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Posts posted by Merzbow

  1. 12 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    I'm assuming this will mean something to some people on here.


    She's pretty charismatic, and likely the one current Joshi star that could cross over best into WWE. The last I saw her English was still awful though, I'd always figured she'd speak it as she was born in London.

  2. Speaking of Rise Above Hate, was there anything worse than the Kane "Embrace The Hate" angle? It was shit even by Kane feud standards, Cena making out with his jobber mates girl and all that.

  3. I'm nearly through with This Town and I'm torn on it, it's certainly not a bad show but it often feels like two were pitched and then combined into one. The entire IRA plotline feels out of place and takes up so much time, there's a fair lot of inaccuracies that are sure to piss off some.

    The music choices are ace exempt for the actual band being portrayed which sound nothing like two tone and more like 00's indie rejects.

  4. 5 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    My main issue with John Cena's style is that despite being a freakishly strong muscle man is that all his offence is weak as piss. Running bull dogs, second rope leg drops, flipping neck breakers....absolute crap. You're a beast John, do some goddamn power moves. Press Slam someone for the love of God!

    Didn't he start doing the Code Red at one point in some weird attempt to show that he can "wrestle"? It didn't suit him at all and actually lessened his repertoire in my opinion, proper cosplay stuff appealing to wankers.

  5. I bet it still gets right under his skin that Kenny saved said dog, it's one of the only variations told in the whole ordeal that I could actually 100% believe.


  6. 31 minutes ago, FLips said:

    Oh does that sort it? I thought it was to do with the colours running through the composite into the hardware? I'll have a try thanks.
    The Wii/GC had a "Force Progressive" which people were recommending before I downloaded the same roms in PAL but that just made my screen black.

    It should do, although I remember that not all games play well with the setting. It's a good backup way of doing things though.

  7. Sunn O))) tomorrow.. I've only seen them once before and it was one hell of an experience, even with my good earplugs I could hear a high pitched squeal for two days after but I was at the barrier for the entire show.

    I went to Flesh Creep's album release party on Saturday, one of the few times I've seen Centrala completely sold out and it didn't even have advance tickets. Probably the best punk band in the country right now.

  8. Double post but I found some of these in a shop on the way back from a gig tonight, they're actually pretty hot for something from Walkers and the heat sure builds up. Will eat again.


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