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Guest DJM

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Somewhat entertaining and interesting at times, but dull on the whole, very dialogue heavy, and with a basic plot & basic characters. The film tries to be clever and witty, but ultimately fails. The film is also full of explicit sexual language which doesn

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Class of 1984


Why did I pick up this film? What is it that's drawing me to crap films recently? This is from 1982 and is about a substitute teacher who goes to work at a nasty school, its got metal detectors, CCTV, graffiti everywhere, cops always about and some horrible kids. Its run by this one kid called Stegman. He comes to blows with the teacher, Mr. Norris at every turn, Mr. Norris can't get them arrested so he turns into a renegade and he fights this quite gifted but nasty kid. Anyway, it looked kinda good on the cover and the synopsis seemed relatively enjoyable and has a young Michael Fox in it, but that's it, I was foxed. It was so horribly bad and tedious that I couldn't wait for it to be over and its only 90 minutes long yet felt like 3 hours. The final 10 minutes are quite fun but if only the rest of the film had been that way.



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"Mr. Norris can't get them arrested so he turns into a renegade and he fights this quite gifted but nasty kid."I'd imagine I would like this film HBAndy. :)Just bought an unboxed VHS called "When the Bullet hits the Bone" for 10p. Synopsis is...http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114918/

Thirteen Years in the emergency room, seeing people die from drugs and drug-related crime, have made Dr. Jack Davies angry and desperate. One day he stumbles drunken through the back streets of the city, and into a quarrel between drug baron Turner's girl and some of his thugs. He gets gunned down but survives, and now it's war. Watch our hero expose and break up an amazing conspiracy, while taking more pain than Rambo or Rocky ever did.

Looks like I'm onto a winner. I didn't know what the film was about.P.S. Wrestlemania Big Time ads on IMDB.com now! Jeebus. Spare me from this torture.
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"Mr. Norris can't get them arrested so he turns into a renegade and he fights this quite gifted but nasty kid."I'd imagine I would like this film HBAndy. :)

I know, I thought I would too but everything else apart from the last 10 minutes is boring as hell and so stereotypical. The last 10 minutes were damn cool though.Spoilers, highlight to read. Such as Mr. Norris setting a punk kid on fire and slicing another kids arm off on a circle blade and then killing the punk kid on the circle blade, if only the rest of the film was that awesome.
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Strangely this film has only been out for 6 years but is already put into that realm of all-time classic, and it probably is. It's big, vast, overreaching and got great acting (Joaquin Phoenix and Oliver Reed are awesome as well as Russell Crowe) . Everyone's probably already seen it but its still gonna be watched for years to come.



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A History Of ViolenceIt kept my attention and I enjoyed it but doesn't warrant a second watch or the "this is the best film ever" reviews it got when it came out. There was definitely something missing.

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Escape From Alcatraz - Outstanding movie, tension and suspense is what it's all about, this film has some of my favourite scenes ever...the scene where the guard spots the 'dummy' in the bed is amazing...and the scene where doc uses the axe...the sprinkings of typical Eastwood humour round it off. Great stuff and based on a true story (in my opinion i think the guys real life the guys drowned)

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Guest Ashley

Went to see The Ringer earlier, to be honest it wasn't as offensive as I was expecting, Jeffy/Stevie (played by Knoxville) comes across as the idiot of the film, but that said even what he does is wrong, you can't dislike him as he's a nice guy, all in all quite a funny film.Oh and Terry Funk has a very small part in it.Going to see V for Vendetta either tonight or tomorrow.

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Went to see The Ringer earlier, to be honest it wasn't as offensive as I was expecting, Jeffy/Stevie (played by Knoxville) comes across as the idiot of the film, but that said even what he does is wrong, you can't dislike him as he's a nice guy, all in all quite a funny film.Oh and Terry Funk has a very small part in it.

I am sure I heard Jesse Ventura doing a voice-over at the beginning as well.
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I saw The Proposition the other night. An awesome but simple premise. Quite brutal in places, and the tension of the final scenes is incredible, you know what's going to happen but it's just when. Excellent screen play and soundtrack, showing why Nick Cave is such an awesome man.

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watched tom-yum-goong aka wicked warrior (when its released in the uk). made from the same people that put ong bak together and starring tony jaa in the lead role again. the plot of the film is him and his fathers elephants have been stolen by a mafia group based in australia and jaa is sent to australia to bring back the elephants (sounds quite familiar doesn't it) and well as you expect from jaa loads and loads of amazing stunts and fight scenes follow on his quest to recover the elephants.overall its a simple story thats very easy to follow and the action sequences top ong bak in my eyes making this a must see film for martial arts film fans.

Edited by pro-rebeluk
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Just got back from seeing this and its already gone from my head, there was nothing in the film that made me feel scared or even jump, and I'm a pretty easy jumper. I really liked Cabin Fever and this was a poor follow up, the film is entirely unbelievable and paints a poor picture of those crazy foreigners who like to torture people, remember kids don't talk to foreigners or even leave your country, its a crazy . Why can't a horror film be scary?




Sweet Home Alabama


A very different film to Hostel but equally as crap. Amazing that. Reese Witherspoon is a high flying fashion designer working in New York but is actually from the South. She gets hitched with the son of the mayor and he's a pompous prick who deserves everything he gets in the end of the film and she's a bitch anyway. She screws over every man she meets and ends up with a crappy ending.



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Devils Rejects


I really liked House of 1000 Corspes, so i was expecting to like this.....and i did. Not a scary horror film but plenty of blood and guts, which is always good. Very dark in places but also very funny. I really liked the ending too.



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