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What is Grizzly Redwood actually for? Truly one of the most pointless and shit things I have seen in wrestling for ages and yet he's been booked by ROH for years now, hasn't he?

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What is Grizzly Redwood actually for? Truly one of the most pointless and shit things I have seen in wrestling for ages and yet he's been booked by ROH for years now, hasn't he?


He came through the ROH Wrestling school so I think there is some blind loyalty involved. I can't see him sticking around for much longer, Andy Ridge is slightly better and does just as well in the jobber role.

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Grizzly is shite in ROH; but I should point out as part of The Roughnecks as a heel in Chikara he's a touch more palatable


I'm hoping to get back on the ROH reviewing trail fairly soon, want to finish PWG in 2011 first though; currently watching Steen Wolf

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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I'd rather see Grizzly Redwood than Andy Ridge any day. Ridge is the shits, both his look and ring work are terrible for ROH.


Did anyone watch last nights iPPV? I did. Not the greatest but a lot of fun and well worth

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I think Ciampa v Lethal was the only disappointing match for me. Just a few minutes into the match, you could tell it as going to go to a draw which was a shame. I like Ciampa but this draw does nothing for either man. Lethal should have dropped the TV title by now, I was surprised Bennett didn't win it at Final Battle but even more so that Ciampa didn't take it last night.


The main event was especially good. Much better than I expected as they refrained from making it long for the sake of it and it didn't get into overkill territory. I've always liked Adam Cole too so I really enjoyed the finish. All in all, a great show and fantastic value.

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I just watched the Final Battle 2011 main event and jesus christ it was terrible.


I appreciate that they worked that hard to try and have a great match but it was just awful. The superplex spot, the trading back suplexes, the tombstone/fisherman buster nearfall were all ridiculous. And then you had several stretches of hard chops/kicks exchanges and the amount of hard kicks to the head by Davey to Eddie was very uncomfortable viewing and then the headbutts. All of this right in front of Nigel McGuinness who is the fucking posterboy for why this style needs to stop. It was all just too much.


I'd rather they just went 20 minutes, all out wrestling and then someone hit a finisher for the three count. They really need to tone down these main events. The fact that the fans sat in silence while these two guys tried to kill each other says a lot about the product that the fans want to see. This definitely isn't it.

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I just watched the Final Battle 2011 main event and jesus christ it was terrible.


I appreciate that they worked that hard to try and have a great match but it was just awful. The superplex spot, the trading back suplexes, the tombstone/fisherman buster nearfall were all ridiculous. And then you had several stretches of hard chops/kicks exchanges and the amount of hard kicks to the head by Davey to Eddie was very uncomfortable viewing and then the headbutts. All of this right in front of Nigel McGuinness who is the fucking posterboy for why this style needs to stop. It was all just too much.


I'd rather they just went 20 minutes, all out wrestling and then someone hit a finisher for the three count. They really need to tone down these main events. The fact that the fans sat in silence while these two guys tried to kill each other says a lot about the product that the fans want to see. This definitely isn't it.


One of the reasons I absolutely loved the first Danielson vs Morishima match in 2007 was the clean finish from the backdrop driver. Time of the fall: 20:20. Perfect.

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TNA and ROH are in the same boat. They both do things simple these days, both are quite watchable compared to previous years and both have a hungry talent roster. But TNA and ROH are both cold products. The interest levels for both promotions are lower than they've been in years. TNA have a uphill battle to regain the trust of the audience and its going to take more than a few good shows to do that. And ROH isn't the new indy company that all the smart marks love anymore. Its a cold product. I said this months ago about ROH. It used to be the exhibition federation, where you'd have super talents like American Dragon, Samoa Joe and Austin Aries, and imported wrestlers like the Dragon Gate lads, Kobashi, Marafuji, KENTA, Musawa, Liger and they'd be pitted against established ROH home made names, who their fanbase believed were as good as the international counterparts. They used to be really good at branding indy wrestlers and tying their name to the ROH promotion. These days, ROH hasnt got much talent left, as far as must see names. Davey Richards isn't a CM Punk. Sure, he's far better in the ring than Punk was in 2005, but he isnt half the personality or hasnt got half the name value that he had at the time. Eddie Edwards is fucking boring. Jay Lethal is Jay Lethal. Mike Bennett's alright, but he's Marc Mero to Maria's Sable. The Briscoe's are alright, but there's only so far you can hang your hat on a comedy hillbilly tag team. Kevin Steen's great on the microphone, but he dresses like someone in the "Elsewhere" section of PWI circa 1998. And he's fat. This promotion has the oddest collection of wrestlers. There's no huge personalities. You either have a fat bloke who can talk or a good talker who doesnt carry himself like a star or a decent looking wrestler who has to personality of a inflatable banana.


Cornette's fucked the perception of this promotion. He's turned it into a regional normal promotion. They've alienated the old fanbase. At least in 2005/06, ROH was an alternative to mainstream wrestling. Now its just a television product who wants their cake and eat it. They want to be a hollier than thou promotion and they also want to use full on headbutts and chair shots to the head. And all that "MMA! PURE SPORTS BUILD! TALE OF THE TAPE!~" leaves a bad taste as well. ROH in 2012, reminds me of ECW in 2000. They talk a good game, but the promotion has never looked as bland as it currently is.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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The accidental DDT spot on Richards in the main event of the iPPV was fucking stupid as ever, and the production still sucks a thousand dicks. Maria is heads above everyone else in roh for seeming like a big star. No-one else seems to have "it". They really need to look into that. Some splashes of colour here and there, get in some big men who look great and unique.


I do like Steen, but it's imperative that he works on his look if he really wants to get anywhere. Perhaps he should think about the gas or something, because it's the real chink in his armour at the moment.


I wasn't a big fan of the finish in the main either. It essentially no-sold a table spot. Why have a table spot if your going to pin someone cleanly with a cross body a minute later?

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Main Event for Showdown in the Sun Night 1 - Eddie Edwards vs. Davey Richards vs. Roderick Strong.


EDIT : If we're talking about cunty chants, surely one of the worst at the moment has to be Brian Cage-Taylor's "Get Your Shit In" gimmick in PWG.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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