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Guest DJM

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I had the day off work today so have just finished watching The Shawshank Redemption for the 100th time. It always suprises me how unbelievably good that movie is, easily the best film I have ever seen, is miles ahead of possibly every other movie ever made and I honestly don't think any movie will ever be able to top it.

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There are some Spielberg movies I blatantly don't like, and others that I love, and there seems to be no middle ground.Love : The Terminal, Minority Report, AI, Schindler's List, Hook, ET, Duel, JawsHate : War of the Worlds, Munich, Catch Me If You Can, Saving Private Ryan, Jurassic Park, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Close Encounters of the Third KindAnything that isn't there, I haven't seen.As for The Shawshank, it's very much my favourite movie ever. All of the subplots are interesting, there's not a character in there that I can't involve with and not a minute I'm bored.

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Love : The Terminal, Minority Report, AI, Schindler's List, Hook, ET, Duel, JawsHate : Munich, Catch Me If You Can, Saving Private Ryan,

Uhhh, why? Munich is brilliant. Catch Me is a lot of fun, and SPR, while flawed, is quite impressive in many ways.I don't really like Spielberg. I hate his supposed classics such as Jaws, but he's impressed me a little in his more recent years.Also, The Terminal is one of the worst films ever made. AI is terrible too. Fuck Spielberg for pissing all over Kubrick's vision.
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Love : The Terminal, Minority Report, AI, Schindler's List, Hook, ET, Duel, JawsHate : Munich, Catch Me If You Can, Saving Private Ryan,

Uhhh, why? Munich is brilliant. Catch Me is a lot of fun, and SPR, while flawed, is quite impressive in many ways.I don't really like Spielberg. I hate his supposed classics such as Jaws, but he's impressed me a little in his more recent years.Also, The Terminal is one of the worst films ever made. AI is terrible too. Fuck Spielberg for pissing all over Kubrick's vision.
I agree with you on Munich, Catch Me If You Can and Saving Private Ryan, BUT AI and Jaws are both bone-fided brillance.
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I watched a couple of movies over the week...War Of The WorldsThis was pretty good.. had its similarities and differences to other alien invasion movies. I thought the tripods and sound effects were really great. Dakota Fanning is also good in this... For some reason I ended up hating the boy!The ReboundThis was OK too.. not as good as Daddy Day Care, and not one of Martin Lawrence's best films.. but it provided some laughs.. thats all really.The ManI think Eugene Levy is great! He has that same 'dad from american pie' character in nearly every movie ive seen him in. There are some serious laugh out loud moments.. the 'He's my bitch' scene is a must see!Bad SantaThis was pretty funny in some bits.. but I thought it dragged a little... The young kid was seriously shot it. The ending was stupid aswell.Garden StateHow cute is Natalie Portman! I thought this film had some good points throughout.. and some nice clear messages aswell.. but its not something I'll watch again in a hurry. Props to Zach Braff (sp?) thought, I thought he was really good.

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Bad SantaThis was pretty funny in some bits.. but I thought it dragged a little... The young kid was seriously shot it. The ending was stupid aswell.

I really enjoyed this - I caught it a couple months ago, and I'm lookign forward to watching it again at Christmas time.Also, I never thought I'd see the words "not as good as Daddy Day Care" used as part of a positive review for something :laugh:...
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