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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

quote the raven

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great little 5 minute documentary about the WWE


It doesn't look that great to be honest. Just some more blame being laid at the door of wrestling for America's shitty social problems.

No its not that at all if you watch it, its just on about how wrestling influences society from an unbias point of view


Yes you can buy it, if you have a couple of hundred pound lying around.


This was made for schools in America, it is not comercialy available (hence the use of footage they do not have rights too, including TV network logos), but you can buy it from education resource providers. Not too sure whether you have to provide a school. college etc though?


EDIT: It links to the site at the end of the video. http://www.mediaed.org/cgi-bin/commerce.cg...ion&key=216

Edited by Full Moon
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Broady Steele & Robert Roode vs. Tommy Dreamer & Billy Kidman


Cool find^^^ A dark match from the episode of Raw after Wrestlemania 18


Steele looked pretty shitty in that match. Botched a few times and really didn't have the devastation and power that a guy his size should have.


Roode looked good though, I thought. He's a great bumper and he fed really well throughout. WWE shoulda signed him up. I think they will eventually as he's proven himself to be a very solid all-rounder in TNA.




My contribution, again not strictly youtube, but same difference!


Edge Vs Christian, Dark Match from 1997, before Edge became Edge and before Christian was signed up.



Edited by Dirty Eddie
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TV Title match: Ricky Steamboat © vs Scott Steiner


I remember watching this match back in the day and really really liking it. 'Course I was a huge fan of Steiner and Steamboat back in my childhood and I havn't watched it since then so might not date well.


Rick Steiner at this point had left WCW and the following week Scott Steiner had left WCW for WWE so I believe this was Scott's last WCW appearence.


Ventura is excellent on commentary as per usual.

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