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Unless it was my bestfriend I wouldn't get her anything. Who buys friends anniversary gifts?


I'm not classed as a best friend and even less so since she now has a circle of other new parent friends. The hen do and wedding cost me already, and she stopped buying me Christmas presents because its 'all about the kids'.


So she doesn't give you any Christmas presents but she's expecting an anniversary present? Why would you even need to question this?


Anyone know a decent place online to get a good external hard drive at a decent price?


Might be an obvious answer, but check the sales at Tesco. Last year I managed to get a 1TB external hard drive there reduced from

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Anyone been to Tunisia on holiday?


Headed there on Wednesday and seemingly everyone is revelling in telling me how dangerous it is, from Earthquakes to hijackings etc.


I expect nothing but more of the same from the UKFF community, but if anyone is willing to chip in a nugget of reassurance, that'd be lovely.

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I can't believe the 1st anniversary is even 'a thing' for anybody but the couple themselves and possibly their immediate family. It's not some sort of achievement to go a fucking year without having an affair/realising you hate each other, and certainly not something you can expect presents from friends for. At least the cost of buying presents for the actual wedding is off-set if you approach the free buffet pragmatically.

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I can't believe the 1st anniversary is even 'a thing' for anybody but the couple themselves and possibly their immediate family. It's not some sort of achievement to go a fucking year without having an affair/realising you hate each other, and certainly not something you can expect presents from friends for. At least the cost of buying presents for the actual wedding is off-set if you approach the free buffet pragmatically.


That's the old joke isn't it? The first anniversairy is the paper anniversairy as it's still not worth the paper it was originally written on.

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I'm having alot of problems with my laptop, basically when I log on it works for about 10 minutes then is completely unresponsive and frozen if I turn it on again manually it works for another 10 minutes then the same thing. Iv'e rebooted the laptop twice and it gives me usually a week of normal usage before it all begins again, it's not a virus problem etc as iv'e checked it multiple times, just seeing if anyone knows anything before I take it to an extortionate place to get it fixed. Might it just be knackered?

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Sounds like it's overheating. You've most likely got a knackered fan.

That sounds like it could be right actually would explain alot I do usually leave it on running all the time for downloads etc. Any idea if it's expensive to get it fixed?

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If it was a problem with the fan would it still work for a week or so after the reboot, i'd assume if the fan was fucked it wouldn't be continually useable for any period of time but I know little on the workings of computers. Thanks for the help btw.

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