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Chris Benoit dead


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Bob Ryder at 1wrestling.com recently spoke with close friends and confidants of Chris Benoit, there were apparently warning signs that something was wrong with Benoit. One person who wanted to remain nameless said:"This wasn't roid rage, this was insanity. Roid rage doesn't last for 48 hours. There were signs that something was wrong. Stories have emerged that a year ago he became paranoid and believed he was being followed. He wouldn't let Nancy leave the house because he believed someone was out to get them."

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Benoit is a wrestling god end of. He is one of the best that got in the ring and he has entertained me since i was about 6. What he may have done is wrong but nothing can take away from his ability to wrestle. I have a girlfriend and a son called Daniel which is a little bit weird but i have listened to this song bout 20 times today and i think it has truth there always seems to be a song for everythings that happens in life to me this song is it for this situation. I dont condone what he is supposed to have done and feel sympathy for the rest of the Benoit family but there is not one person on this forum who at some point who was not amazed at his skill in the ring try to remember Benoit for the man he was the ppl who he helped. He has had a great deal of tradegy to deal with in his life. Now he is gone lets remember him for what he has done not 3 days of what he was supposed to have done.


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I said it before, but can I have everyone's agreement that I can bring up all the "we can't judge him" comments next time a celebrity is accused of something bad in an off-topic thread? Seriously, how many of you would say the same about OJ Simpson, even though he was found not guilty by a jury of his peers?

I think a more pertinent example of this would be Randy Orton. You definitely have my agreement.
I'd say the difference is that Benoit has NEVER been seen as someone who has a dodgy personality. I can think of only a handful of events I've ever heard of where Benoit's had a bad word said about him. The biggest, ironically, concerns how he ended up with his wife in the first place.Randy Orton has been lambasted by almost everyone who's ever worked with him and later spoken his name, has been cautioned repeatedly by WWE and shown mostly that he's an incredibly arrogant prick.I think that's a big difference, personally. Benoit snapped and it led to tragedy. Randy Orton's a serial asshole.It is a fair point to make, but context is relevant.
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Jesus CHRIST. What the fuck is wrong with you?!

ah fuck off. obviously they are two different circumstances but i don't need you breathing down my neck highlighting this and maknig me out ot seem the twat.
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I don't know how truthful these two things are, but I've been told them, so will share:CNN: Son had injection marks, he's been taking growth hormones.TEXT MESSAGE: Benoit texted friends to come and let the pets out. Hint that he wanted someone to find the bodies. I still don't think any of this has sunken in for me yet...

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Jesus CHRIST. What the fuck is wrong with you?!

ah fuck off. obviously they are two different circumstances but i don't need you breathing down my neck highlighting this and maknig me out ot seem the twat.
I didn't take anything out of context. You made an absolutely, mind-boggingly dumb statement. Don't back down now.
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I didn't take anything out of context. You made an absolutely, mind-boggingly dumb statement. Don't back down now.

for once, leave the flamebaiting for somewhen else. And yes my quote was mind boggingly dumb. But then again i'm just living by your example ;)instead of turning this into an argument, get back to the discussion.
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Haven't posted on here much at all for ages but it just seems the right place. (If Stuey's around - Hey bro.)I've felt slightly numb all day. It's appallingProbably the most respected wrestler of his generation is gone and his reputation is destroyed. Two innocent people dead by his hands. His ex-employer churning out press reports in a sad and obvious attempt at damage limitation. It's been said before many times but is this now the defining moment, the turning point in professional wrestling where the employer is forced to take responsibility for the people they employ? (and they employ them - they are NOT self-employed).Where they have a "Wellness Program" and have Bobby Lashley as a champion. Where they have a "Wellness Program" and have the commentators mock Chris Masters for his non-steroid physique and praise him when he again pumps up. Where they have a "Wellness Program" that is used to allow them to get rid of wrestlers they no longer want without compensation but allow them to use others on screen with a so called loss of earnings.Wrestling is important to me but it's not that important

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