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Guest DJM

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Well I watched Cube Zero the other night on ''Zone Horror'' I'd never seen any of the Cube films so I thought I'd watch. And I rather enjoyed it, so much infact I ended up getting and watching ''Cube'' and ''Cube 2: Hypercube''. Although ''Cube 2'' was just awful, I mean jesus what a pile of shit it was.


Can't believe I left it so long to see these films, but yeah 2 out of the 3 I thought were damn decent viewing.

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Woke up late (Hey its Sunday!) and turned on the telly and Ferris Bueller's Day off was on. What a classic. I can watch that film over and over again and it still makes me laugh, It reminds how good Matthew Broderick and John Hughes were!Also Watched Orgazmo last nite, still fun in a cheap and shitty Troma films style although it rips off jokes from lots of other movies, but all is forgiven because it contains the immortal line "I don't wanna sound gay or 'nuthin but I really dig Unicorns" :laugh:

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Pulp Fiction


I don't think this is anything special. It's decent at least. The only part I really liked was the final scene in the coffee shop. Infact, most stuff involving with Jackson and Travolta in it was usually good. The rest didn't really capture my interest much. So yeah, it's certainly enjoyable, but I don't like it as much as many others do.

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Pulp FictionI don't think this is anything special. It's decent at least. The only part I really liked was the final scene in the coffee shop. Infact, most stuff involving with Jackson and Travolta in it was usually good. The rest didn't really capture my interest much. So yeah, it's certainly enjoyable, but I don't like it as much as many others do.

I hated Pulp Fiction. I know I might sound weird for not liking it, but there was too much going on and I just found it impossible to follow. The Travolta/Jackson stuff was the only stuff I really enjoyed.
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but all is forgiven because it contains the immortal line "I don't wanna sound gay or 'nuthin but I really dig Unicorns" :laugh:

If it was that immortal I'd think you'de be able to get right.It's "I don't wanna' sound like a queer or nothin 'but I think unicorns are kick ass!"There's also the much forgotton but equally awesome "I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin', but I think Depeche Mode is a sweet band!".
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I know I might sound weird for not liking it, but there was too much going on and I just found it impossible to follow.

I didn't find it tough to follow really. As far as I could tell, there was two stories and they both started oddly. After that point, you had the two stories side by side and that was that.
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Harsh Times

Wow. Written and directed by the same guy who wrote Training Day, Harsh Times follows a similar tale of two guys driving around, having fun and spiralling into darker territory as the film progresses. What makes this film stand out however, is that Bale's character is actually given a decent backstory, and there is some semblence of reasoning behind his behaviour. Visually the film is great and captures the Latino spirit well. Christian Bale is fucking excellent and Freddy Rodriguez is superb also. Theres so much more I could say, but I can't be arsed really!


All in all, a fucking wicked film.

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Not as bad as I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't very good. For a start, there was no need for every single death to be so graphic. It seemed to be done purely for shock value. Sort of lost the shock after the 5th time. However, the thing with the eye still managed to be pretty horrific and that was a good bit into the movie. The other pointless thing was giving the Dutch guy a backstory. Why should I care ? Keep the guy as cold blooded and as hollow as he actually is instead of feeding us such filth. Other than that there were some decent things.


The scenes before they reach Bratislava were usually good fun. Of course, they completely killed the tension on that front as well by putting terror music in a conversation that never needed it, and also made it quite clear what the next destination was and what was going to happen. Also made sure I seen every single twist coming as well. Infact, the more I type about it, the more I find wrong with it. Including sign posting everything that's going to happen. Ugh.

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DARKNESS FALLS Now, I'm usually a fan of bad horror movies (I've enjoyed all of Platinum Dunes output that I've seen so far!) but this too the biscuit. A film based around the fact that the tooth fairy wants to kill you, and she'll get you when it goes dark, so you have to stay entirely in the light at all times. Ridiculous. The main actor in it was terrible, making Ben Affleck look positively oscar-worthy, and Emma Caulfield, who was comedy gold in Buffy as Anya was just given nothing to use her talents on and became a terrified little woman running around screaming. Quite possibly the worst film I've ever seen.

Edited by rockbus
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DARKNESS FALLS Now, I'm usually a fan of bad horror movies (I've enjoyed all of Platinum Dunes output that I've seen so far!) but this too the biscuit. A film based around the fact that the tooth fairy wants to kill you, and she'll get you when it goes dark, so you have to stay entirely in the light at all times. Ridiculous. The main actor in it was terrible, making Ben Affleck look positively oscar-worthy, and Emma Caulfield, who was comedy gold in Buffy as Anya was just given nothing to use her talents on and became a terrified little woman running around screaming. Quite possibly the worst film I've ever seen.

Worst. Film. Ever.Seriously, I HATE this film.Saw the Condemned last night.I gotta say, it was very watchable, sure some of the acting was extra hamified but in general it was a decent film that wasn't quite 'brilliant' but definately watchable. Austin came off very well, Better than Vinny Jones even (okay so that's not so hard) and he was definately believable.Worth seeing.
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Harsh Times is drivel.

No it's not. Apart from the sometimes cringe inducing dialogue, the film is great. Why do you think its so bad your Seven-ness?
It's like I said when I watched it three months ago...

"So there's this guy right, and he was in the Gulf War and he killed lots of people so he's like, totally fucked up and shit, so he's a real loose cannon and just totally out of his mind dude, you feel me? Anyways, he gets rejected by the LAPD because he's just so fuckin' crazy and he's got this friend right, who's clearly an ex-gang member even though his character is completely underdeveloped to the point where he's just a Latino stereotype, and yeah, he's like the devil on this dude's shoulder, cuz this guy just wants to straight, but his psycho army-veteran buddy just won't let him. And yeah, chaos like, totally ensues."Sorry about that, I just imagined myself as the writer/director giving the pitch for his movie. What's shocking about David Ayer (aforementioned writer/director and the writer of the much overrated Training Day) is that he's not 14, because I was sure this piece of shit was helmed by a teenager. From the stupid whizz-bang camera trickery to the just awful dialogue to the paint-by-numbers characterisation, this is just a fucking mess of a film. I can see why Christian Bale took the role, he clearly wants this to be his Travis Bickle, which is a shame, because his character just isn't interesting. He's a mood-swinging scarred by the war asshole, and all attempts at infusing him with something of a character just fail utterly. He's not likeable, not even in the "not meant to be likeable" sense. It's just annoying watching him. It's not even a great performance by the usually excellent Bale, but to be fair, he doesn't phone it in, he does capture what little character there is, and he does make Jim genuinely scary, but it's not enough. There's flashes of a good movie here, and there's some strong themes flirted with, such as men ruined by devotion to their country, man's inhumanity to man and the notion of loving something but needing to rid yourself of it. Jim is the devil on his best friend's shoulder, but his friend is not an asshole anymore, he's trying to make something of his life but can't close the door on his friend, who is absolutely terrible for him. The really annoying thing here is that if you take away the terrible script, the cartoon characters, the dreadful cinematography and the general feel of the film, there's actually a decent story to be told, it's just delivered in a really immature and poor manner.

And I stand by that.
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