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Shinku - Deep Red

Whilst away on a school trip, a young girl's family is killed. Years later, the murderer is sentenced to death, but the remaining girl, Kako, befriends his daughter...


I enjoyed Shinku because it's quite original. The story, although slightly weighty in the middle, is nicely crafted, well-written and doesn't become overly predictable. Contrary to the official synopsis, I'd class Shinku as more of a drama than a thriller. It's a film that doesn't really aim to frighten, but rather present a story that slowly unravels. As it all progresses, it becomes darker and gradually more engaging.


Nonetheless, the technical codes of the thriller genre are skillfully utilized in order to create an atmosphere. There's also good use of symbolism, some of which is rather subtle, and definite themes that you can pick out.


The two leads, Uchiyama Rina and Mizukawa Asami, deliver decent performances and I think they're suited to their respective roles. Uchiyama Rina, in particular, is extremely good-looking, in my opinion, so I have absolutely no problem with her being cast. Facially, she's like a mix between Shamita Singha and Bipasha Basu...


Anyway, I'm surprised that Shinku isn't well-known. I'm unsure as to whether it's due to a lack of promotion or because of some other reason. Either way, it's certainly worth checking out.


To summarize, Shinku is an entertaining film, worthy of more recognition.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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Watched Just Friends last nite I found it quite an entertaining little comedy. Must watch History of Violence tonight. Anyone seen it? It any good?

i dont think ive ever known of a film to split opinions like it, you either love it or you absolutely hate it.
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I thought it was alright. It'd be much better if it was 30 minutes longer and actually turned into like a psychological mystery rather than just the cop-out ending it actually had which kind of rendered the film entirely pointless.

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I thought it was alright. It'd be much better if it was 30 minutes longer and actually turned into like a psychological mystery rather than just the cop-out ending it actually had which kind of rendered the film entirely pointless.

I don’t think that at all. The ending wasn’t particularly climactic or Hollywood, but it worked amazingly well in the context of the film.
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I watched the remake of The Hills Have Eyes last night. I'm a big fan of the original, it's one of my favourite horror films and no, this didn't come close to bettering or equalling it. That said it was a very good attempt, very well directed and with good acting. The violence was impressive and unsettling in parts but I didn't like the change made from the original in turning the bad guys into radioactive deformed mutants. Also, I know I would have enjoyed the film a lot more had I not seen the original, as it follows it pretty much to the letter. It's a brave film in parts, killing off a couple of characters you may not expect in a cold and brutal fashion, so anyone who hasn't seen the original will probably be shocked and impressed in parts. Also, I liked the 180 degrees change Aaron Stanford's character goes through, and his look was incredible by the end.


Certainly worth a watch, but the original is far superior.

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Strange as I have seen both and I thought the remake was much better. I didn't really like the original as I thought it was too low budget to look convincing and the cannibals were pretty stupid.

I thought it was alright. It'd be much better if it was 30 minutes longer and actually turned into like a psychological mystery rather than just the cop-out ending it actually had which kind of rendered the film entirely pointless.

I don
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"Chopper" with Eric Bana.This film is awesome. Bana truly makes this film. Funny in places. Ashamed to admit it but I laughed when he stuck the nut in his girlfriends mother during the big row scene.Choppers nuts the Mother and she takes the flat-back bump tremendously.To the daughter.."You've got your mother all upset now"(****/*****)..and I mark for anybody called "Chopper".

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Eddie Murphy - Delirious

After watching Eddie Murphy's 1987 stand-up, Raw, I subsequently heard a great deal about his 1983 gig, Delirious. The majority of people that I had spoken to said that Delirious is the better of the two...


In this very explicit stand-up, Eddie Murphy takes aim at everyone from celebrities and gays and even touches on issues like racism and beating women. Most of his material would be regarded as politically incorrect now. However, I'm not easily offended at all and I totally enjoyed Delirious.


Murphy begins the show with some great impersonations of various singers. He makes fun of Michael Jackson in a rather friendly manner, but then completely lampoons the likes of Elvis, James Brown and Stevie Wonder. He also presents his views on show business, which are very funny because you can tell what's supposed to truthful and what's exaggerated.


It's interesting that Murphy talks about a number of topics and is able to go from one extreme to the other. For example, part of Delirious is about sex and comprises of a lot of adult humour, but then there's also simple and comparably innocent subjects, such as kids chasing after an ice cream van. Normally, it wouldn't really be amusing, but Murphy can make a subject like that seem absolutely hilarious because he truly excels at creating a scenario. Nothing exemplifies that better than the story about his annual family cookout. Honestly, the bit about his aunt falling down the stairs had me in stitches.


In addition to the material, Eddie Murphy's performance is exceptional. His timing and delivery are perfect and he has the crowd in the palm of his throughout.


In short, Delirious is an excellent stand-up. It's easily one of the funniest that I've ever seen. However, I still think Raw is better as the running jokes were far superior and it just seemed a lot sharper.


Damn, Eddie Murphy was fucking brilliant.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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The Three Burials Of Melquiades Estrada


A very, very slow (in a good way) kind of Western, directed by and starring Tommy Lee Jones as Pete, a rancher (Jones) who vows to bury his dead friend (the eponymous Melquiades) in his hometown after he is shot dead by a border patrol guard Norton (played by Barry Pepper). Pete embarks on a pilgrimage to Mexico with both his dead friend and Norton in tow, with all three facing an uncertain destination.


It's a rather strange film, filled with seemingly pointless moments, some odd morbid humour, some questions that remain unanswered, and it basically says a lot by saying very little. Pepper's character isn't terribly likeable, he's weak-willed and neglectful of his wife (the stunning January Jones) and quite mean-spirited, but everything changes for him from the moment he pulls the trigger on Melquiades. Pepper is nothing short of brilliant in this, conveying so many emotions with deceptively little material. The film is as much about restoring his soul as it is about laying the titular character to rest.


As for Jones, his acting is perfect. It's a very understated and underplayed role, yet Jones brings so much to it. His direction is incredible too. The film is brilliantly shot and well edited, the non-linear structure never once bringing about confusion.


I can see why people would dismiss this film as boring and pretentious, but personally I was blown away. One of the films of the year without question.

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"The Three Burials Of Melquiades Estrada"I remember trying to see this at the Cineworld on Renfrew Street and the lady at the counter saying that they cut it's run early, in that particular establishment, and replaced it. It only lasted from Friday until the following Tuesday. :(I was cross.

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"The Three Burials Of Melquiades Estrada"I remember trying to see this at the Cineworld on Renfrew Street and the lady at the counter saying that they cut it's run early, in that particular establishment, and replaced it. It only lasted from Friday until the following Tuesday. :(I was cross.

In a similar incident, my local cineworld has decided to give Pirates of the Carribean 4 of the 9 screens, and so Thank You For Smoking, which I really wanted to see, was taken off after 5 days.
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I recently been getting into 24 on DVD.So far I watched series 1 and in the middle of series 2. great show and I wish I'd got into it sooner lol.

Edited by TheGameDD
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Click - IMDB Link

"Click" focuses on a workaholic architect who finds a universal remote that allows him to fast-forward and rewind to different parts of his life. Complications arise when the remote starts to overrule his choices.

I love pretty much every film Sandler has made. This was no exception it was a truly great film from him, it had a ton of laughs. It was made by is own company ''Happy Madison'' so he wrote it himself which is why it was so good. So the film, whats it about ?. Well its about a guy who cant get a decent brake in life, he work's long hours and his work takes most of his time up, so he has no time for his family even though he loves them to bits he cant go on hoilday or nothing to much work. He only wants the best for his family with more money for them so they can have what he never had and have a great lifeSo anyway the story goes he has too many remotes for the TV, so he goes to buy an all in one remote what does everything. So anyway it turns out the remote can pause real life and fast forward time and shit. I wont say too much till or if you see it but it turns out into a right ride.I'll admit near the end it turned in to a little tear jerker (not that I shed a tear) great comedy highly suggest you see this. Also David Hasselhoff in this is awesome he plays Sandlers boss who's into develepment ya know mall's and towns and shit. Anyway his boss gives him more work just when he's about to go on hoilday, so Sandler pauses him and jumps on the table and bitch slaps the shit outta him, he then un-pause's and Hasselhoff's like ''damm where did that headache come from :lol:. Then he farts in his face, ''damm did I eat shit for lunch today :lol: . Anyway yeah awesome film.Firewll - IMDB Link

A security specialist is forced into robbing the bank that he's protecting, as a bid to pay off his family's ransom.

So the movie stars Harrison Ford I aint seen a movie with him in for some time but movie's about hacking and computer shit I really enjoy so had to check this out. Not a bad moive but not a great movie. I think it could have been so much better to be honest. He works at a top hi-tech bank and he's the guy whats made the top security software for that company un fuckin crackable, so anyway a team of bank robbers want to rob the joint so they enlist Ford but not without kidnapping his family first. In the end he does end up getting the money for the bad guys but I wont say to much about it incase its on your list to view in the future. All in all could have been better and I think two hours for this movie was a little to fuckin much.Marci X - IMDB Link

A Jewish-American Princess is forced to take control of a hard-core hip-hop record label and tries to rein the one of the label's most controversial rappers

I thought this movie would be a right laugh I love the Waynes family, (aint it a big fucker,lol) so it stars Damon Waynes more better known as Michael Kyle from the hit TV show ''My Wife And Kids'' the thing that was putting me off a little was the fact that it also starred Lisa Kudrow as I never really liked her in friends and aint watched any movies she's done par about one btu I htough I'd give it a go as the plot sounded pretty decent. So anyway half way into the movie and what a pile of monkey shit this was it may have been about 1.30am but this movie fuckin sucked major ass, really really boring. Not even funny it was just plain awful I never though I'd watch a Damon Waynes movie and call it utter shit but it was. if you really wanna enjoy a good Damon Waynes movie skip this shit and watch ''Bulletproof'' THAT was a top class movie this film ''Marci X'' was FUCKIN SHIT.
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