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Guest DJM

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30 Days Of NightWow, this was fucking awesome. So much better than what I was expecting. It's atmospheric, creepy, seriously violent (it's rated 16 over here which stunned me considering some of the gore on display), and has characters you actually care about. Mostly good performances too, especially Danny Huston as the lead vampire. Go see it!

Mr. Seven in 'i like a movie' shocker!!'...actually i just seen it and i fully agree, movie was great fun. Definatly the best horror movie i've seen at the cinema since The Descent (the vampires in this were pretty similar to the dweller people in The Descent). And i agree with the rating argument, this was some brutal stuff, especially the decapitation of Billy. I'll definatly be picking this up on dvd.Rendition - saw this aswell, i really enjoyed it. The movie has flopped big-time in the US, which kinda proves people don't wanna see terrorist movies, they'd prefer to see Chuck marrying Larry. Anyway's i like this kinda movie, strong (but slow) thriller with a killer little twist towards the end and a serious message which applies to today's world. All the actors involved have small but effective roles. I liked.
Gotta agree with the comments about 30 DoN. I went to see this and Saw 4 at the cinema in a double header.
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Went to see Saw 4, Just a terrible film, Have people forgotten how to make Horror films that are actually scary, I can honestly say there wasn't a single scary moment in the entire film. The director seems to thing fast edits and loud noises are geniune scares. Plus they seem to be struggling for twists which they feel the need to crowbar in and then kill people with zero characterization and expect the audience to care, just utter utter shit and I can honestly say I barely ever say that about a film

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I saw 30 Days Of Night this week as well, and I enjoyed it. The second half was far superior to the first, I found the first half a little slow and stumbling but once the pace picked up and a few action sequences were sprinkled over the chills I was having a good time. Not many horror films are able to hold the suspense throughout, but this did it masterfully. Hartnett was on form as Eben, and although the romance with Stella annoyed me as it seemed cliche'd, it reedemed itself in the second half. Plus finally a horror film with a decent ending!I was really hyped up for this from what everyone else has said about it, and although I really enjoyed it, it wasn't as brillant as I was expecting.

Definatly the best horror movie i've seen at the cinema since The Descent (the vampires in this were pretty similar to the dweller people in The Descent).

The Descent is a better film though. Edited by ukedge87
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Went to see Saw 4, Just a terrible film, Have people forgotten how to make Horror films that are actually scary, I can honestly say there wasn't a single scary moment in the entire film. The director seems to thing fast edits and loud noises are geniune scares. Plus they seem to be struggling for twists which they feel the need to crowbar in and then kill people with zero characterization and expect the audience to care, just utter utter shit and I can honestly say I barely ever say that about a film

To be fair Saw isn't really a horror though is it? It's no more than a thriller thats tries to be as gory as possible. I would call it a Gorno but there isn't really a porno aspect to it. I guess yr response to the film depends on how you perceive it, I watched it purely to see how innovative the deaths would be and from that aspect I was relatively satisfied.
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To be fair Saw isn't really a horror though is it? It's no more than a thriller thats tries to be as gory as possible. I would call it a Gorno but there isn't really a porno aspect to it. I guess yr response to the film depends on how you perceive it, I watched it purely to see how innovative the deaths would be and from that aspect I was relatively satisfied.

I know I'm opening a can of worms here but how exactly do you define a genre so specifically. I can see your logic that its a Thriller but its just as valid to say its a Horror because of all the convention it uses from the genre. Personally I thought SAW 4 was ok, heavy on the plot this time round which was nice as it meant it wasn't just 'how do I get out of this room' every fifteen minutes with no explanation for why. The ending was a little weak simply because with Jigsaw dead they have to jump start the narrative for further sequels.On the Gorno thing I hate the term, there Edited by DEF
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To be fair Saw isn't really a horror though is it? It's no more than a thriller thats tries to be as gory as possible. I would call it a Gorno but there isn't really a porno aspect to it. I guess yr response to the film depends on how you perceive it, I watched it purely to see how innovative the deaths would be and from that aspect I was relatively satisfied.

I know I'm opening a can of worms here but how exactly do you define a genre so specifically. I can see your logic that it
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To be fair Saw isn't really a horror though is it? It's no more than a thriller thats tries to be as gory as possible. I would call it a Gorno but there isn't really a porno aspect to it. I guess yr response to the film depends on how you perceive it, I watched it purely to see how innovative the deaths would be and from that aspect I was relatively satisfied.

I know I'm opening a can of worms here but how exactly do you define a genre so specifically. I can see your logic that it
Edited by DEF
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Guest Josh Jenkins

American Gangster - It's definitely a good'un. Denzel Washington is awesome in his role. However, to me it was one of those films that are better on the second viewing.

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Into the Wild - Very good film, thoroughly enjoyed. Whilst is it a bit twee and overly sentimental in spots (understandable given the subject matter) it's a great film and Emile Hirsch is excellent in the lead role.


Planet Terror - I liked it, not as much as Death Proof though which I seem to be a bit alone in, all my friends prefered Planet Terror. Enjoyable film, did the job it set out to do. Still wish I'd have been able to watch the two Grindhouse films back to back though.

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American Gangster


Overlong and not very interesting. The whole thing felt like a poor script and story with a big budget and a good cast. It's a predictable paint by numbers affair, and at times feels like superior films like Heat, The Godfather, The French Connection, Serpico, etc spliced together. The performances and direction are fine, but never once does the film rise above average. Forgettable.

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Watched The Wickerman (original) o Friday, thats a messed up film. Christopher Lee singing will haunt me forever

Its so fucking haunting. Everything about that film scarred me mentally. Plus I think the ending is possibly one of the most horrorfic in British cinema history. Edited by ukedge87
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American GangsterSaw it this weekend, I did enjoy it but thought it could do with a bit of expanding in some places and a bit of compaction in others. Its 'based on a true story' so I'm not sure what extra they could've done with it but it was watchable and I'll see it again on sky in a few years and (as said previously) I think it'll be more enjoyable with future viewings.

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Watched The Wickerman (original) o Friday, thats a messed up film. Christopher Lee singing will haunt me forever

Its so fucking haunging. Everything about that film scarred me mentally. Plus I think the ending is possibly one of the most horrorfic in British cinema history.
An awesome film. I saw it not so long ago at the cinema. Freaking great on the big screen. Those masks are really freaky. Its a shame they screwed up the remake so much. Now that film blows. Your right about how damn haunting and horrific the ending is. I can hear his screams as clearly now as you do watching the film. I've got the older 2 disc by Warner does anyone know if its worth getting the new version?
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Watched The Wickerman (original) o Friday, thats a messed up film. Christopher Lee singing will haunt me forever

Its so fucking haunging. Everything about that film scarred me mentally. Plus I think the ending is possibly one of the most horrorfic in British cinema history.
An awesome film. I saw it not so long ago at the cinema. Freaking great on the big screen. Those masks are really freaky. Its a shame they screwed up the remake so much. Now that film blows. Your right about how damn haunting and horrific the ending is. I can hear his screams as clearly now as you do watching the film. I've got the older 2 disc by Warner does anyone know if its worth getting the new version?
My version was free the Guardian. I'm never fussed about extras and the like so I'm happy with my totally free all time classic version of the greatest British horror film.This afternoon I watched The Road To Perdition, a film I've had on DVD for a while but never got round to watching it. Sam Mende's second film is a 1930s gangster film based on a graphic novel.I really enjoyed it. It depicts 1930's America really well, and through some beautiful shots and a great soundtrack it takes you right back to the time of prohibition and gangster run booze joints. It has a very strong cast with Hanks, Paul Newman, Jude Law (who plays an ugly character for a change) and Daniel Craig, with really strong performances from all of them, although I'm not a massive fan of Law and felt his performance was the weakest of the four (but by no means a bad performance). Tyler Hoechlin plays the child who is pivitoal to the plot, and is one of the best child actors I've seen for a while, even if his voice is as annoying as hell. The story isn't amazing, but it is gripping and the performances, direction and beauty of the film carry the film to high places. A really good gangster film, which manages to avoid the cliches to a certain extent whilst still holding onto the iconic imagery (e.g. the rainy street of Chicago holding down a great showdown between Hanks & Newman).Not as good as American Beauty, but better than Jarhead. Well worth the
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