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Guest DJM

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As one of my favourite film reviewers said, The Butterfly Effect is a clever film for thick people.

I'm far from thick and still thought it was clever. God damn I hate smart arse film critics. Edited by KFR42
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You Don't Mess With The Zohan


Ermmm..where to start, didnt really think I would enjoy this, not a fan of Adam Sandler, lowest denominator and all that, but the film is a kind of Austin Powers / Zoolander style comedy, really is a case of just leave your brain in the other room kinda comedy. Found myself laughing a lot more during this than a lot of comedies of recent memory. Only scrapings of a storylines but for some reason I didnt find the 2 hours drag at all.


I must be getting old, would definatly recommend this instead of that shit The Promotion if you wanted to pass a couple of hours on a rainy afternoon.

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I watched The Happening. I'll be damned if this wasn't one of the most boring movies I've watched in a while. I've seen WORSE, but at least there was something actually happening in those movies. There's some brilliant scenes at the start. The stuff at the construction site is good, as is the very first instance in Central Park. Then we come to the meat of things. Mark Wahlberg, his wife and his friend's daughter try and get away, and ... well, there is nothing to it apart from that. Not even a suitable payoff. At the end of the movie, you'd be hard pressed not to feel cheated.

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Watch 12 Angry Men. It's awesome.Watch The Butterfly Effect as well, if only to make your own mind up on it. No number of bad opinions would stop me from watching a movie. I guess that should be apparent from the fact that I watched The Happening. One person's pish is another person's gold.

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