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Glory By Honor VII - Philadelphia, PA 20.09.08


ROH returns to the Arena rather than the National Guard Armory. The show is visually very nice as a result, you can see why this is the place chosen for the TV tapings, with a proper entranceway and better lighting than the average ROH show (indeed, it's way better than the Boston show the night before that was used for PPV).


Jerry Lynn vs Kenny King is a good way to start the show. The Arena crowd are hot for the former ECW World Champion. Lynn is on the defensive for the majority as the up and coming YRR member gets the chance to control the majority of the match. In the end though, Lynn's experience - and a cradle piledriver - get him the crowd pleasing pinfall victory. Fun wrestling match that didn't have the contrived feeling some of Lynn's most famous bouts (ie the RVD matches) suffered from.


Brent Albright vs Adam Pearce for the NWA World Heavyweight title going on second telegraphs the fact Pearce is winning the belt back. A clip airs of Brent's title win in NYC. This doesn't measure up to said fantastic match at the Hammerstein where Albright won the title, obviously, though the two do have good chemistry and this match does have some flashes of the quality of the earlier encounter. Albright sells a hurt arm from the previous evening (even if I don't remember it, due to the insignificance of that bout...) and in the end it costs him the title, as Pearce manages to lock the injured bodypart in Albright's own finisher, the Crowbar. He then really wrenches back on it, like Albright did in the first match, and Brent taps the belt away.


Go Shiosaki vs Kevin Steen for the FIP World title is next. Again, a clip airs of the title win, or at least the aftermath, from FIP Heatstroke '08. I've just watched that show, which was solid, and the title match was a very good main event. This match is a hard hitting affair, which is good for Shiosaki who hasn't had many exciting matches since joining Sweet 'n' Sour Inc. Steen still isn't set for singles gold, despite finally earning the tag titles the night before, and therefore Go retains. Just to really rub it in, Nigel comes out afterwards and DDTs Steen on his tag title belt. Good match, but possibly the least meaningful so far.


Bryan Danielson vs Katsuhiko Nakajima for the GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title was the match on the card I was really looking forward to. I wasn't disappointed. Once again, a clip of the title change celebration is shown, even if it was less than a week before in this case. While not at the incredible level of that match, mainly due to the lack of build for this match and Danielson being at 100% here, this still evoked memories for me of Danielson's ROH title defense vs KENTA at Glory By Honor two years before. Danielson has to deal with the very hard kicks of Nakajima, and the general challenge of an opponent who is clearly of the same skill level. I think at this point, I'll just say this: Seek this match out. Off you go.


So, at the intermission stage, this is a very good show. Reminiscent of ROH at the peak of its powers. Unfortunately, there's only one way to go from there...


Erick Stevens vs Rhett Titus opens the second half. I won't lay the blame at either of the wrestlers involved for a lack of heat, as ROH has often beeen known for starting the second half slowly, and booking a semi-squash isn't going to help. Prazak and Leonard put over how Stevens had again lost the FIP title in his first title defense in Florida, and must be doubting himself. Titus gets some comedy offense in, but after a few minutes Stevens has enough and destroys him with the Doctor Bomb for a three count. A solid way to start the post-title loss recovery for Stevens, and Titus is enjoyable to watch for someone out of the ROH school.


Roderick Strong, Ruckus and Jigsaw vs Chris Hero, Eddie Edwards and Shane Hagadorn - well, where to start with this one? In general, I'm a big fan of multi man tags, but there's several problems here. Firstly, why are the Vulture Squad, even though their faction has been a joke for the most part, teaming with Roderick? You know, the man who set up the No Remorse Corps. The only faction that maintained any solidity against the Resilience and the VS?


Then, there's S 'n' S Inc. The group don't go together at all. As a centrepiece, Hero is rubbish. He looks awful, the Young KO Kid gimmick is not entertaining, and he's had a bizarre win-loss record that kept him from getting over. The Roderick/Vultures team do get some big moves in at the start, but once the heels take control, it's boredom city. Hagadorn is absolutely awful whenever he gets tagged in. In general I like Edwards, but he's never going to shine in this bloated, lifeless faction. I think the finish comes when Hero KO's Roderick again with the loaded elbow pad for the pin, which is the worst foreign object I've seen in forever.


Kensuke Sasaki vs Claudio Castagnoli is alright. Putting Sasaki against guys like first Roderick and now Claudio, who've been pushed towards the top of ROH without actually breaking through to bonafide main event status, has negated any real interest in the matches. There's only ever going to be one winner. Add in the fact Sasaki is announced as having just defeated Morishima for the GHC Heavyweight title, and you're only confirming what we already knew. Claudio, to be fair, puts in a good effort, but since turning heel he hasn't been especially convincing and he can't use fighting spirit to fire up against the established star. Sasaki wins... with something. I wasn't paying that much attention.


Nigel McGuinness vs El Generico for the ROH World Title goes on second to last. Post match from Nigel's title win is shown, and the announcers then mention how that was almost one year before, while all the other clips shown were within the last month and a half. Sadly, Nigel's title matches are all following the same pattern, and the lack of variety is starting to suck the life out of the top of the card. This defense is possibly worse than Generico's first title shot, the month before in Cleveland on B show hell. It certainly doesn't feel like a title match worthy of Glory By Honor (See: Joe vs Daniels, Danielson vs Gibson, Danielson vs KENTA). There is some excitement in the last five minutes, especially when Steen runs in and flattens Nigel with a superkick for a dramatic nearfall. The journey to get to that point probably isn't worth it, however. I think the Jawbreaker gets Nigel the duke this time. All the title defenses are turning into a blur...


Steel Cage Warfare is YOUR main event. Unfortunately for me, I'd already read on the blog of the newly fired Gabe an in-depth on how this match was one of his last mistakes as booker. You have The Briscoes and Austin Aries vs Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black and Delirious of the Age of the Fall vs The Necro Butcher - that's right, Necro on his own. That's fine, if Necro is winning. Aries and Black start. Jacobs is next in, only after making sure Tyler has Aries down. Jacobs acting like the coward when faced by Aries does nothing for this guy who's supposed to be leading this AOTF revolution. The wild card, Necro, comes in next and revives a flagging crowd by cleaning house, even though for you and me watching on DVD, the camera angles expose many of his blows as missing by a mile.


Before entrant #5, Jay Briscoe comes in, Aries and Jacobs somehow both end up with chairs, take turns brutalising Necro with vicious chairshots to the head, then Aries hits a brainbuster, and both men dive on top for a pin. The crowd REALLY don't like that. "Bullshit" chants briefly subside when Jay comes in and cleans house for a bit, then Delirious and finally Mark Briscoe, complete with a barbed wire table, round the match out. Aries is the next eliminated, and again the crowd is disgruntled. "We want Necro" chants ring out for a bit. Delirious goes next. So, one year on from "Man Up!", the Briscoes polish off Jacobs and Black once and for all, shrugging off some chairshots by MANNING UP and VERY quickly hitting simultaneuous Jay Driller and Cut Throat Drivers for a double pin.


So that's the end of a true mixed bag of a show. The first half was pretty much excellent. The second half was lethargic and confused. Steel Cage Warfare would probably have worked if booked differently, either with Necro winning (which Gabe said in his blog was his original plan, only someone suggested the Briscoes finishing the AOTF feud and he went with that instead), or with Necro on the Briscoes/Aries side and Brodie Lee brought in sooner, or something. Nigel's title reign has left me befuddled, as I just don't see who is ending it, but wish it had happened already. If I was one to skip things, I'd not be watching anything Sweeney-oriented. Yet overall, the first half of the show was good enough for me to at least recommend seeking out the good stuff.


Onto the Homicide return weekend...

Edited by gadgetboy
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Saturday 21st, at the same time as ~2000 die hard ROH fans will be at the live show in NYC




I daresay there will traders who can supply us with the ROH tv shows... That said I'm abstaining from buying ROH DVD's until the dollar goes back up against the pound. $1.40 -

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DDD, do you have any more shows to watch? I have up to the Rising Above PPV, then ASEIV/FB'08 weekend, missing the early December weekend, but as I have the Danielson vs Morishima Fight Without Honor, I also don't see myself buying any more for awhile. Who knows whether I'll even want to catch up by the time the exchange rate has recovered??


EDIT to insert this - despite my negativity towards Nigel in the GBHVII review, I like the look of this:


HDNet trailer.

Edited by gadgetboy
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Tonight in Elizabeth, PA:

* ROH Champion Nigel McGuinness and Davey Richards vs. GHC Jr. Heavyweight Champion KENTA and ROH Tag Team Champion El Generico

* Falls Count Anywhere: Necro Butcher and Tyler Black vs. Jimmy Jacobs and Brodie Lee

* No DQ Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Mike Quackenbush

* Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong

* Jerry Lynn vs. Claudio Castagnoli

* Eddie Edwards vs. Brent Albright


- Saturday at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City:

* ROH Champion Nigel McGuinness vs. Pro Wrestling NOAH GHC Jr. Heavyweight Champion KENTA

* ROH Tag Team Title Match: Kevin Steen & El Generico

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  • Paid Members
DDD, do you have any more shows to watch? I have up to the Rising Above PPV, then ASEIV/FB'08 weekend, missing the early December weekend, but as I have the Danielson vs Morishima Fight Without Honor, I also don't see myself buying any more for awhile. Who knows whether I'll even want to catch up by the time the exchange rate has recovered??


EDIT to insert this - despite my negativity towards Nigel in the GBHVII review, I like the look of this:


HDNet trailer.


I'm watching Toyko Summit at the moment, and I have up to Bound By Hate still to watch (I bought a load in bulk around Xmas). I'd like to see the rest of 2008's show's just for the sake of completion. It's my birthday at the start of June, so I might ask for a few for that. As for the 2009 stuff......at the moment I can take it or leave it. They tend drop some of the old shows down to like $10 in some of the sales, so maybe if we wait ages for them to come down in price, I might get to see that Black/ McGuinness match in 2011. Assuming the company still exists then....

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