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Posts posted by Merzbow

  1. Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball has passed away at 68.

    This one hurts, I've spent literal days upon days watching his shows since I was a teenager first catching DBZ on Cartoon Network.

  2. It probably set Chinese - American relations back by twenty years but yeah that still gets a chuckle from me.

    Mustard man is still my fav related song, Brandon freestyles all the Gnarkill stuff too. I need a copy of the album!


  3. I bought a bag of these and they're so good, it says fruit but they're far more savory although you can tell they're also full of sugar. Got quite the kick with all the spices in them.


  4. 24 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Wish it never looked so good, it’s gonna be extra disappointing when it disappears up its own arse. 

    Yeah, it's the Westworld lad isn't it? I'm sure Amazon want this to be a mainstream hit though.

  5. Expeditions: A MudRunner Game
    Well what the fuck happened here then? They took out the best thing about the previous games, being able to traverse the entire maps however you like, very slowly getting further in and hauling better cargo with bigger, badder trucks and replaced all that with pre-made missions that just send you back to a menu after completion. You can unlock the whole map at points but there's nothing really to do in them.
    It feels like they made this for a more mainstream audience but didn't take the time to advertise it that way, the only people buying it are fans of the previous games.
  6. 7 hours ago, theironshake said:

    Surley it will Conrad promoted just like the last match of Ric Flair. He does the podcast with him it just seems like the kind of thing SuperMark Conrad would do. 

    Yeah and he's got enough mates all over the place that it'd be one big crossover deal again, wrestlers and production from AEW and everywhere else.

  7. So Jungle Boy Jack Perry is now in House of Torture and is saying that he asked for his release from AEW but it was turned down, I'm pretty sure that's just in character but yeah he's back wrestling again.

  8. I'm currently on volume 26 of Berserk and it's one of the best so far, it never really dipped but this one really kicks things off again with some of Miura's best art yet and great character development for a couple of my faves. You can also tell he really enjoyed drawing a certain member of the God Hand...

    Spoilers but also nsfw.




  9. This came out of nowhere, some of the best and jankiest Eurojank ever made, I'd expect a million bugs but they're worth playing.

    Edit: Playstation, too. They messed up the PS4 price and had the trilogy up at £15.99.

  10. I'll have to give that a listen, I'm currently all over the new Toadliquor album which seemingly came out of nowhere after decades without a 2nd album. It's killer old school sludge, heavy as all hell in that Eyehategod style but more so. There's also some electronics and other weird bits in there every now and then..


  11. Affliction (1997): Back to the topic of depressing, dark and bleak cinema, this might now be my fav Schrader film after Mishima. Nick Nolte was perfectly cast in it, playing the long winding dive of his mental state without making a mockery of it and James Coburn is a magnificantly horrible piece of shit.

    Lisa Frankenstein: It's not great and feels really disjointed with a fair few odd production choices making it seem a little sterile or even dull at times but I can't say there's zero charm there, I can see this getting a bit of a cult following especially among goth girls.. Still better than any recent Tim Burton shit, which it kinda wants to be.

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