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Posts posted by Merzbow

  1. 7 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

    What is it, based on what is out there in the public domain about Tony Khan, that makes you think he isn't? Genuinely interested to know. 

    It's less about him, more about business in general.  Bosses aren't paying over what they "need" to. Being the data guy that he is be probably has wages meticulously sorted anyway.

  2. Booker T just says any old shite to get clicks, he's proper turned into one of those twats that make a controversial statement knowing it'll get Twitter mad.

  3. Dune (the Lynch one): This isn't half as bad as I remembered it to be, I can see how it'd be a complete mess for anyone not familar to the story though as it just skips through massive portions or gives you really bad exposition from an ethereal voice. It still looks gorgeous though with the weirdest set and costume designs, the Shai Hulud look great for the time too with Dale Cooper and Big Ed Hurley on them like they're drunk joyriding. I dunno about milking that cat though...

    Provo (2022): Loved this, a small debut full-length movie from and starring Emma Thatcher (who follows me on Insta, don't you know?) about an off the rails ex-Mormon who finds out her estranged father is dying. Kinda hits close to home like, plus people are improving bits about Powerviolence so bonus points for that.

  4. Yeah the PCW owner filmed himself and Masters bullying a child, I don't know why anyone would pirate a show of theirs in the first place though..

    I like all eras of Sid, but yeah when the crowd turned him face and hurt HBK's ego so much he never really recovered until the 00's is my all time favourite. Plus that pyro was fucking sick!



  5. 8 minutes ago, SwayWays said:

    Yeah I remember when offered hogan's boots and spots according to Bruce Pritchard, he instead said he wanted to be a heel. The general consensus being he didn't want the top spot or responsibility that went along with it. He'd rather have freedom or a suspect injury whenever softball season came round. 

    He's someone who could have done more. Didn't want to. But I'm always suprised he never had another crack at a run, or a HoF nod. 

    When he came out still looking like an end of game boss to kill Heath Slater I thought he'd be quick in or at least on that Legends deal.

    EDIT: Ok, so rewatching this and noticing that Sid still knows perfectly how to work for the camera.


  6. On 2/8/2024 at 12:36 AM, SuperBacon said:

    Imagine how dreadful this would be.


    I'd so try and get a DJ spot if I could though, trolling an entire room of Centrist Dads? Yes please.

  7. These have been reduced in the local Korean supermarket and they are lovely, with a nice spice that hits later than you'd expect.

    It's based on a sauce made for Tteokbokki (a rice cake dish) which I've never had.


  8. 2 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

    Here’s one that I can’t believe I forgot - Chris Masters; specifically, Masters when he returned to WWE in 2009. He was tearing it up on the B shows having fantastic matches, yet no one really seemed to notice. You had a guy with a great look, good mic skills and stellar wrestling ability; but he was never really given a chance on one of the main shows following his comeback. And he should have had that.

    Nah, he deserves never getting his flowers after turning up to a kids house to act all 'ard.

  9. The infamous handshake with Bret was something Bret came up with after Virgil asked to shake hands before the match, he said in a cameo the it was a secret thing between him and a mate in elementary school that wasn't even known by the other brothers.

    Oh, and Virgil did time for heroin trafficking.. Bret didn't say that but still, it's something we never knew until now.

  10. The Katsu Curry fusion was actually pretty good, the others not so much. I ended up having too many of the doner kebab Pot Noodles which were ok at best but only 39p in Farmfoods, a lot nicer with a whole bunch of chili sauce thrown in.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Richie Freebird said:

    Think I've been fully whooshed here. I took the bait and googled it.... Neo Nazi murder capital of the internet? Have I missed some controversy?


    I don't really follow anything other than watching the shows as they pop up on Youtube. I know they moved to an app in USA, but I believe its not available in England. I know there are sites like 123 Wrestling that bootleg WWE, AEW, TNA etc. Just not sure if there are any equivalents showing Corgan's NWA.

    It's just Billy and a few on the roster are further to the right than usual, NWA became known as a space for those seen as too controversial to get work. Be it sex pests, right wingers or conspiracy theorists (or all three).

    Plus they went and fucked over the actual platform they were on with the "coke and hookers" malarkey.

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