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Guest DJM

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Crank: High Voltage: If they gave an oscar for mindless fun, this would win it. Unconventionally brilliant and not one dull moment. Anyone who enjoyed the first one should definitely catch this.


Hell yes, saw it thursday and thought it was great. Many a high five was hit, it was hilarious, fun and action packed and just total ridiculous fun.


I also saw I Love You, Man last night and thought that was great too. Paul Rudd should be more famous, hes hilarious. Would be a great date movie if anyones taking the mrs out this week and its much funnier than Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


Really? I love Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Must give this a bash.


I will NOT be watching Crank 2. I enjoyed the first one right up until he jumped out the plane and made a phone call. That went beyond the ridiculous fun part, it was just stupid.


But thats the whole point of films like that. Thats why they're so enjoyable.


I'm off to see Let The Right One In tomorrow night. Sounds pretty good, but I've not heard much about it bar the official blurb and some good looking review scores.

Got to say though, the surviving the fall from the helicopter is a bit shit.


It looks like a crazy arsed film and will probably give it a look when I can. Got "Notorious" last night, the Biggie biopic and haven't watched it yet but will be giving it a view when I get home from work, anyone seen it yet?

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Got "Notorious" last night, the Biggie biopic and haven't watched it yet but will be giving it a view when I get home from work, anyone seen it yet?


I can save you two hours of your life if you like - Biggie was an angel, loved his mum, was the most important man in the history of music ever (in fact he may even have invented this 'rap' thing), liked a pie.

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Crank: High Voltage: If they gave an oscar for mindless fun, this would win it. Unconventionally brilliant and not one dull moment. Anyone who enjoyed the first one should definitely catch this.


Hell yes, saw it thursday and thought it was great. Many a high five was hit, it was hilarious, fun and action packed and just total ridiculous fun.


I also saw I Love You, Man last night and thought that was great too. Paul Rudd should be more famous, hes hilarious. Would be a great date movie if anyones taking the mrs out this week and its much funnier than Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


Really? I love Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Must give this a bash.


I will NOT be watching Crank 2. I enjoyed the first one right up until he jumped out the plane and made a phone call. That went beyond the ridiculous fun part, it was just stupid.


But thats the whole point of films like that. Thats why they're so enjoyable.


I'm off to see Let The Right One In tomorrow night. Sounds pretty good, but I've not heard much about it bar the official blurb and some good looking review scores.

Got to say though, the surviving the fall from the helicopter is a bit shit.


It looks like a crazy arsed film and will probably give it a look when I can. Got "Notorious" last night, the Biggie biopic and haven't watched it yet but will be giving it a view when I get home from work, anyone seen it yet?

He dies. :(


Not seen it but I've heard it's OK. I wasn't a fan of his but the adverts for it made it intriguing for me. Will probably catch it when it's on Sky.


As for the helicopter fall, I agree it's damn right ridiculous but as KFR42 said, that's why it's so enjoyable. Chev Chelios is pretty much a borderline supehero. Who fucks in public.

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Crank: High Voltage: If they gave an oscar for mindless fun, this would win it. Unconventionally brilliant and not one dull moment. Anyone who enjoyed the first one should definitely catch this.


Hell yes, saw it thursday and thought it was great. Many a high five was hit, it was hilarious, fun and action packed and just total ridiculous fun.


I also saw I Love You, Man last night and thought that was great too. Paul Rudd should be more famous, hes hilarious. Would be a great date movie if anyones taking the mrs out this week and its much funnier than Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


Really? I love Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Must give this a bash.


I will NOT be watching Crank 2. I enjoyed the first one right up until he jumped out the plane and made a phone call. That went beyond the ridiculous fun part, it was just stupid.


But thats the whole point of films like that. Thats why they're so enjoyable.


I agree to a certain degree. It's just that particular scene killed it for me. Like in Die Hard 4.0 after John finally defeats the jet fighter, turns to his left and just happens to see the car he'd been following previously turn into a hanger. Just a bit stupid.

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Crank: High Voltage: If they gave an oscar for mindless fun, this would win it. Unconventionally brilliant and not one dull moment. Anyone who enjoyed the first one should definitely catch this.


Hell yes, saw it thursday and thought it was great. Many a high five was hit, it was hilarious, fun and action packed and just total ridiculous fun.


I also saw I Love You, Man last night and thought that was great too. Paul Rudd should be more famous, hes hilarious. Would be a great date movie if anyones taking the mrs out this week and its much funnier than Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


Really? I love Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Must give this a bash.


I will NOT be watching Crank 2. I enjoyed the first one right up until he jumped out the plane and made a phone call. That went beyond the ridiculous fun part, it was just stupid.


But thats the whole point of films like that. Thats why they're so enjoyable.


I agree to a certain degree. It's just that particular scene killed it for me. Like in Die Hard 4.0 after John finally defeats the jet fighter, turns to his left and just happens to see the car he'd been following previously turn into a hanger. Just a bit stupid.


So in a film where a guy has ridiculous car chases, shoots hundreds of people and has a chase and shoot out with a fucking jet fighter you think a slightly unlikely coincidnece is a bit stupid?! Seriously, you're taking it too seriously! Its not meant to be an intercate logical plot, its just meant to be a story that can chain expensive brainless action sequences together. Think of it that way and you will enjoy the film as it was meant to be enjoyed.


I went to see let the right one in the other night. Quite an odd movie. Essentially its a sweedish vampire movie about kids. It seemed quite plodding at times, mainly because sweedish is quite a slow and plodding language, but I enjoyed it overall. The gore wasn't overkill, but still served its purpose. Not a film I'd rush to watch again, but entertaining all the same.

Edited by KFR42
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Watched Yes Man recently and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn't expecting it to be great for some reason even though I'm a huge Carrey fan, but it was hilarious in places and a heartwarming story. Plus I'd die for Zooey Deschanel, she's too cute.

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Watched Yes Man recently and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn't expecting it to be great for some reason even though I'm a huge Carrey fan, but it was hilarious in places and a heartwarming story. Plus I'd die for Zooey Deschanel, she's too cute.

Have you read the book?


I loved the book and I'm a bit apprehensive for watching this as I want it to be like the book but know it wont.

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Watched Yes Man recently and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn't expecting it to be great for some reason even though I'm a huge Carrey fan, but it was hilarious in places and a heartwarming story. Plus I'd die for Zooey Deschanel, she's too cute.

Have you read the book?


I loved the book and I'm a bit apprehensive for watching this as I want it to be like the book but know it wont.


the film is not an adaptation of the book. it basically just takes the idea of saying yes to everything from it.


ive read the book and seen the film and nothing that happens in the book happens in the film.

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saw two very different comedies at the cinema today...


In The Loop - Political satire isn't my genre, so i have no real reference here but this was one twisted movie. I've never seen the tv show that preceded this (but im gonna check it out) but this basically revolves around a group of politicians (some in the UK some in the States) that are lobbying for the war to start, there's a lot of backstabbing and tension going on but what makes this movie so good is the script and the performances, you can't help but enjoy it and remain hooked to the film, even though the quick moving nature of the story can lose you at times. A must see for anyone who appreciates great acting and a killer screenplay. Peter Capaldi is fucking brilliant.


I Love You, Man - after In The Loop this was a lot lighter and i really liked it. Another movie to add to the list of new wave comedies like Knocked Up, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Role Models, same kind of thing (the same actors seem to weave in and out of these movies, Judd Apatow related or not). Another man growing up, slacker hanging on, buddy movie. Some really funny stuff and two incredibly likeable lead characters make it. Recommended to anyone who likes the films i listed above, or any of the Apatow stuff. Good shit.

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Tonight I watched Recoil, a pound shop action no-brainer with good old Gary Daniels in it.


Firstly, it must be taken into account that this is a film for men. Real men that cush beer cans with their bare hands BEFORE they open them. Grrrr.


The plot is a handful of action movie cliches (mafia don taking revenge for cops killing his son, cop's family get killed so is out for vengence - I'm surprised he never handed his badge in actually).

The script is wooden as fuck, which means all the characters have as much depth as a baking tray.


What this movie does have though is action. For a low budget action film, the car stunts are pretty damn good, with the opening chase trying to compete with The Blues Brothers. Gary Daniels is really fucking macho in it too, when he's not blubbering over his dead kids. The team that put together the car stunts should be proud.


Unfortunately, the hand to hand fighting scenes are a load of old toss, which is surprising when you consider Gary's abilities and work in film like Heatseeker (which you should all watch). He still gets to show some of his trademark kicking skills, but the fights as a whole are slow, unimaginitive and really dated looking, showing this film up as the low budget 3am Movies For Men fodder that the car stunt team tried to make it not look like. The choreographer was some guy who I'd never heard of (and have forgotted his name already. Spiro something) and from checking the credits was also one of the stunt players. Why they didn't get Gary to choreograph the fights himself I don't know. I'm sure he could have done a far better job.


Is it worth a quid? If you fancy a bit of late night fluff over a beer with some of your (really manly) mates then yes. It's just a shame that the fight scenes would have looked shit in 1977, let alone 1997.

There's some gratuitous tits in it too.

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