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Good Times Great Memories Review


The normally reliable Jimmy Jacobs kicks things off with a shocking promo, interminable stuff. By the time he gets round to showing off his piece of tooth and the surgical scars on his knee I

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I loved that show, the 6MM is easily the best one they've done IMO, and Mori'/Shingo was the perfect sendoff for Shingo and quite possibly his best match in RoH. Not really much more I can say about the tag match that hasn't been said already, simply awesome.

February 4th: Larry Sweeney told ROH officials that he will hold out Sara Del Rey forcing the 2/23 SHIMMER Title Match vs. Daizee Haze in Manhattan to be canceled unless he gets his own talk show segment on the live events. ROH officials have agreed. Sweeney's first talk shows will be on 2/22 in Long Island and 2/23 in Manhattan.

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Speaking of Mania weekend. Does anyone know how many the venue holds this time round. Thankfully its not in 8 mile like the double header last year.Works internet filter isnt letting me view too many places.

Edited by klown
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You're probably right. *sigh* I hate being wrong

We're both speculating, DDD, I could well be talking out my arse. It's the discussion that's fun.
Indeed!I daresay that Ace Steel's return to ROH is inevitable following his release. Personally I don't particularly wish to see him back, he bores the backside off of me. The best match I've seen him have ever was the Ladder match with Punk back in SDCW, which says it all really. Someone made a post on the ROH board recently stating that ROH was in a slumpat the mo, and I'm inclined to agree. The main problem is a lack of fresh match-ups. Personally I can't get excited about another McGuinness vs Danielson match. In addition, Joey Matthews has always been shite, and they have to be paying him a fair whack, which is a bit galling given the current money problems. Stevens for me is a top end mid carder at best -he can beat as many main eventers as he likes, still doesn't make him a top guy.It's not all doom and gloom - Go Shiozaki should have great matches, the Dragon Gate boys will tear it up no doubt... but it will be interesting to see where ROH lies in the Spring ....
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I've no problem with Danielson getting the belt back, as he's absolutely brilliant, but they do need to create another credible challenger for him

Agreed. But where are the fresh challengers going to come from? One of ROH's major failings (and there havn't been many to be fair) is it's inability to create headliners. That's not to say that they haven't created any, but Xavier & Matt Stryker's pushes bombed, as did John Walters. Post 2005, who has been really elevated, apart from McGuinness & argueably Hero? Roderick Strong has seriously lost his way since his awesome 2005, Davey Richards career has also stalled in the No Remorse Corps. Whitmer & Albright are too crap to be headliners, despite Gabe's wildest dreams. Could Jimmy Jacobs ever be taken seriously as a top liner?
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I don't follow ROH.I downloaded Danielson vs. Morishima (God knows what show it was, it was Danielson's first title shot after losing the strap apparently) as a lot of usually reliable rated it as one of the best matches of last year. Was it heckers like.It was good, sure, but like most ROH matches that people spill love custard for it was extremely overrated. Two glaring examples of its flaws were the completely inexplicable springboard crossbody into the crowd and the retarded chairshot to Takeshi's leg when he was wrapped around the barrier; For one, he wasn't even selling being drowsy, he just sat there and watched as Danielson murdered him.Also, the ending was pretty illogical as neither of the matches subtexts (Danielson's eye or Takeshi's leg) played a part in the end sequence. It was just a collection of arbitrary near falls, followed by a back drop which Takeshi had absolutely no trouble lifting him up for despite 5 minutes earlier struggling to carry Danielson's weight.Suitably disapointed.The best part of the match was clearly Morishima kicking Danielson's around like a football, or his second deadly LARIAT~!

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Could Jimmy Jacobs ever be taken seriously as a top liner?

I was pondering that today actually. I watched Unscripted 3 yesterday which prompted my pondering as Jacobs faced Danielson in an cracking contest. As it was with Danielson there could be an element of it being very hard for Bryan to have a bad match but I thought Jacobs plaed his part in the match very well. I've watched Jimmy for years now from IWA Mid South in 02 to the present and he's come on leaps and bounds. I found him entertaing as a face in his barbaric berzerker days but his heel turn in IWA and run as champ there was very enjoyable and his heel work in RoH has been excellent, he was one of my favourite parts of the company in 07 even getting an entertaing program out of Whitmer. He's great on the mic and his Age of the Fall stuff has been excellent and I think this year we could well see him develop into a main event player, I'd certainly like to see him as champion.On the subject of other challengers, I'd love to see Hero win the title but it never seems likely as he loses pretty much anytime he takes on a main eventer (I never thought I'd see that day when Erick Stevens has a better win loss records than Hero in RoH) thus removing any credibility he might have as a challenger. Stevens himself is too bland for my tastes and I don't think he's "over" enough. Maybe after a few shows with the company Go Shiozaki will get a shot. I have the same problems with Strong and Richards that DDD mentioned and I don't see them challenging. Maybe Castagnoli will get another chance, he had an entertaining match with Morishima and has had some other great matches recently, the crowd love him so maybe he'll be the next guy to move up.
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Reborn : Again Review - 11/5/07


Jimmy Rave vs Pelle Primeau - you gotta be shittin

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Ring Of Honor's own form of mania will head to Orlando on March 28th for "Dragon Gate Challenge II" and March 29th for "Supercard Of Honor III" featuring eight wrestlers from Dragon Gate. Tickets are now on sale and selling fast at www.ROHwrestling.com and by calling 215-781-2500. As has been tradition, Dragon Gate will invade ROH in full force on this huge weekend at the Orlando Downtown Recreation Center (649 West Livingston Street). March 28th and 29th will feature: -CIMA -Dragon Kid -Ryo Saito -Naruki Doi -Masato Yoshino -Genki Horiguchi -Shingo -BxB Hulk These eight athletes will bring their one-of-a-kind full throttle style to Orlando. As has become a tradition, "Supercard Of Honor" on March 29th will feature an all Dragon Gate six man. Every year this bout is at the top of all the match of the year polls. This year's edition promises to provide that same kind of guaranteed top notch action. March 29th will see: Dragon Gate Six Man Tag CIMA, Dragon Kid & Ryo Saito vs. Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino & Genki Horiguchi We'll have much more on this match in the upcoming weeks. March 28th will feature a series of ROH vs. Dragon Gate bouts. This is sure to give the card several unique matches. The first ROH vs. Dragon Gate contest has been signed. March 28th will have: ROH vs. Dragon Gate Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Dragon Kid & Ryo Saito There will be another ROH vs. Dragon Gate match announced before the end of the week. In other news concerning March 28th, Florida's own Roderick Strong of No Remorse Corps has made a challenge. "Live In Osaka" last July saw the NRC battle a team that featured wrestlers from Dragon Gate, ROH and NOAH all tagging up. Strong was not in that match, but is upset that the NRC dropped the contest. Now he wants a rematch. Strong has challenged ROH, Dragon Gate & NOAH to get a team together on 3/28 in Orlando for a six man vs. himself & ROH World Tag Team Champions Rocky Romero & Davey Richards. We'll have more on this soon in the ROHwrestling.com Newswire. The stars of Dragon Gate always make this weekend one of the most unique and exciting of the year. Tickets are selling fast so get yours now. Keep checking the ROHwrestling.com Newswire in the upcoming weeks for the latest news and matches. ROH and Dragon Gate can't wait to get to Orlando!!!


February 6th: We aren't done with the huge news about "Supercard Of Honor III" on 3/29 as it will be a true ROH supercard!!! The show will be headlined by a double main event. The first main event will be the Dragon Gate six man. The second main event will feature a rematch from ROH "Rising Above" (set to debut on PPV on March 7th) as Nigel McGuinness will take on Austin Aries!!! If McGuinness is still ROH World Champion he will put the belt on the line here. Dragon Gate six man action, McGuinness vs. Aries, this is what a supercard is all about!!!

Speed Muscle vs Steenerico please.
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