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I thought it was obvious that Danielson's final countdown would be the "laid on back" tour, not the Joe's "run through everybody putting no one over" tour.


Beating Danielson will hopefully be a big thing for Strong, Hero and Davey. All three of them deserve that push into the ME scene.


To be fair to Joe I think our friends in Orlando might have had something to do with that :rolleyes:


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Chicago results...




--No matches as of yet, still a long line for Bret Hart


--At least 400 people in the arena.


--Return date is December 5th


a. Brody Heffer d. Titan "somebody": cgstong didn't get Titan's last name. Said the crowd didn't like the finish because Titan was a "homeboy"...I'm going to assume he meant from Chicago.


b. Andy "Right Leg" Ridge & Tony Kozina d. Bravado Brothers


Main Show Results


1. Petey Williams d. Rhett Titus



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I thought it was obvious that Danielson's final countdown would be the "laid on back" tour, not the Joe's "run through everybody putting no one over" tour.


Beating Danielson will hopefully be a big thing for Strong, Hero and Davey. All three of them deserve that push into the ME scene.


To be fair to Joe I think our friends in Orlando might have had something to do with that :rolleyes:


Granted, there was the TNA aspect, but Gabe is the one who BOOKED Joe to face Morishima (The night before he won the World Title), Rave (eh, nobody cares about Rave losing, but at that time he was on a hot streak and beating Joe would have been a big thing for him and kept him at the top, instead of falling down to mid-card, getting pissy and leaving the company), Davey Richards (Actually, I think Joe going over was the right call, just that Davey could hang with him was the main thing), beating Nigel in England was all kinds of stupid however and really hurt him. I have no complaints with him being Homicide in his last match, seen as they even knew back then he wasn't long for ROH.


And from what I remember about what a promoter once wrote about Joe online after Joe ran through their Champion after being booked to lose - Something along the lines of Joe saying "you booked me to lose to him, not make him look good" - There definitely is a night and day difference between Joe and Danielson.


Danielson would actually prefer to go out elevating talent as best he can in the process. I don't think Joe complained at all about beating the future ROH Champ, squashing Jimmy Rave's push and killing Nigel in his home country.

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  • Paid Members
I thought it was obvious that Danielson's final countdown would be the "laid on back" tour, not the Joe's "run through everybody putting no one over" tour.


Beating Danielson will hopefully be a big thing for Strong, Hero and Davey. All three of them deserve that push into the ME scene.


To be fair to Joe I think our friends in Orlando might have had something to do with that :rolleyes:


Granted, there was the TNA aspect, but Gabe is the one who BOOKED Joe to face Morishima (The night before he won the World Title), Rave (eh, nobody cares about Rave losing, but at that time he was on a hot streak and beating Joe would have been a big thing for him and kept him at the top, instead of falling down to mid-card, getting pissy and leaving the company), Davey Richards (Actually, I think Joe going over was the right call, just that Davey could hang with him was the main thing), beating Nigel in England was all kinds of stupid however and really hurt him. I have no complaints with him being Homicide in his last match, seen as they even knew back then he wasn't long for ROH.


And from what I remember about what a promoter once wrote about Joe online after Joe ran through their Champion after being booked to lose - Something along the lines of Joe saying "you booked me to lose to him, not make him look good" - There definitely is a night and day difference between Joe and Danielson.


Danielson would actually prefer to go out elevating talent as best he can in the process. I don't think Joe complained at all about beating the future ROH Champ, squashing Jimmy Rave's push and killing Nigel in his home country.



I agree with that, Gabe's booking let him down on that occasion. For a start, why didn't he book a Joe vs Hero match? It had never been done in ROH, and the time they faced each other in IWA the crowd heat was off the charts. Instead we got Joe vs Rave? That match went down like a turd in the punchbowl. Still, it's worth noting that since Joe left ROH his overall standing in the wrestling world has declined severely. Sure, he was TNA champ for a while, but he's gone from being one of the most believable brawlers in the business to a flabby fool who wears facepaint and runs around with a knife.


There seems to be quite the kerfuffle on the ROH boards about the fact Danielson has lost all four matches in the FC tour so far. Catch 22 I guess - Joe crushing everyone on his way out hurt the promotion, but to be honest so is Danielson losing EVERY match, as the fans clearly want to see him win at least a couple.

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See, I'm off the mindset that Danielson is doing the right thing. Strong NEEDED that win against him, otherwise he would have been 0 for 5. Hero, only the third time he's faced Danielson in ROH and his first victory. Plus, it would have really set back his push to the top. And while Davey doesn't technically need the win right now (he's going places regardless) to say he was 1 and 0 against a former ROH Champ and "best in the world" would look amazing on his resume.


About Hero vs Joe, that was the match Gabe had originally booked for last year before he was ousted and they changed it to Tyler. No idea if Hero would have gotten the win or rub from that match..... KO Hero not being able to put Joe away would have been worse than Tyler constantly battling against better competition but ultimately losing as he always does.

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See, I'm off the mindset that Danielson is doing the right thing. Strong NEEDED that win against him, otherwise he would have been 0 for 5. Hero, only the third time he's faced Danielson in ROH and his first victory. Plus, it would have really set back his push to the top. And while Davey doesn't technically need the win right now (he's going places regardless) to say he was 1 and 0 against a former ROH Champ and "best in the world" would look amazing on his resume.


About Hero vs Joe, that was the match Gabe had originally booked for last year before he was ousted and they changed it to Tyler. No idea if Hero would have gotten the win or rub from that match..... KO Hero not being able to put Joe away would have been worse than Tyler constantly battling against better competition but ultimately losing as he always does.



Ah, ok, I didn't know that. I think they might gotten away with Joe going over Hero as long as the match itself was a super-stiff scrap with both men beating the piss out of each other.


EDIT: According to Alvarez D-Lo Brown's accepted a job to be a TNA agent. As I havn't actually seen a Brown match in ROH yet, I can't really comment! *rushes away to watch the main event of Motor City Madness 2009 Night Two*

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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A thread on the ROH forum has made me realise I've probably spent over $4000 (US) on ROH. Erm.... oops.


God yeah - I've got around 230 DVD's, so let's say about $18 a disc, which includes postage, but roughly accounts for Buy 3 Get 1 Free etc... $4140. No wonder I get so worked up over it!! :laugh:

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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