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Respect Is Earned Review- 12/5/07



Brent Albright vs Tank Toland - the crowd are fairly amped tonight. In the battle of the heels Albright is elected the honorary babyface for the night. A surprisingly good little match, considering the participants, and Tolands

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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I absolutely, positively, hated Romero Vs Marufuji. Romero sucks a dick nine times out of ten anyway, being a guy who seems to have learned to wrestle by playing Fire Pro, and Marufuji is entirely dependent on his opponent to dictate what kind of match they're going to have. This was basically a section of mind numbing indytastic mirror exchanges and stand offs that was looking contrived and shit in the late nineties, a section of Marufuji going through the motions with some dull leg work, everyone hits their finishers and we go home. Looked like two guys miming a wrestling match, or like they filmed them going through their spots backstage and put that on the PPV by mistake. Horrible match.

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DDD - I think it's pretty much a case of the focus was so much on the PPV show, they completely forgot to put any thought into the Reborn Again event, with Respect is Earned being the proper launching pad for the TNA talent free ROH. Also, it's strange that you reviewed RIE in order of matches taped, rather than how it actually plays out on DVD.

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DDD - I think it's pretty much a case of the focus was so much on the PPV show, they completely forgot to put any thought into the Reborn Again event, with Respect is Earned being the proper launching pad for the TNA talent free ROH. Also, it's strange that you reviewed RIE in order of matches taped, rather than how it actually plays out on DVD.

Yeah, the reason for that is it really bugs me the way they dick about with the shows on DVD - this match gets taped on this show, but shown on this DVD, etc etc. When I review Domination, that review will include the Danielson/ McGuinness match, as that was when it was taped.
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I'd be pissed if I didn't keep up with ROH, read your review of Domination, bought that DVD and found it wasn't on there. The second one of these will upset you. The first one pleases me IMMENSELY...

February 10th: We have another match to add for 3/28 "Dragon Gate Challenge II" in Orlando, FL. In a ROH vs. Dragon Gate bout Kevin Steen & El Generico will take on Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino. Do we really need to hype this? Get tickets for only $10 now at ROHwrestling.com.February 10th: ROH will be taping PPV in Orlando!!! We have a special treat for the fans on 3/29 when ROH presents "Supercard Of Honor III" in Orlando. ROH will tape one match for its sixth PPV in Orlando on 3/29. Be there and see it live for only $10 if you act now at ROHwrestling.com. This is going to be what a supercard is all about!!!

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Yeah, i read something about that in the Newswire thread on the ROH forums. It doesn't really affect DG though? I read Hero and Castagnoli have been lined up to team in NOAH, and I haven't seen complaints that it ruins ROH storylines.

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I meant more that it's an irritation for myself, as I follow Dragon Gate and it'll look weird. Also it's going to take me out of the match a little knowing that they don't 'really' get along. I imagine I'll feel the same way watching KOW in Japan (Which is worse because they didn't just break up, they've been engaged in a blood feud across every indy in America!)

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I'd be pissed if I didn't keep up with ROH, read your review of Domination, bought that DVD and found it wasn't on there. The second one of these will upset you. The first one pleases me IMMENSELY...

February 10th: We have another match to add for 3/28 "Dragon Gate Challenge II" in Orlando, FL. In a ROH vs. Dragon Gate bout Kevin Steen & El Generico will take on Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino. Do we really need to hype this? Get tickets for only $10 now at ROHwrestling.com.February 10th: ROH will be taping PPV in Orlando!!! We have a special treat for the fans on 3/29 when ROH presents "Supercard Of Honor III" in Orlando. ROH will tape one match for its sixth PPV in Orlando on 3/29. Be there and see it live for only $10 if you act now at ROHwrestling.com. This is going to be what a supercard is all about!!!

Hmm, good point. I'll make sure I mention in the review that although said match was taped at Domination, you have to buy the Driven DVD if you want to see it. As for the KOW/ Speed Muscle thing - didn't Cornette once manage to write a brillaint angle to explain why Doug Basham & Damaja were teaming in WWE and yet still hated each other in OVW?
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Man, I've watched a shitload of wrestling this week. Not sure if thats a good or bad thing...



A Fight At The Roxbury Review - 8/6/07


B.J. Whitmer vs Brent Albright - we kick things off with a Gabe Sapolsky

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Dan Maff vs. BJ Whitmer


ROH decide that Maff and BJ should make use of the new loud railings by having both guys whip each other into them a lot. Turns out to be a fun exchange as well. Basically we have a lot of hard hitting, followed by the railing stuff followed by the big moves at the end. There isn't much else to it really, but it's held together pretty well, so it turns out to be a decent opening match. Bit of overloading on head drops though.


Should point out that Low Ki had his arm fucked in a match with Flash Barker. So we have advancement of Ki/Maff and then Trent Acid comes in and wipes out Homicide, so we have THAT fued as well.


Tony Mamaluke vs. Jason Cross


This match seemed to showcase Mamaluke's ability to both 1) stretch someone and 2) land on his head. Cross hit some pretty neat looking head drop moves on Mamaluke. Again, these moves were done a bit too much and there were potential finishers wasted half way through the match. Not good. It's an enjoyable collection of spots though. I guess it's worth watching.


Iceberg vs. Oman Turtuga


Fuck off. Next ?


Tom Carter vs. Matt Stryker


BOOYAH !!! This is more like it. I don't get why Stryker was disliked by ROH fans at times. The guy had some very good matches in ROH. This being one of 'em. Unlike the opening matches, this match built pretty slowly, but the pacing was terrific, and when we came into the final stretch, the moves actually meant something. The good thing is that they keep going back to the matwork in each part of the match, since that's what they're good at. And the matwork was, at times, nice. However, this match also seen one of 'em Rollup finishes that ROH loved so much.


Scramble Match - Special K vs. Second City Saints vs. The Briscoes vs. The Carnage Crew


Funny moment during this match, as we cut back to breaking news from Samoa Joe. The breaking news is Joe taking out Danny Maff with a knee. Anyways, to the match, and it's the usual spotfest that you get from the Scramble action. You do get an absolutely mental dive from Mark Briscoe in this one though that's worth checking out. The final lot of action is frantic and better than most of these matches, and it's good to get a good and decisive finish.


Andy Anderson vs. John Walters


Awesome. I like Walters. This match wasn't much. Definately a simple exhibition of both guys. So, as such, not much for me to say.


Jimmy Rave vs. Christopher Daniels vs. CM Punk vs. Frankie Kazarian


Not a good match, which surprises me as I'm sure I remember it being better. With the talent in the match, it most certainly should have been. The only time that I really got into the match was when Punk and Daniels got together. They definately clicked in this one, while nobody else actually did. Not a bad match, but very ordinary.


Special K vs. The Backseat Boys


Fleisch definately wasn't at his best for this match. He was at his nuttiest though. He brings out a Moonsault from a scaffolding along with his buddy Slim J. Anyways, this match clearly isn't any good. They hit a lot of moves in this match, but that's all they seem to do. Just an exhibition of big moves. When the match ends, it's almost merciful. There's nothing of note about this match, apart from it's not very good. And it has Moonsaults from scaffolding, if you like that kind of thing. I'd say avoid.


ROH Title - Samoa Joe vs. Homicide


And then we get back to the good stuff. There was definately some good stuff from both guys. You definately felt the desperation from Homicide throughout the match, and continually brings himself back from the big beatings that Samoa Joe inflicts on him. And Joe doesn't half inflict some big beatings. Low Ki also helps with some firing up. This match is every bit as good as the hype suggests. Mainly because of the unreal effort Homicide puts into it. The whole match seemed to revolve around him.





This show isn't a bad one at all. It does have it's crap, but there's a terrific match between Carter and Stryker, and the main event for the title is absolutely terrific stuff. There's the usual middle of the road stuff though, and the BSB tag match is definately one for the skip.

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Indeed, the Matt Stryker vs Tom Carter match was excellent, way better than Carter vs Williams. The problem with Stryker was he was ok as a mid-carder, but not really up to the massive push that Gabe gave him. (see also : BJ Whitmer)Homicide vs Joe - when I first saw this match in 03 I thought it was brilliant, but after watching it again last year I was less impressed. The crowd was dead for the most part, and it just seemed like a succession of spots. But at the time it was definatly seen as a break out match for Homicide. Didn't the end of the 4CS match feature the first verbal exchange between Punk and Daniels?

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Watched Jacobs Vs Danielson yesterday & I have to say they did a brilliant job of putting Jacobs over yet making sure Danielson still looked strong, yet the whole thing is ruined due to Nigel taking the piss out of Dragon for loosing to Jacobs. They really ruined what could have been the start of a serious main event type push by demeaning his victory.

Edited by RCD
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