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DDD - How can ROH 'need Bison Smith like a hole in the head'? He's a genuine big guy who can do power moves and looks legitimately tough, that can actually wrestle. If you hate Albright as much as you say you do because he stopped being the big powerful guy who does "big powerful guy" moves, how can you then go on to rag on Bison who does just that AND is actually American (unlike their usual NOAH imports) so he can cut a promo and identify with the crowd too?


The only anti-Bison comment I could accept was that he costs too much, and even then that's purely speculatory. In my view, Bison is exactly the kind of addition ROH needs - someone with charisma and wrestling skill who can come in and work towards a main event push quickly.

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There's also an elephant in the room that no-one on the ROH boards wants to address, and that is that McGuinness and Danielson's contracts are both up in May, and its highly likely that they won't renew.


And unfortunately Gabe knew this and had plans for 2009 to build alot of new stars. He was planning on pushing Black, Jacobs, Omega, King, Edwards, Davey and Strong as the faces of the company (according to Gabe's shoot anyway)

Edited by benjo
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DDD - How can ROH 'need Bison Smith like a hole in the head'? He's a genuine big guy who can do power moves and looks legitimately tough, that can actually wrestle. If you hate Albright as much as you say you do because he stopped being the big powerful guy who does "big powerful guy" moves, how can you then go on to rag on Bison who does just that AND is actually American (unlike their usual NOAH imports) so he can cut a promo and identify with the crowd too?


The only anti-Bison comment I could accept was that he costs too much, and even then that's purely speculatory. In my view, Bison is exactly the kind of addition ROH needs - someone with charisma and wrestling skill who can come in and work towards a main event push quickly.


Gonna be honest - I dip into WWE more than ROH or other companies. Saw Bison tho on European Navigation and gotta admit was seriously impressed. Almost the white Ahmed Johnson. Heh

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*Sigh* I feel like the butler in new Batman film :


"If you carry on booking the company like you have done it'll go right down the toilet"

"And on that day you'll get to say "I told you so"

"On that day I won't want to Mr Silkin"


EDIT : Just watched the Pearce vs Albright match from DBD 6, and what can I say? A fucking superb match, easily one of the best matches I've seen in ROH in 2008. Who'da thunk it?

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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The Rumble of Honor was nothing much to get excited about, I think there was a minute between entries, but I might be wrong. I think Ruckus just came up behind Nigel and threw him out as I recall.


I did follow PWG when it first started, but then I stopped for some reason. I think the last show I saw was the 60 minute draw between AJ Styles and Daniels.


As for commentray, Prazak and Leonard aren't the best, but I was watching Midnight Express Reunion the other day from 2004, and Gabe and Nulty were doing commentary. They sounded like two old women.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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As for commentary, Prazak and Leonard aren't the best, but I was watching Midnight Express Reunion the other day from 2004, and Gabe and Nulty were doing commentary. They sounded like two old women.


I enjoyed Prazak's work at one time, especially his live commentary. Either I have grown tired of him, or he's grown tired of commentating (sounds like it to me) or both.


I don't know why you bring up the former duo on commentary. Its of no solace to me that Prazak and Lennard aren't as bad as they were. Either way, we do share the sentiments on Gabe and Nulty.

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Hey guys sorry if it's been asked before but recently I've really wanted to get back into ROH again, I watched quite a bit of it on TWC but since that folded I haven't seen it anywhere apart from short clips on youtube and stuff.


After seeing ROH making an appearance in The Wrestler it made me want to get back into it. I was wondering if anyone knew if there is anywhere I can see it on TV which I doubt there is but thought I might as well ask? If not does anyone know anywhere in Manchester that stocks region 2 ROH DVDs or tapes even? I know ECUK did them but that's sadly been closed down for a while now. Thanks guys!

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If not does anyone know anywhere in Manchester that stocks region 2 ROH DVDs or tapes even? I know ECUK did them but that's sadly been closed down for a while now. Thanks guys!


I live in Manchester, I buy em from ROH direct with teh debit card. If you only buy during 30%, buy 3 get 1 free etc even with a crummy exchange rate, they always work out less than a tenner each delivered. Cant beat it. Failing that a-merchandise has a decent selection, even some OOP ones that ROHs store themselves have run out of.

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So D-Lo is going to ROH, might be due to there relationship with NOAH. Good or bad?


Brown was always a decent enough wrestler, which he showed during his time in Japan, so he would be a good addition to the ROH roster, even if it is just for a few shows or whatever.

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Results from the weekend:


Ring Of Honor

"Motor City Madness 2009"

January 30th, 2009- 8:00pm belltime

Detroit, MI


P1. Ernie Osiris defeats Ninja Pink


P2. Kenny King defeats "Sugarfoot" Alex Payne


P3. Irish Airborne vs. Grizzly Redwood & Alex Ridge ends with a Bison Smith run in, wiping out all four.


1. Bryan Danielson defeats Rhett Titus with Cattle Mutilation. Mostly a comedy bout with Dragon playing to the crowd a lot.


2. Austin Aries defeats Silas Young with the Last Chancery. Match was fine, nothing special. Before the match Aries cut a promo telling off the fans, and taking a shot at Silas' newborn and his wife. During Aries' entrance no one knew who it was due to the music. Aries yelled through Young's entire entrance.


- Return date: June 26th, 2009


3. Brodie Lee vs. Necro Butcher ends in a double count out. Most of the match was spent outside the ring, and they brawled in to the crowd afterward. Brodie jumped Necro during his entrance.


- Delirious and Jimmy are out. Jimmy calls out Strong and Stevens.


4. Roderick Strong & Erick Stevens defeat Jimmy Jacobs & Delirious with a Big Boot/Spinebuster combo. Decent match, but the crowd is still semi-deadish. Jimmy physically threatened Delirious after the match but they eventually left together.



5. Claudio Castagnoli defeats Brent Albright via disqualification. SNS Inc. came out to watch the match from the ramp. Albright locked Claudio in the Crowbar, and when Claudio got to the ropes Albright refused to release the hold, instead choosing to keep it in and yell at Sweeney. Match was a very good until the finish.


6. Tyler Black and Jerry Lynn wrestle to a twenty minute draw. The match was absolutely awesome. Crowds wants five more minutes ... but they aren't going to get it.


7. Nigel McGuinness defeats Jay Briscoe with the Jawbreaker in a solid match. Lots of jawing with the crowd.


8. Kevin Steen & El Generico defeat Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards to retain the Championships in a good main. After the match Steen cuts a promo saying Steenerico are holding those belts for a good long while.


Ring Of Honor

''Caged Collision'' PPV Taping

January 31, 2009- 7:30 pm belltime

Chicago Ridge, IL


P1. Tag match, names unknown.


P2. Egotistico Fantastico defeats Deryck St. Holmes with a backslide.


- Return Date: April 25th, 2009.


1. "Sugarfoot" Alex Payne defeats Silas Young & Kenny King with a hurricanrana on Young. King looked absolutely great in the match while Young and Payne were sloppy and unimpressive.


2. Claudio Castagnoli defeats Kevin Steen with a Ricola Bomb following a Larry Sweeney distraction.


3. Grizzly Redwood defeats Rhett Titus with a roll up.


4. Jerry Lynn & The Necro Butcher defeat Brodie Lee & Delirious when Lynn pins Delirious with a roll up. Necro put Brodie through a table on the floor.


- After the match Daizee accidentally spikes Delirious in the face while trying to hit Jimmy.




- Before the grudge tag match, Dragon takes the mic and everyone agrees that this is now a four way match.


5. Tyler Black defeats Austin Aries, Jimmy Jacobs, and Bryan Danielson to secure a title match when and where ever he sees fit. Bison Smith interfered in the match taking out Danielson with a powerbomb on the floor. Black rolled up Jacobs after he accidentally speared Aries.


6. Nigel McGuinness defeats El Generico to retain the ROH World Title. Generico tapped to the London Dungeon. On par with their previous matches.


- Tyler is out to CASH IN!


Tyler Black & Nigel McGuinness never gets to begin. Aries and Jacobs jump Black before the bell. Necro and Lynn make the save, and Nigel hauls ass through the crowd.


7. The team of Ace Steel, Brent Albright, Erick Stevens, Jay Briscoe, & Roderick Strong defeat SNS Inc. of Adam Pearce, Bobby Dempsey, Davey Richards, Eddie Edwards, & Tank Toland when Albright pins Pearce.


Davey Richards and Roderick Strong kick things off.

Tank Toland is out at #2 for SNS Inc.

Ace Steel in at #2 for Team Albright.

Eddie Edwards in at #3 for SNS Inc.

Jay Briscoe in at #3 for Team Albright.

Jay is jumped before he can get in by a double team. Appears out of it.

Bobby Dempsey in at #4 for SNS Inc.

Erick Stevens in at #4 for Team Albright

PEARCE is in at #5 for SNS Inc.

Albright rounds out the teams.


Strong is bleeding, Briscoe is back in the match. SNS are all out of the ring at the moment while Pearce is being mauled 5 on 1.


- After the match Sweeney gets in Bobby's face and slaps him. Dempsey finally snaps. He tears Sweeney's shirt off and "beats the shit" out of him. HUGE Dempsey chants echoing through the building. Dempsey leaves Sweeney a bloody mess following a Death Valley Driver.

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I don't know why you bring up the former duo on commentary. Its of no solace to me that Prazak and Lennard aren't as bad as they were. Either way, we do share the sentiments on Gabe and Nulty.


The part cannot be studied without reference to the whole



Death Before Dishonor 6

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