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Chris Benoit dead


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SCOTT HUDSON: CHRIS BENOIT'S FOURTH VICTIMBy: Scott Hudson6/26/2007 3:44:44 PM Not a human victim. As the beautiful Nancy and the young Daniel lay dead and dying in their new home, Chris was slowly suffocating another victim as he ended his own life. He killed what shred of innocence was left in wrestling. I know that

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This is my last post here. To all those saying "rot in hell Benoit" or holding to that sentiment I say you are a bunch of cunts! How the fuck do you know what was going on in his mind to push him over the edge? I'm not saying that he is innocent, the evidence clearly suggests otherwise. I'm not saying that it's not a tragedy that Nancy and Daniel died, of course if is! But, as I have said before, this guy was clearly not naturally persuaded towards killing his kids or wife, otherwise this would have happened sooner. What has clearly happened is something has happened to affect Benoit and he has reacted in the worst way possible. That doesn't make him a bad man, it just makes this an awful thing to happen and I pray for all 3 of them, that they find peace after death.I think Big Dave said it best:"RIP Nancy (who was a criminally underated manager) and Daniel neither of them deserved to get caught up in this and I really do hope that Chris can find some kind of peace."Now please, can the idiots stop overreacting, let those who are still in shock deal with it as best they can and respect the fact that 3 people died this past weekend in tragic circumstances. Even though it looks like Benoit did it, it doesn't make his final hours or death any less tragic!

I appreciate the sentiments you're offering, but are people really overreacting? To two murders?!!! It doesn't matter what's going on in someone's mind, there is simply no way to justify extinguishing the lives of your wife and child. If the front page of a newspaper tomorrow was about Andy Average killing his wife and seven year old son then committing suicide, he'd be condemned as scum, regardless of whether he'd gone a bit loopy or not. There's no excuse for what Benoit did, none whatsover, whatever his mindset was. And as a massive fan of his, I take no pleasure in saying that. :(
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after the big steroid scandal the other month this could be the biggest knock to vince since the 1992 allegations. chris was someone who may have abused steroids even if it was due to the injuries he sustained. when u look at guys when they enter wwe then look at them a few years later its absoutley shocking. rey mysterio went from being a tiny 170llbs guy to havin a body like the warrior eddie ballooned after about 2/3 years in wwe. this is gonna be a big knock indeed very interesting in the next few months

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I'm sorry, but depression of ANY level should not drive any person to murder. If you murder whilst depressed, you are a murderer nevertheless.

Congratulations on pointing out the obvious.

It's confirmed he did it. I feel sick. Honestly sick. Part of me wants to keep coming up with theories as to why he did it. Depression etc. I've had depression and know it can be very very hard, but never would I have considered killing anyone, let alone the ones I love. The ability to do it must've been inside him anyway.I had a lot of respect for the man, but it's slipping away. I'm not the sort to say 'Rot in hell' but I retract my earlier 'Rest in Peace'.Nancy and Daniel, RIP.

Good God you really are a fucktard.Like many illnesses their are different levels of severity. Depression is a mental illness and can drive you to do things that are really not normal for you.And who said he was depressed anyway?
As someone who actually works in acute and secure mental health services I wanna point out I have never ever come across someone who killed due to depression. You say depression can make you do things you wouldnt do usually... to yourself? yes... to others? I have never ever seen it.Mike
I didn't actually mean depression could drive someone to murder. I was merely pointing out the complete stupidity in rockbus post. I've seen depression and been around it. Suffered with it myself for a short while. Self harm is the only out of character effect I've seen/been through.
A man's family have died today in tragic circumstances, and people like you coming onto this thread to just wind up people honestly affected by it are starting to do my head in. A lot of people are honestly in shock/grieving and people like you coming on just to get people's backs up is starting to get annoying. Of the 80 odd pages in this thread, 20 of those are probably arguing, and I for one have had enough.If all you are going to do is insult people, don't bother. You wouldn't do it to their faces, but because you have the safety of a computer screen feel you can say what you like.It's time some respect was shown in this thread to those that have been affected, whether it's those involved, those close to them, or people who have followed the careers of those involved for maybe 20 years.I certainly hope others feel the same.
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It is truly tragic.My first thought after reading the news yesterday was in all honesty, what has panned out. I think perhaps the 'thing' that may have tipped Chris over the edge was Nancy declaring that she was leaving him.Hence her hands and feet being bound, I suspect he killed her while she was tied.I cannot begin to express the true horror of the notion of killing your own child. I think perhaps Chris would have done this had he worked in any job. This isnt a WWE specific death.If a man can be driven to doing what has transpired here, it is impossible to judge him. His actions arent that of a rational human being.God rest their souls.ralph

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if the guy was nuts and beleived that, i dunno, lets say "god" was telling him to kill his family, and tie up his wife, then yes, someone in that state COULD do that.The guy went whacko, why, we won't know for at least a week, if ever. but it's a tragedy on an epic scale.

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You know, there are alot of things in this world that I find hard to comprehend and this is one of those. My partner and I have just been watching Sky Sports News and then the RAW show and we both sat there in a state of total shock. Try as I might to serach for a reason and meaning behind all this I find it impossible to excuse the man for his actions. We will never know why he did what he did, but I will still miss him and thank him for his in-ring contributions.

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I will stop the burn in hell stuff but only out of respect for the people that want to remember Benoit for what he was. if the steroids did cause hallucinations, psychosis etc then that might help explain the situation with his wife. But what about the hours between then and his son? And it almost seems like he had his faculties about him enough to wrap her in a towel and leave a bible next to her and his son. Again, I'm purely speculating just as you are. You're right all the facts need to come out before wishing he'd burn in hell, but certainly from what you and I have heard so far the fact is he is a double murderer and one of them was his child

Don't get me wrong I wasn't singling you out or anything, I'm just sick of people making tabloid-esque decisions on this case based on incomplete bodies of evidence. If Chris was still alive now he'd have a right to defend himself in a court of law just like anyone else would, a judge and jury would assess the evidence and make a conviction based on that, I don't think it's fair for people to condemn someone when they don't have all of the information.
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I don't see this having the same impact on business as the 1992 scandal, as the world is different now. It could be just as difficult for WWE if not more so if the US government decide they want to get involved in regulating pro wrestling, though.

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From an extremely selfish point of view I hope this doesn't mean that networks will now begin to be even more wary of pro-wrestling. TNA must be gutted with all those rumours of a two hour time slot, this will set them back huge.

I don't see this really effecting TNA at all.This is where Vince's monopoly bites him in the arse. To the mass public WWF/E is wrestling and any scandal is going to be aimed solely in their direction. As far as I'm aware, other than a few "we test for drugs" statements, WCW was barely even looked at during the 1992 scandal and it was far higher profile than TNA.
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Bryan Alvarez appeared on AM1500 in Minneapolis today to discuss Benoit. I mention this only because he mentions that he believes that the text messages sent from Benoit contained information relating to his estate. It was the bizarre nature of these texts which resulted in WWE asking the local Sheriff's Dept to call round on Monday to check on the family.


You can download here


Bryan comes on at about the 22 minute mark.


I'm still listening right now, but I'm pretty sure no-one's mentioned the content of the texts before now.

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