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Saw Poseidon today, haven't seen the original so can't compare them, I'm a big fan of disaster movies, so it would have to be really bad for me to slate it lol. However, this was a fun film, the whole cast were good, especially Kurt Russell and Richard Dreyfuss.


Nothing really bad to say about this film, favourite parts of the film were the CGI of the ship getting fucked up at the beginning, (I loved Titanic for this reason, everyone hate's that film for the tedious love story, but skip that and see the ship breaking up at the end, awesome. Anyway, I've always had an interest in Titanic, so may just be me) and the awesome kid, whoever he was, he was a damn good little actor.


If you're a fan of disaster type movies, you'll love this.



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The best moments in Bring The Pain are those in which Rock introduces a somewhat taboo subject, such as violence towards women, but then delves into the opposite side of it just before he crosses the line. Additionally, his most famous joke is featured in this stand-up; niggaz Vs. black people.

I wish I'd read this thread earlier. Theres some damn good movies in here and from reading I feel the need to watcha few I haven't. Anyway... the above from Van Dammer is *exactly* why I love this film.The "Niggers versus Black People" part had me in stitches. I saw a clip of it, then watched the whole act and I was stuned at how good a comedian he was - at the tim eI had only seen him at, but never do stand up. It completely blew me away and deserves to be ranked alongside most of Pryors stuff and Eddie Murphy's Raw - which I love a lot, especially the sequences that I conneted with perfetly. Such as "What have you done for me lately?" and the House burger. I visited my mother a few months ago and she made me a house burger - she had no lue why I was laughing.Reading your comments on Drop Dead Fred, Van_Dammer, I'd have to agree that the movie is highly underrated. I find it sad tat only a few people I know have seent hat film, it's a wonderful movie in its own weird way.Anyway, spotlight on me... ;)Party MonsterThe story of New York lub promoter Micheal Alig. A friend reommended it and it reminded me of how much I loved him. The man gets my taste so well, and I regret replacig him with myself in my sig :/Alig is a small town boy who moves to the city with big ambitions. He meets James St james, whom he adored and in a sense replaces by becoming even more fabulous than James. It follows Micheals drug use, his sucsess, the rise of his drug child ike movement and his loves: Kioko (Fez from That 70's Show, I've forotten his name), Gitsy and of course best friend James.Considering I saw him as 'the kid who goes aaargh', MacCauley Culkin plays Alig superbly by stepping into his enthusiasm ad positive attitude, yet still retaining the scared little boy element of Alig. Seth Green also deserves a lot of credit for camping it up to a massive degree.I won't give too much detail, but if you can get hold of the film - do it. Just... be aware that you'll see the kid from Home Alone's ass...Withnail and II adore this film. It's the story of two out of work actors who are completely depedant on benefits to live and the lifestyle doesnt work for them. In an attempt to escape their misreble life, they head to the countryside and find it to be even more misreble than they assumed it would be asthey have no money, no food, no feul and no idea how to survive outside the city.Paul McGann stars as Peter Marwood and Richard E Grant as Withnail. Richard Griffiths also stars as Monty, Withnails homosexual uncle who joins them in the countryside and has his eye on Peter. It's a wonderfully put together film and has soe of my favourite lines, such as:"I feel like a pig shat in my head""Monty you terrible cunt!""I have a heart condition, it you hit me it's murder.... my wife i pregnant..."And more...CoffyThis is the mother of all revenge flicks. Pam Grier stars in this Black-exploitation film. Coffy's sister is in rehab and Coffy, a nurse in a county hospital, is on a personal vendetta to take down the pushers and pimps that helped force her sister into drugs.It's a wonderful movie which had Coffy questioning er actions all the way through. A part of her wants to be good and nice, a stronger part wants revenge and justice. But in chasing the criminals, she has a few surprises along the way and the end result hits too close to home for her.Quentin Tarantino, a fan of this film, also used half the soundtrack for Jackie Brown and it's not a discrete lift.
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Audition: This is a deeply unpleasant film, not really scary just really horrible (which I guess is the idea). Note: do not watch this film while eating.

I hope you're not denying that Audition is a brilliant film. In my opinion, it's a masterpiece and puts Ichi The Killer, which some people consider Takasha Miike's best film, to shame. Edited by Van_Dammer
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I haven't read this thread in ages but my attention was caught when I heard the praise for Murphy's RAW. It is totally awesome. I saw it a good few years ago on Paramount, about half way in and then decided to download it last month. The most I've ever laughed at a stand up. If you like it, try and hunt down Delirious online. It's never been properly released on DVD, but there's a VHS copy that's been floating around the P2P networks for years now. Blows RAW away. There's a few clips of RAW on youtube though, for anyone who hasn't seen it.Eddie was my hero until I realised how shit he'd become with all the kiddy films and tranny scandals :(Chris Rock's Bring The Pain routine is another stand up I saw years ago and only recently watched again. It's pretty hilarious, but it can't touch RAW or Delirious.

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Swingers *ing Vince Vaughan, and John Favreau


Great film, this is pretty much a 'guy flick' and has themes that a lot of men can deal with. Of course its a light, buddy buddy film with Vaughan showing early signs of his charm and talent. I'd recommend this to anyone, and expecially dudes who have trouble dealing with break ups! ****


Made *ing Vince Vaughan, and John Favreau


Pretty decent Sopranos liteish sorta movie. Seems to rely a lot on the chemistry of the two leads, but it is really funny in places. P Diddy manages not to be annoying, which is always a plus.


[You do have to see the film, for the cameo by Screeeech~!]

Edited by CaptainCharisma
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Went to see the Omen remake earlier. After not being impressed with the original after watching it again a few days ago(I really don't remember it being so poor), I went in with low expectations for the rumoured "scene-for-scene" remake.


The original I felt had its moments, but was ultimately not a particularly good film. It was uninteresting for the most part, had average acting (Gregory Peck is pretty good, but no-one else is given much to work with), basic characters (who when they die or get hurt you pretty much don

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The original I felt had its moments, but was ultimately not a particularly good film. It was uninteresting for the most part, had average acting (Gregory Peck is pretty good, but no-one else is given much to work with), basic characters (who when they die or get hurt you pretty much don

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Audition: This is a deeply unpleasant film, not really scary just really horrible (which I guess is the idea). Note: do not watch this film while eating.

I hope you're not denying that Audition is a brilliant film. In my opinion, it's a masterpiece and puts Ichi The Killer, which some people consider Takasha Miike's best film, to shame.
Defineitly, it's a work of art. Just not something I enjoyed or would want to sit through again.I think I remember someone saying that Audition almost tries too hard to be shocking, which is true. It starts off very subtle, and then towards the end just degenerates into a violent bloodbath.
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The Elephant Man


I'm a huge fan of David Lynch, and this film does not disapoint. It deals with the very human story of Joseph or John Merrick (John Hurt), famously known as 'The Elephant', although after seeing this film I find it tough to refer to him as this, with its connotation of bestial imagery.


The film is a basic biopic of Merrick's life in a freak show where he is abused and ridiculed, and his entry into London Hospital where he is cared for by Dr. Fredderick Treves (Antohny Hopkins). However, he is still on display as the night guard brings people wanting to see the freak to view him, and the upper classes visit him out of curiosity and fashion.


It is a gut wrenching film, as you see Merrick's human qualitys submerged into the human desire to spectacle, and superficality. Hurt's performance is breath-taking, and as the character grows, so does the audience's care for him, although any glimmer of hope is clearly pushed back into reality by the fine 'no nonsense' based upon Treeves own works. It does not have a sunset finish.


On the downside, it does buckle to some cliches, feeling the need to include a short kidnap subplot (I'm not sure how much truth is in that), and some characters, such as the nurse or Queen Victoria's support feel slightly cliche'd.


This film teaches the viewer so much about acceptance of others, and the way we behave making it an important film to watch more than a chance to see a reendention of the deformed man. I would recomend that everyone watch this, as it does shift perspectives in one's life and challenges our everyday behavious.


Rating 9/10

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Masters Of Horror - Imprint

Masters Of Horror is an American TV series that comprises of unrelated episodes and, If I'm not mistaken, each one is directed by a famous filmmaker. Granted, they're not necessarily films, but they're akin to TV movies. Therefore, I'll leave my thoughts on this, the thirteenth Masters Of Horrors episode, in this thread.


Imprint was directed by renowned Japanese director Takashi Miike. Anyone who's seen some of his other work, such Audition, Visitor Q and Ichi The Killer, will know what to expect from him. Miike's films are usually extremely well-made, critically acclaimed and often quite disturbing. Imprint has never actually been show in the US because the network refused to broadcast it uncut. However, it has aired here in the UK and will soon be included on the Masters Of Horror DVD set.


Anyway, Miike's English debut has a pretty good premise. Set in the 19th century, an American journalist travels back to Japan in order to find the woman that he left behind, Kimono. His journey leads to a mysterious island, where his only sanctuary is a brothel. There, he meets a strange lady, who considers herself a freak. She informs him of the haunting story of her past and Kimono.


Approximately the first twenty minutes of Imprint is used to establish the characters, which is achieved quite well. From that point, the majority of the narrative consists of flashbacks. Everything that is depicted in the 'present' is very atmospheric and erie, whilst the story that is told is creepy, yet intruiging.


Some of Miike's usual themes are present in Imprint. There's an abundance of disturbing and bizarre imagery and I can see why it was banned. However, I could easily tolerate more. Then again, maybe that's just me...


I only have two minor gripes with Imprint. The first is that Billy Drago, who plays the American journalist, isn't a particularly good actor. I haven't seen any other episodes of Masters Of Horror, but the production is really TV movie-like. I suppose that's to be expected, but it seems slightly odd when coupled with Miike's work.


Overall, though, Imprint is damn good and it certainly leaves and impression. Download it now.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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Went to see the Omen remake earlier. After not being impressed with the original after watching it again a few days ago (I really don't remember it being so poor)... [it] had its moments, but was ultimately not a particularly good film.

:cry:Perfect BlueThis 1997 anime is one that is well-known in western circles. Although I'm not that well versed in anime, I am quite fond the genre. My earliest experience with it was the original Guyver series, which I loved, but I was quite young at the time and can't actually remember much about it. Within the last year, though, I've had the chance to watch Akira and Spirited Away; I think both of those films are phenomenal. So, after hearing a great deal about Perfect Blue, I was definitely willing to check it out.I won't reveal too much of the story as the development of the plot is absolutely essential to the film. Basically, Perfect Blue is about Mima, a JPop star. She leaves girl group Cham in order to embark on an acting career. Soon, her past begins to haunt her, as does a mysterious stalker.As the film begins, it seems somewhat similar to drama. However, the narrative becomes fairly complex as the psychological thriller elements of it come into effect. Many have described it as 'Hitchcock does anime' and I totally agree with that. The film's engrossing, completely engaging and has a great ending.Judging from what I've seen within the genre and the numerous titles that I've heard about, Perfect Blue is not your typical anime. There are no superhuman characters or robots, etc. It's considerably more realistic and has a riveting edge to it. There are a few graphic scenes, in terms of violence and sex, so it's not for the squeamish. Also, I love the direction; the film features a range of interesting, innovative and effective scenes. The music compliments them well, too.I'm aware that some critics have been baffled that a film of this nature, a psychological thriller, would be done as an anime. Quite frankly, I don't care because the result is fucking amazing. Edited by Van_Dammer
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Masters Of Horror - ImprintI only have two minor gripes with Imprint. The first is that Billy Drago, who plays the American journalist, isn't a particularly good actor. I haven't seen any other episodes of Masters Of Horror, but the production is really TV movie-like. I suppose that's to be expected, but it seems slightly odd when coupled with Miike's work.Overall, though, Imprint is damn good and it certainly leaves and impression. Download it now.

How dare you diss Billy Drago, he absolutely rules in Delta Force II, the best colombian drug-lord psycho mental bastard ever!

The Elephant Man I'm a huge fan of David Lynch, and this film does not disapoint. It deals with the very human story of Joseph or John Merrick (John Hurt), famously known as 'The Elephant', although after seeing this film I find it tough to refer to him as this, with its connotation of bestial imagery.Rating 9/10

picked that bad-boy up in Blockbuster the other day as part of their 5 for Edited by Ebb
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