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Where would be the best place to get ROH dvds ebay seems very overpriced for what im willing to pay


ROHwrestling is your best bet, they will have a black friday sale tomorrow.


For OOP dvds keep checking ebay, they will turn up, I bought Final Battle 06 and Bound By Hate for

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Just finished Tag Wars 2010. Another great Davey/Tyler match, hope their HDNet blow off match is released soon, it's meant to be MOTY from ROH. Can't wait to see their final match.


Also from this show Eddie Edwards vs. Colt Cabana is a great technical contest. The holds, the pins, the sequences, it's all just flawless wrestling.


The Tag Wars match is okay, i like the DCFC but they need to work with the Kings and the Wolves more to start learning the ROH style better.


Next up is the Fade to Black and Glory By Honor IX weekend DVDs.

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Hmmm, that's a good one. Here's my pick :


2002 - Road To The Title - Jody vs. Johnny, AJ vs Lynn, Doug vs. Dragon ...


2003 - War of the Wire - Corino vs Homicide, AJ vs Joe...who cares about the rest of the card!!


2004 - Joe vs. Punk 2 - one of the best matches of the decade, plus a cracking tag match - Evans & Strong vs. Homicide & Romero


2005 - Manhatten Mayhem - there wasn't a bad match on the card was there?


2006 - GBH 5 Night 2 - Danielson vs KENTA, Marufuji vs. McGuinness and the Kings vs. Aries/ Strong


2007 - RTTT Night 2 - cracking card from top to bottom


2008 - Up For Grabs - probably the best overall card of the year


2009 - Violent Tendencies - I know Gadge will disagree with this, but the tag match was the match of the year for me, as well as a solid main and a decent undercard


The 2005 and 2006 ones from that list are obvious no-brainers. Once upon a time I'd have been able to do this off the top of my head, but this took some checking for me today...


2002 - ROH from this year has deteriorated the most, especially the undercards. Road to the Title was a choice I might have gone for, but Jonny vs Jody is way inferior to the CZW match from two weeks earlier. All Star Extravaganza is my choice, though I haven't watched it in forever...


2003 - Loads of 2003 ROH seemed to repeat a million times back on The Wrestling Channel. The RexPlex produced the best ROH shows of that year for me. Death Before Dishonor edges out Main Event Spectacles - just.


2004 - Joe vs. Punk 2 - Yeah, I'll go with this. I loved the Shelley vs Jacobs I Quit match on this one as well.


2005 - Manhatten Mayhem - Just to reiterate: there wasn't a bad match on the card was there?


2006 - GBH 5 Night 2 - This show is the peak of ROH history. The main event is my favourite match in ROH history as well. There's plenty of other great shows in 2006 as well, though.


2007 - Possibly the most difficult year to choose from. I attended four shows live in 2007 (the two Fifth Year Festival shows in Liverpool, All Star Extravaganza III in Detroit, and Manhattan Mayhem II) but wouldn't pick any of them. On DVD, I think I will go for Driven. Danielson vs McGuinness was ripped from the Domination live show to be on PPV, and is a belter, as is the Danielson vs KENTA rematch. Man Up! pushes this one close.


2008 - Umm, surely it has to be Death Before Dishonor VI? The four-way World Title match between Nigel, Daniel Bryan ;) Claudio and Tyler should have been the moment Tyler won the title but is still a cracking match. Adam Pearce vs Brent Albright is unbelievably good, and there's Steen and Generico vs Sabin and Shelley on here as well.


2009 - I don't disagree with the assessment of the tag match at Violent Tendencies, but the rest of the show didn't do much for me. Not a good year for ROH overall, there isn't actually a standout show for me from that year.


I'm nowhere near far enough into 2010 to suggest one for this year...

Edited by gadge
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2002 - ROH from this year has deteriorated the most, especially the undercards. Road to the Title was a choice I might have gone for, but Jonny vs Jody is way inferior to the CZW match from two weeks earlier. All Star Extravaganza is my choice, though I haven't watched it in forever...

Absolutely. I ran off a copy of Best of the Best 2 for someone just a few weeks back and rewatched the CZW match again. I remember Meltzer giving the ROH match a very high star rating, and being pretty shocked at the time because the CZW one absolutely blows it away and thinking if only he had seen the CZW one then he would have been raving about '5 stars etc'. The CZW match is perfect in execution, whilst there are several blown spots in the ROH one that detract from the match (mainly down to Storm I think; years since i have watched the ROH match but am thinking a backdrop spot aswell as Storm's dive from the top turnbuckle to the floor where runs up the turnbuckles but slipped and had to do it again).

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Best of the Best 2002 was fucking awesome it has to be said. There were some decent matches in 2004 too (havent seen any others) but the Storm/Fleisch and Acid/Fleisch matches were great.


Pity its such a chore sifting through a lot of shit to find the gems in CZW. Loved that wonderful couple of years where you could cracking matches through about 60% similar faces and 40% different ones in CZW, IWA-MS, ROH and other places. Still have a tape which is Best of the Best IV followed by IWA:MS A Shot of Southern Comfort. Lovely.

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Re : Violent Tendancies 2009 - I meant I didn't think you'd agree with the show as one of the best of the year; not the tag match. My grammar didn't make it clear I think!!


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Phoenix Rising - Phoenix, AZ - 27/3/10


Kenny Omega vs Rocky Romero - A decent opener for ROH's Wrestlemania weekend Saturday matinee. I was needlessly worried there would be a clash of styles, but instead I did find there was something odd about the cartoonish, colourfully attired but pretty pale Canadian facing the slick Cuban. Call it a clash of personality, highlighted by the crowd choosing to cheer Romero more than Omega in a match where Omega was probably meant to be the crowd favourite. Omega wins with a partly botched Croyt's Wrath at 13:12.


Human Tornado vs Shawn Daivari - Daivari, meh. A horrible feet on the ropes finish sees the new Embassy member to victory at 8:46. No-one cares.


Kevin Steen vs Scott Lost - More to like in this one, as the new Steen certainly holds the attention. Lost doesn't make the impression in singles that he has in tags, but is ideal for the position of opponent of Steen at this point while they gear up the Generico feud. Steen gets the victory with the package piledriver in 10:24.


The Briscoes, The Necro Butcher & Rasche Brown vs Joey Ryan, Bison Smith, Claudio Castagnoli & Prince Nana - The Embassy may be dying a death in terms of general interest, but if you throw enough bodies into a match it'll usually outweigh any general booking issues and that's definitely the case here. There's no long heat segment here either, which helps, and Rasche Brown has a few good big man spots with Bison Smith, which comes as a decent surprise. There's a way better than expected flurry of big offense at the end, culminating in the Briscoes polishing Claudio off with the Spike Jay Driller at 14:11. Enjoyable overall, though I wouldn't have had Claudio pinned on the last show before the Kings of Wrestling get their tag title shot...


Kenny King vs Scorpio Sky - I have really come to dread these middle of the card Kenny King singles matches, especially now he has a Pick Six spot to defend. I literally remember nothing of this apart from the middle rope Royal Flush finish. King stays at #5, so there will be more matches of his I don't remember yet.


Hardcore Match: Steve Corino vs Jerry Lynn - ECW style may have become wrestling's worst anachronism in 2010, but this one is actually pretty fun. Corino's pre-match spiel helps get the crowd going, the violence is convincing, and seperate run-ins from Kevin Steen and El Generico actually help the match, with the latter allowing Lynn to nail the cradle piledriver for a popular victory at 15:45. It's not a patch on Heat Wave 2000 though, even if they do revisit the "DIE" spot.


The American Wolves vs Colt Cabana & El Generico - to quote the previous review in the thread, it

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Daivari, meh. A horrible feet on the ropes finish sees the new Embassy member to victory at 8:46. No-one cares.


Amen to that.


Just finished watching Cornette's YouShoot, entertaining as ever. EVOLVE 3 next, then back to ROH viewing....

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My copy of Champions Challenge packed in halfway through viewing. So while I try and sort out a replacement....


Evolve 3 : Rise or Fall

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