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Ten Disappointing ROH Main Events


Not to dwell on the negative or anything...


Homicide vs Steve Corino - The Bitter End (11/4/06) - maybe the worst main event in ROH history?


CM Punk vs Christopher Daniels - The Homecoming (23/7/05) - given the way that what should have been ROH

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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I'll concede that I deserved to be pulled up for spelling Marufuji's name wrong.

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So much for that attempt to get a bit of discussion going, inspiring only pedantry. Anyway, back to the normal thoroughfare


Domination Review


Hallowicked vs Matt Sydal - on paper this threatened to be an excellent opener, but in practise it turned out to be a semi squash for Sydal, who wins with the Shooting Star Press


Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush vs Kevin Steen & El Generico -

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I haven't watched any of Unscripted III yet, but jumped to the 4-way of Final Battle 2007. Man, this was good. Moreshima, Chris (Hero) is Awesome and of course, Austin Aries and THE BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD American Dragon Bryan Danielson. They had their best of 3 series recently and that was excellent, and so was their work together in this bout. One of the matches of the year - EASY!EZ

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Christopher Street Connection vs. The Carnage Crew


You don't get much amusement out of the CSC, it has to be said. Apart from Buff E, who's running to the ropes is pretty laughable. You don't get much in the way of good wrestling out of them though. So, this match isn't very good. However, you do get some fun out of watching The Carnage Crew beating the shit out of people, and that's what happens to CSC. Even their valet gets it. Pretty much a demolition job here.


Chance Beckett vs. Matt Stryker


It's funny having the commentators stress how good Beckett is, and the match is pretty bland while they're going on about it. It actually started fine, with some pretty good stuff going on, and it seemed to be building nicely, untill the second half of the match where everything just went to shit. Well, that might be a bit of a harsh analysis. More like everything just got a bit boring. Maybe it's because the match wasn't going to go on much longer, so they just threw a bunch of stuff together. Whatever the reason, this match doesn't reach great heights. It's not a BAD match though.


John Walters vs. Justin Credible vs. Chris Sabin vs. Homicide


The crowd are a bit mental for Credible in this one. This is one of the FCS matches which is just a whirlwind of action, and is incredibly enjoyable. Justin Credible definately added to this, as his presence really had the crowd involved in the action no matter who was in the ring, and he also brought his big moves to the party, which is really all that's needed here. You have your dives, your big finish and everything before it is gold too. Great FCS.


CM Punk and Colt Cabana vs. BJ Whitmer and Raven


Raven couldn't pick a better partner than BJ Whitmer ? Lots of crowd brawling and hate in this match. Raven and Punk just basically beat the crap out of each other in the first half of the match, but everything breaks down in the second half and that's basically what brings the match down for me. It's as if Raven and Punk forget that they hate each other as everyone just starts hitting each other with moves. It's still a good brawl at this point, but for such a heated fued, it's a pretty big oversight. Ah well, it's still a good match.


Prince Nana vs. Diablo Santiago


... yeah.


Mikey Whipwreck and Dixie vs. SAT


This is one of them times where the spot monkeys are exposed in such a way that has you banging your head off of the walls. That's not to say that there isn't good stuff in the match. The Special K team have some nice double team stuff, and any time you see an Air Raid Crash on the apron, it's worth seeing. However, most of the stuff looks pretty nasty.


#1 Contender's Trophy - Paul London vs. AJ Styles


London brings the A Game to this match, as he really goes to work on Styles. He looks terrific in this match as the asshole heel, showing more character than we've seen from him since at any time. The selling from Styles is also surprisingly good, as he doesn't forget for a moment that his knee is badly injured. There's been a lot said about this match. Most people call it amazing, and it's hard not to agree after watching it again. Right from the start, the two guys go out and tell their story, and it doesn't stop untill the final bell is rung. An absolutely amazing match.


The Prophecy vs. The Group


Have to agree on this being disappointing. There's just no heat to this whatsoever. It's disjointed, and following the match before just doesn't help this match in the slightest. I can't even think of anything else to say about this match. It's just there.





This show has good stuff on it. The match between Styles and London makes this match worth money on it's own. Other good matches are merely a bonus. The FCS is great fun. So yeah, get this show.

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What basically killed the The Prophecy vs Group fued was the fact that Corino set the Group then made about one appearence - during which he had a match with Homicide and didn't interact with the Prophecy at all. Obviously the main match you wanted to see out of this fued was Daniels vs Corino, and because it never even looked remotely like happening... In fact, did a Daniels vs Corino match happen anywhere in wrestling ever? I know they kept twatting about i the 4CS at Main Event Spectatcles becasue they'd never tangled with each. Unfortunatly 2003 was probably the best and last decent year of Corino's career, so if it happened after that it would have been shite I daresay. London vs Styles was a great angle with a superb pay-off, a scorching match. After watching London in WWE for 4 years you tend to forget he was ever capable of such efforts

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London vs Styles was a great angle with a superb pay-off, a scorching match. After watching London in WWE for 4 years you tend to forget he was ever capable of such efforts

Also, Styles hits London with the best clothesline I have ever seen.Definitely one of my favourite ROH matches. :thumbsup:
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Also, Styles hits London with the best clothesline I have ever seen.

Yes it was a bit tasty. There was also a great backstage exchange at one point which ended with London saying "see you in church on Sunday" :D
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Also, Styles hits London with the best clothesline I have ever seen.

Yup. AJ Styles actually hit that same Clothesline a lot, and each time just as good as the last. Although in saying that, the other times didn't have the "out of nowhere" factor that the London one did.

In fact, did a Daniels vs Corino match happen anywhere in wrestling ever?

I came across a match on Youtube but I can't remember what promotion it was. Watched some of it, got bored and turned it off. It definately happened though.
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I found said Daniels vs Corino match, I'm guessing it was in late 2006, when Corino had become a complete joke ( see his last ROH run) Another example of Gabe holding off on a singles match and blowing it ( see also: Joe vs Lo-Ki 2, Joe vs Chris Hero) Also, re my list of crap main events - add the scramble match from the 1st anni show. What were they thinking?

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Just after a little roll-call here to work out who is who. If you post on the ROH boards, pleae make yourself known here (especially if you use a different username on the 2 boards).Me = chunk3rvdAlso, did any of you take part in tonight's drink with GregH and co? If so, thanks for the great time and hope to see you again soon :thumbsup: And if anyone will be at the ROH shows in Orlando, let us know about that too. I'll be at both and I can't wait!!Thanks,Lee

Edited by chunk3rvd
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February 19th: We have another ROH vs. Dragon Gate match to announce for 3/28 in Orlando. It will pit Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black vs. BxB Hulk & Shingo!!! This event now features three ROH vs. Dragon Gate tag team bouts that can all tear the house down. Already signed are The Briscoes vs. Dragon Kid & Ryo Saito and Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino. ROH will show Orlando what total nonstop action is all about!!!

Seriously, this is shaping up to be one of the best ROH cards ever and they've only announced three matches. Edited by Jun Kasai
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