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Chris Benoit dead


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Kayfabe or not and regardless of what people knew about their personal lives, Eddie died suddenly. Benoit murdered his wife and son and then killed himself... Big difference there.

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I really want to say something and get everything I'm feeling about this off my chest, but I still can't find the words. The possibility of never knowing why he did it is just horrible. I'm hoping this whole situation won't get any worse, but I have this awful sick feeling in my stomach that it will. I'm hope I'm wrong.

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What cause is Meltzer supposed to help exactly? It is about fucking time that serious questions are asked about the crap WWE wrestlers are putting into their bodies. The tragedy here is that is took the murder of a woman and a 7 year old child before mainstream press actually gave a fuck.

Will they hang about to care for long though or when this all slows down thorough time will the mainstream media turns its attention elsewhere allowing pro wrestling to carry on as 'normal'?
I know which one Vince is hoping for.Lets just hope there are no major news stories in the next week or so and the slow news days give the media motivation to keep digging
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What cause is Meltzer supposed to help exactly? It is about fucking time that serious questions are asked about the crap WWE wrestlers are putting into their bodies. The tragedy here is that is took the murder of a woman and a 7 year old child before mainstream press actually gave a fuck.

Will they hang about to care for long though or when this all slows down thorough time will the mainstream media turns its attention elsewhere allowing pro wrestling to carry on as 'normal'?
The steroid angle was being mentioned so much at the press conference I can't imagine it being quietly dropped. Steroids in baseball is such an issue in the States at the moment (Barry Bonds approaching home run record while under suspicion of juicing, Jason Giambi as good as admitting it went on, a Federal investigation into the matter), it isn't beyond the realms of possibility it will have some effect on wrestling too. Especially if Benoit is found to have been loaded with the stuff when the toxicology reports come back.
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After all we have heard it is difficult NOT to jump to conclusions when you discuss Benoit's son, needle marks, and growth hormone. I take it this was the stuff Benoit was taking himself???

As I understand it, growth hormones are entirely different to steroids. They may be given to youngsters who are not, well, growing properly. I'm pretty sure it's unusual to administer them to a seven-year-old though, you would normally wait until after puberty.
Aren't Benoit's disproportionately stumpy legs something to do with a hormone deficiency? Would that be hereditary? Even if - and this is a long shot - Benoit was injecting Daniel with HGH recreationally, there's no way Nancy wouldn't have known about it or allowed it.I'm still filled with sadness over this one. I'll still watch his matches, but when I do so, I won't be thinking "There's a man who is pure evil", I'll be sad that whatever took over his mind that weekend robbed the world of a great artist, and a family that did not deserve it. And before anyone jumps on my back, I'll be sorting out a new sig this week.
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And before the conspiracy theories start...No, Benoit did not kill Eddie.

Thanks for that. Are you enjoying an alcoholic beverage or 50?
No. I just thought I'd throw it out there before someone who actually believed it to be true could. I've posted in this thread far too much.I have a habit of using the deaths of wrestlers/other celebs as a way of venting grief at losses I've suffered in my own life that I haven't fully let out, and it makes me act somewhat irrationally. Sorry to anyone my posts may have wound up today, or the fact that I've got quite angry at certain people.
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After all we have heard it is difficult NOT to jump to conclusions when you discuss Benoit's son, needle marks, and growth hormone. I take it this was the stuff Benoit was taking himself???

As I understand it, growth hormones are entirely different to steroids. They may be given to youngsters who are not, well, growing properly. I'm pretty sure it's unusual to administer them to a seven-year-old though, you would normally wait until after puberty.
Aren't Benoit's disproportionately stumpy legs something to do with a hormone deficiency? Would that be hereditary? Even if - and this is a long shot - Benoit was injecting Daniel with HGH recreationally, there's no way Nancy wouldn't have known about it or allowed it.I'm still filled with sadness over this one. I'll still watch his matches, but when I do so, I won't be thinking "There's a man who is pure evil", I'll be sad that whatever took over his mind that weekend robbed the world of a great artist, and a family that did not deserve it. And before anyone jumps on my back, I'll be sorting out a new sig this week.
It could be herediatry but as RCP mentioned you probably wouldn't give someone HGH till they reached puberty when the true rate of growth could be monitored. It has also been mentioned as well that WHAT was the point of even mentioning it. For a throwaway line it is very damaging that is why I am led to believe there could well be something in it.
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I read this in a free London paper today. Shocking.Nobody knows exactly what happened yet, but WWE will have to work overtime to rehabilitate Benoit. If he had killed another wrestler in fight and then topped himself that would be one thing, but for the foreseeable future he is persona non-grata in terms of glowing memories.I was never a Benoit fan, he lacked the charisma needed, but was a solid wrestler and I respected his workrate.Another wrestler connected with the Hart family has a tragic end...................... :confused:

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What cause is Meltzer supposed to help exactly? It is about fucking time that serious questions are asked about the crap WWE wrestlers are putting into their bodies. The tragedy here is that is took the murder of a woman and a 7 year old child before mainstream press actually gave a fuck.

Will they hang about to care for long though or when this all slows down thorough time will the mainstream media turns its attention elsewhere allowing pro wrestling to carry on as 'normal'?
The steroid angle was being mentioned so much at the press conference I can't imagine it being quietly dropped. Steroids in baseball is such an issue in the States at the moment (Barry Bonds approaching home run record while under suspicion of juicing, Jason Giambi as good as admitting it went on, a Federal investigation into the matter), it isn't beyond the realms of possibility it will have some effect on wrestling too. Especially if Benoit is found to have been loaded with the stuff when the toxicology reports come back.
Wrestling needs to become regulated, if their was some independant body coming in and testing these guys and automatically suspending these guys if they failed it would clean it up a little. Random drug tests need to happen, perhaps wrestling in seasons as well? They have 3 brands, take one off the road for 2-3 months a year and alternate?The general public and the media need to wake up, they might not really fight but they are still performing a craft and I dont know any other industry with this type of drug filled death toll
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I said it before, but can I have everyone's agreement that I can bring up all the "we can't judge him" comments next time a celebrity is accused of something bad in an off-topic thread? Seriously, how many of you would say the same about OJ Simpson, even though he was found not guilty by a jury of his peers?

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