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Posts posted by Merzbow

  1. 3 hours ago, Jazzy G said:

    some Japanese lads having a scrap in a derilict house. It was properly weird stuff. 

    There was also a weird IWA Japan deathmatch in a bathhouse that did the rounds on those tapes, just fighting while naked people are wondering what the fuck is going on.

  2. Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Shadow WX in a loser has to wrestle an alligator deathmatch, the match beforehand is ok I guess and the typical kind of thing from both guys but it's the dog shit "match" vs the alligator which I love for how bad it is. Everyone is expecting something killer and you can even see the sadness in Matsunaga's eyes when out pops a literal baby animal, he's actually soft with it and does whatever he can to not hurt the poor bugger. I weirdly love the whole thing.

    They made an entire tape all about it, too, which I had a bootleg VHS of.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    Dunno if this new stuff will get a similar response?

    I didn't really get the hate the first time around, plenty of bands come back with new lineups but this seemed to get a bigger backlash than others. I've already seen the typical "I prefer the original vocalist" comments for this new track.

  4. I'm watching the live action version of Avatar: The Last Airbender and and it's surprisingly not terrible, after awful adaptations from Netflix like Death Note and Cowboy Bebop they've seemingly got their act together with this and One Piece. It's also far from brilliant and possibly not even needed but the young cast really make it work, it's just never going to live up to the original which is rightfully seen as one of the best cartoons ever (even if I prefer Korra).

  5. I played some Killer Instinct earlier, it's cool but falls really far behind the arcade version, more than other conversions of the time.

    Even the N64 version wasn't as good, now that was an odd port though and seemingly went through development hell?

  6. 4 minutes ago, The Dart said:

    People complained that Drew was treated like a "hometown" star for a show in Wales.   He's from Adelaide which is a 28 hour drive from Perth.   Putting a lower midcarder who has no current storyline and have him win, just because he's from the same country would be nutty.

    Just change where he's billed from, worked for Bulldog.

  7. Antonio Inoki vs The Great Antonio is a fav shitter to go back to once in a while, the latter being one of the worst workers in existence but with a hugely over inflated ego so thought he could no sell everything thrown at him until the strikes became so real he was kicked in the head repeatedly busting him open and probably knocking him the fuck out.

    He's a really interesting fella though.


  8. Regarding getting fans to come back to shows, hasn't that been one of the biggest problems in wrestling as fans often just don't come back regardless of quality? I can speak for myself and say I haven't come back to WWE in nearly a decade now, and it's been months since I last watched a full AEW show.


  9. On 2/28/2023 at 11:39 AM, Merzbow said:

    Let's fucking go.

    I like seeing the word expansion, too. Reminds me of the old days when "dlc" was huge.

    It seems like there's even a physical edition? It must be huge.


  10. I'm replaying some Prey and it's making me sad that Arkane is now a shell of it's former self thanks to the big Beth and Microsoft, it's going to take a new killer dev team to being back the AAA "im-sim" which is my favourite microgenre of game. A new Deus Ex was cancelled recently after Embracer Group shat the bed and is firing half of the people it bought up during covid.

  11. On 2/13/2024 at 4:17 PM, Snitsky's back acne said:

    Japanese legend Hayabusa wrestling some scrub in a dingy nightclub in Florida in 1995.
    No idea of the venue but it looks tiny and the crowd is silent throughout. No idea who the wrestlers are who attack 'HAY-BUSA!!!' afterwards,
    All very bizarre,.


    That's when he was over in the US for a few weeks after a lengthy Mexico excursion, he was living with Mike Awesome and had the WWF looking to sign him around this time, too.

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