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Posts posted by Merzbow

  1. WWF may have been losing the war but the roster was stacked, Sid, HBK, Bret and Taker on top with Vader, Steve Austin and Mankind close to them with more greats underneath. Might just be my favourite group of guys in one place at one time.

  2. 25 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    Am I easily swayed by this place? 


    Who's to say?

    This might be a silly question, but can you use chilli oil to cook in? Surely you can right? 

    Snap, I just bought myself the fermented soybean version today after a little Reddit research and the previous pages video.



  3. 8 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

    Look how over he was! Why didn't they bring him back as a regular? 

    EDIT: Not a good match, though - Quake's great as always, but why was he leaving his feet (aside from the dropkick and splash) for that no-mark? I've never heard of Tank Meloche until today. Was he supposed to be wrestling face? More importantly, I can't tell if he was meant to be a jobber or more than, because he came out to music and was allowed to go toe-to-toe with Quake in weight and strength, despite showing all the personality of a courgette.

    Mind you, the pop for the finish - I was looking forward to that. Still don't understand why they didn't bring him back. He was clearly still much loved.

    I'm pretty sure the kid was a trainee of his, Tenta had a school for a bit.

  4. Dustin had already used The American Nightmare during the dying days of WCW, didn't he? After he shot on the whole Seven deal. I think it suited him much more seeing as he did have quite a lot of issues with his dad.

  5. I'd definitely pick up the first game, it still holds up well and is one of the best takes on Western fantasy even though it's from Capcom. Plus one of the premade body types is literally Guts from Berserk.

  6. Pretty much zero effort cooking here but I found that putting just some Lee Kum Kee chili oil in plain rice is somehow one of the nicest things ever for how simple it is, I'm going to be trying different brands like Lao Gan Ma as I hear they have pretty different flavor profiles being from different parts of China.

    The stuff is great in ramen, too.

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