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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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Saw The Pursuit of Happyness yesterday. Decent enough. Will Smith isn't awful but isn't brilliant either, his kid was played quite well I thought. One major problem I had was that at no point in the film did I think that it wasn't going to have a happy ending. Will and his kid just sorta wandered around, selling his medical box thing while he worked in the day for his internship. They should've had something happen near the end that made you think 'Oh dear, he's not gonna be picked for the job then he'll have to live on the streets forever'. The last 5 mins was completely rushed, just called into the bosses office, told he had the job, walks out onto the street and end.


6/10, but with a better ending this could've been 7/10

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Finally watched Planes, Trains and Automobiles the other day and it was very good. I loved the plot and the farcial manner in which Steve Martin and John Candy end up travelling together. The thing which i loved about this film was how funny the majority was with Martin perfectly casted as the straight man losing his patience. Him delivering the 'i want a fucking car' speech was truly exceptional, but yet the ending was actually moving. I had a tear in my eye.


Also, as i've been to the local market today, i took advantage of the 5 dvds of

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WALLED IN - 5/10, This looked like it was gonna be a good horror/thriller type film going from the trailer I watched but it never came close to being any good. The story was pretty shit and didnt really make any sense what so ever would only reccommend watching this on a boring day when youre stuck with nothing to watch.


CLOVERFIELD - 7.5/10, I'd been meaning to watch this since it 1st came out but all the copies I came across were shite quality then I totally forgot about it till it turned up on Sky Movies this week. I thought it was pretty good better than some of the reviews I'd read for it even tho the handheld camera way the made it done my tits in at times, the ending was pretty shite tho.


SO I MARRIED AN AXE MURDERER - 7.5/10, I'd heard of this film years ago and had always fancied watching it cos its got Mike Myers in it out of Austin Powers etc and hes normally funny as fuck. This film was miles different than any of his other films tho with more dark humour in it rather than his usual jokes but I thought it was a quality film which I've never heard any1 talk about.


THE UNBORN - 7/10, Was a decent enough film it kept me occupied on a boring Saturday night but I felt it could of been much better. The story just seemed to jump all over the place and nothing was explained in enough detail for me if it ran about 30minutes longer it could of been much better as a 85 minute run time werent long enough.


Anyway I still thought it was decent enough and worth a watch even though it didnt blow me away which I never expected to be honest.


TAKEN - 9/10, Watched this last night and it lived up to the hype Ive read about on here and other sites was class from start to finish. Didnt expect Liam Neeson to be any good as that type of character but he put the like of Segal in his hey day to shame. Deffo a must watch this like.


GRAN TORINO - 10/10, Fantastic film a reckon one of the best I've seen in ages every thing is spot on the story acting etc I loved it

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watched Ali last night on 4.. was zzzz land.. kept thinking Forrest gump as well... dunno why? Spose watching When we were kings ruined the denouement for us.. wasnt impressed of what i saw...


Sex Lives of the Potato Men, Universally derided as shit, Ive seen worse... was a Confessions of... in everything but name.. ah at least the Hallo Panda short that followed it was quite funny..... Panda enclosure Shawshank style!

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CLOVERFIELD - 7.5/10, I'd been meaning to watch this since it 1st came out but all the copies I came across were shite quality then I totally forgot about it till it turned up on Sky Movies this week. I thought it was pretty good better than some of the reviews I'd read for it even tho the handheld camera way the made it done my tits in at times, the ending was pretty shite tho.


Out of interest, how would you have ended it? Personally I thought the ening was absolutely perfect.


Finished watching silence of the lambs again for the first time in years. Great film, every bit as good as I remember.

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I'm not sure to be honest I just hate endings where you dont find out what happened like whether they lived or died etc its just a pet hate of mine ha


I was the same when I watched the Wrestler as well the ending annoyed me, but I was pleasently suprised with Cloverfield though I expected it to be abysmal from some of the reviews I read.


I heard they were going to do a sequel but film the same movie again just from a different groups perspective, dunno if those rumours are true was a while back when I read that

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Watched Twilight earlier, not expecting much and didnt get much for the first 45 mins, second half of the film was pretty awesome though and the sequel should be even better. I havent read the books but are they worth checking out?

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Watched Twilight earlier, not expecting much and didnt get much for the first 45 mins, second half of the film was pretty awesome though and the sequel should be even better. I havent read the books but are they worth checking out?

Are you a 14 year old girl?


You are funnier than Johnathan Ross.


Just been re-watching The Office from start to end, cant believe how funny Brent was, and the little things that didnt make me laugh before seemed to pop up everywhere. I usually prefere out and out comedy like Bottom, Red Dwarf, One Foot In A Grave and Men Behaving Badly, and Im not a fan of Gervais stand up work at all, but in The Office, he is stupidly funny.

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Watched Twilight earlier, not expecting much and didnt get much for the first 45 mins, second half of the film was pretty awesome though and the sequel should be even better. I havent read the books but are they worth checking out?


They've cancelled/put on hold the Near Dark remake because "twilight" was 'too close' to the vision they had for it.


So if nothing else this Vampire90210 movie has done something good.

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over past week watched all 5 series of the Peep Show - greatest comedy ever


roll on series 6, watched series 4 of shameless recently as well, just need to watch 5 and 6 now, the female copper is so fucking hot in that show

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i was looking for the documentary thread but couldn't find it cause i was gonna stick this in there....


King of Kong - one of tbe best documentaries ive seen in ages, ive had it over a year but never got around to watching. I recommend this to everyone...it's a geeky idea, but it's as good a 'sports' documentary you will ever see.

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I recently saw "Marley and Me" and it was brilliant, the comedy was perfect, the story was great and the dog was top notch. The ending was just so emotional, there was not on dry eye in that cinema, the ending is so sad, but the saying at the end of the film is really something to remember. I can not fault this film at all.

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