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Guest DJM

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I watched 2001: a space odyseey for the first time last night. A noticed it going cheap in HMV yesterday and suddenly realised that despite seeing it parodied many many times (and probably even more if you include the ones I didn't even realise were parodies of it), I've never actually seen the film itself. Some bits I really liked, others I didn't really get. Obviously the main chunk of the film with HAL (who I learned shares my birthday :)) was great and the effects used to show weightlessness were really simple, but done really well. If I'm honest, the ending confused me. It lost me at the acid trip dream on entry. Overall I enjoyed it and was glad I watched it.

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Seven Pounds is desperate, hackneyed maudlin shit.



I was hoping of some other justifcation to dislike the film other than my irrational dislike of Will Smith so I will take your word on this movie and not watch it...even if that's not exactly a fair way to judge a it.


I just watched Count down to Looking Glass an account of how the world could decend into nuclear conflict via realistic and unquieting mock newscasts.

Made for American T.V in 1984 and one of the forerunners of a host of nuclear war television films (The Day After,Threads,Special Bullieten) it depicts a coup in Oman that leads the U.S into securing thier oil intrests through military means which in turn aroses the ire of the Soviet Union.


Frighteningly what speeds up the process to war is a mass finacial collapse of many large U.S banks after a coalition of South American nations welch of debts owed to the U.S,strange echos to the present day when watched.


I highly recommend this much undervalued film.

Edited by FireBrand
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I watched 2001: a space odyseey for the first time last night. A noticed it going cheap in HMV yesterday and suddenly realised that despite seeing it parodied many many times (and probably even more if you include the ones I didn't even realise were parodies of it), I've never actually seen the film itself. Some bits I really liked, others I didn't really get. Obviously the main chunk of the film with HAL (who I learned shares my birthday :)) was great and the effects used to show weightlessness were really simple, but done really well. If I'm honest, the ending confused me. It lost me at the acid trip dream on entry. Overall I enjoyed it and was glad I watched it.

Great film. You really should purchase "2010: The Year We Made Contact" now. Brilliant film. Starts off where 2001 finishes.




If you have "TCM Classic Movies", then 2010 is repeated every few weeks. It was on tons of times during the Christmas period.

Edited by bAzTNM
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JFK - 1991 directed by Oliver Stone and staring Kevin Costner, Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Oldman and numerous others is a rediculously good movie that I've seen twice before but always pick up something else whenever I watch it again. I STRONGLY reccommend this film to anyone who either loves conspiricy theories on true events or just simply a bloody good detective movie...

It's about as much based on true events as "50,000 BC" was. It contains little which is verifiable truth and lots which is absolute flat-out lies.


Mortimer misses the point once again.............it's in black and white, this automatically makes it a great film. :rolleyes:


What wonderful assumptions you make of people...Not possible to be liked because its a good movie that I am far from alone on thinking no it has to be because of something else that perhaps some over-the-top film students would get excited about....Also JFK is not in black and white.


I wasn't making any assumptions about you, I have no doubt that you like the film for all of the reasons you have given. I just happen to despise the film because I've always found it to be so wrapped up in it's own significance that it forgets to actually do anything that is paticuarly interesting.....and you're right, only the poncy bits are in black and white.

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I'm off to see My Bloody Valentine tonight. A question for anyone who's watched it (and don't say 'wait till you watch it') is the whole film in 3D or just parts?


I'm really looking forward to seeing the film, but it's got a long way to got to better Role Models, my current film of the year (though I don't expect that to last long, especially as I haven't seen The Wrestler yet).

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I'm off to see My Bloody Valentine tonight. A question for anyone who's watched it (and don't say 'wait till you watch it') is the whole film in 3D or just parts?


I'm really looking forward to seeing the film, but it's got a long way to got to better Role Models, my current film of the year (though I don't expect that to last long, especially as I haven't seen The Wrestler yet).

Will definitely be taken over by The Wrestler


Also a mate of mine's seen My Bloody Valentine and has said the majority of it is in 3D, don't know how true it is though. He's also said it's quite good.

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Planet of The Apes - Collection - i've gone abit mad in the past few days and watched the 6 Apes movies, the only one i'd seen prior was the original. This seems to be the forgotton movie series of the 60's/70's, not so much in that people don't know about it (everyone knows the name) but in that any one born after that time probably haven't seen the movies (unless their movie buffs).


I caught up anyways, and i have to admit i fucking lovesed 'em! I was thinking the series would dwindle in quality after the first, but apart from the budget drop i found the movies to be excellent viewed as one big story, 2 was the logical follow onto 1, then 3 took it into a very interesting new direction to be complimented by 4. The only one i thought could have been avoided was the fifth movie (Battle of The Planet of The Apes), which kind of took the story back to it's roots for no real reason.


Anyway's excellent series of films, The Apes in the series are fantastic and the good guys are incredibly likeable. The turn from peaceful ape to crazy rebellion leader of Caesar in Conquest of The Apes is fucking fantastic and pretty powerful stuff.


The films do deal with some real serious topics like slavery, animal rights, racism and all that kind of thing but it never really rams it down your throat, there's lots of humor thrown in there as well. Not to mention the brilliant endings to the movies, everybody knows the ending to the first film (i did before i even seen it, which is a shame), but every film has a great ending, it was the movies' calling card.


As for Burton's re-imagining (a better word than remake), i kinda liked it. He definatly changed things enough for the movie to stand on it's own away from the series. Most people's gripes with the movie appear to be the 'twist' ending, which i thought was actually pretty fucking cool...confusing at first, but when you read that Burton's aim was to create a cliffhanger for the series, i think it works well. It also would have taken the sequel in a nice role-reversal direction from the original movies. Not as bad as people say.

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I recently watched The Science of Sleep, which is a rather artistic and incredibly surreal French (actually, the majority of the film was in English for storyline purposes) film directed by Michel Gondry. His inspired music videos are enough to make me watch his films anyway. And Eternal Sunshine doesn't hurt either. It's about this run-of-the-mill guy who falls in love with his neighbour but fails miserably (yet highly amusingly) to win her affections. Except he also becomes some kind of creative genius/borderline loon when he falls asleep. As you do. A nice, feel good film with a bizarrely unclear line between dreams and reality and some pretty amusing outbursts of speech, I'd recommend it as a watch for anyone who is amused by unpredictable, random occurences leading to even more unpredictable situations. Or if your sense of humour goes well with things that make little or no logical sense.


It's surprisingly hard to accurately rate a good film! Ninja Tiger/Ninja Terminator have spoilt me for easy 'reviews'...

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Razzies Nominations are out. Heres are the nominations for the "Worst film of 2008" award..


Disaster Movie\Meet The Spartans


The Happening


The Hottie and The Nottie


In The Name of The King:

A Dungeon Siege Tale


The Love Guru

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