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Posts posted by Merzbow

  1. Dustin had already used The American Nightmare during the dying days of WCW, didn't he? After he shot on the whole Seven deal. I think it suited him much more seeing as he did have quite a lot of issues with his dad.

  2. I'd definitely pick up the first game, it still holds up well and is one of the best takes on Western fantasy even though it's from Capcom. Plus one of the premade body types is literally Guts from Berserk.

  3. Pretty much zero effort cooking here but I found that putting just some Lee Kum Kee chili oil in plain rice is somehow one of the nicest things ever for how simple it is, I'm going to be trying different brands like Lao Gan Ma as I hear they have pretty different flavor profiles being from different parts of China.

    The stuff is great in ramen, too.

  4. 49 minutes ago, cobra_gordo said:

    Did you catch Voidlurker?

    Yeah I've seen them a few times, they support a bunch round here and sound ace. Finished with a good bit of Cathedral worship.

  5. Two gigs in two nights, I'm getting old for this..

    Went to a harsh noise show on Saturday which was surprisingly well attended, faces I'd never seen at these shows before and everyone was really into it. The promotor now has me playing one of his shows in July!

    Sunday was Wallowing and Conan, both sounding better than I've ever heard from them before and the place was rammed. Bile Caster were a support I didn't know and they were slow as molasses, perfect sludge.

  6. Drive-Away Dolls: I really wanted to like this more than I did but for so much of it it was trying far too hard to be quirky and most of the jokes fell flat. I can see it becoming a cult classic in some circles but it wasn't for me. Margaret Qualley is still utter perfection though.

  7. 1 minute ago, no user name said:

    Would love to see some live hardcore wrestling but there isn't much around.

    Kumite in Derby and TNT which I think is in Liverpool both do a lot of hardcore stuff, there's a local lad I know that wrestles for both.

    1 minute ago, no user name said:

    Any deathmatch recommendations?

    I've currently got a thing for the Russian scene which is just gross and weird, the lad who uploaded this video is worth searching through as he covers many of the early and mid 00's classics, too.


  8. Currently? Pretty much no company on a regular basis, I'll catch an AEW PPV and watch clips of the guys I still like on YouTube. I'm more than likely to just watch some old RINGS or UWF if I need a wrestling fix, with some deathmatches both old and new thrown in.

  9. Not to turn this into another shitting thread but I have heard if you eat enough of them then your poo turns blue, according to Eli on Cheapshow, it freaked him out in a Pret loo.

  10. 1 minute ago, Lorne Malvo said:

    Fandango beat Chris Jericho in his first Wrestlemania appearance, then spent the next 4 or 5 arsing around in the Get Everyone On The Card Battle Royale.

    What I would have given for a Fashion Peaks cinematic 'Mania match..

  11. And why is it Volk Han when he faced Akira Maeda in 1991?

    Ok, so I thought this could a good idea for a thread where we talk about the best debut matches over the decades but them remembered that so many likely aren't even on tape.. I guess Logan Paul could genuinely be up for a shout though.


  12. I wasn't going to pick more than one from the same series but I'd say Bloodborne and Dark Souls are different enough, same with the two Metal Gears I picked.

    10 Points. Disco Elysium

    9 Points. Metal Gear Solid 3

    8 Points. Bloodborne

    7 Points. Fallout New Vegas

    6 Points. Deus Ex

    5 Points. Dark Souls

    4 Points. Deadly Premonition

    3 Points. Resident Evil 1 Remake

    2 Points. Metal Gear Rising; Revengeance

    1 Point. WWF Wrestlefest

  13. How are we feeling about those imported Takis that are all over every corner shop? They're stupidly expensive but I managed to get the Blue ones for 99p and they're toxic in flavour as well as colour but I weirdly like them, they feel like you're licking hot acid.

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