 during 4Later and on Paramount before it became all comedy. I remember really enjoying Dominion Tank Police and Project A-Ko especially, but the two aforementioned films are absolutely amazing. Perfect Blue is incredibly good, espcially.


    The bath scene from Perfect Blue was used in Requiem For a Dream, Darren Aronofsky bought the entire remake rights just to make that one scene.


    I just downloaded the original Bubblegum Crisis episodes, those days were so much better than all this "moe" and fan service crap i keep seeing today.

  15. We are very sad to report that yesterday our bandmate and brother B has passed away.


    The concerts today and tomorrow are still to be performed, but in a different form in his honor.

    This information is valid and in its extreme sadness true.


    A final statement with further details is to come.


    Kim, Henrik (H.), Felix (Fix), Kral


    Sad news, im sure he had just finished some work for Woundism too.

  16. Just listened to the new Book of Sand EP, Feminist/Anarchist/Vegan Black Metal project covering old folk songs but not in that spastic* folk metal way.

    Pretty awesome stuff with some low but very nice production.



    *Words of Fenriz, not me

  17. Does Vogg play on the new Vader album?


    No, he was just a session guitarist from what i remember. This time it's just Peter, Spider and Paul from Hell-Born (who were a decent band but nothing special).


    And on Ozzy, he hasn't done anything special since he first left Sabbath. Dio was always the coolest out of the two.

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