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That's pretty damn cool.


I was in one of these wedding montage music videos once, singing New York New York. I reckon they're great.


Oh god, I hope this doesn't start a trend. This is almost as bad as 'Kids lipsynching to the backstreet boys'. Its not original, its only entertaining for the people in it and people who know them. If you film one of these dont post it online, for the love...of...GOD.


Oh and that flame war song is awesome. Its gonna be stuck in my head all day now.

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Sickest thing I've seen outside of Three Guys One Hammer.



Really? Sanchez has done far worse than this, like the Spunkchops challenge, which was banned from season one.


Oh, and when Joycey drank a cup of sweat from season 2, or drank Pancho's fat which was sucked out of him during the cinema release. The latter was so bad that when I went to see it, a group of rugby lads had to get up and leave because they were so disturbed.

Edited by freaky_jason
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