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Guest DJM

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Didn't Empire also give rave reviews to Walk the Line?I saw that this weekend and it was the biggest load of shit.Safe to say I don't put a whole lot of stock in their opinions... in fact I've yet to find a movie critic who's opinion I can, by and large, trust to go on. If anyone's got any suggestions, that'd be cool.

Mark Kermode's usually on the money.You can download his podcast or read his stuff in The Observer.He cuts away the pretenious bullshit from his reviews which is good.
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I'd love to know why the Lord of the Rings films deserved five stars.

Why? You're only going to reply with a big post on how mis-cast everyone was and how poor the special effects are and it'll just escalate with no one coming to any understanding or compromise. Y'know...the exact same thing that happened in the King Kong thread.I think using stars to judge a film is shit though. Edited by LaGoosh
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Casino RoyaleI thought this wasn't bad. Nowhere near the hype for it. Craig made a good Bond however. Towards the end I thought it was never going to end my arse was numb. Can someone explain the whole ending in spoiler tags please? Is it a cliffhanger like I'm thinking?

Its just an introduction to the new James Bond. I agree with you, nowhere near as good as it was hyped up to be.
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**Spoilers be here**


When A Stranger Calls - basically the opening of Scream for 85 minutes...this is decent enough in a suspenseful, jumpy thriller kind of way. With films like this you always kinda try and spot who the badguy is early, there's a few options to who you think it could be...my only gripe with this film is, the killer is just a random guy, it kinda leaves the ending flat because there was no motive for the attack. Having said that, this was a perfectly passable popcorn thriller.

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Wow. i haven't seen a film which is so generic yet refreshing in yonks. Sure, it's 8 years or so old, but the suspense it somehow manages to keep as well as some younger Ed Norton and Matt Damon work (~) is brilliant. A must see for any Poker fans / cult film fans.

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I went to see Pan's Labyrinth last night.I know it had been written about in here, but I purposely read none of what was written. I knew next to nothing about the film beforehand, which is the way I like it; I like going in fresh with no hype and no idea of what the film's going to be about.So having gone back and read what was written in here now - DJM is an r-tard; this film kicked ass. "Disappointed by the end"? That is so fucking stupid. How can you be disappointed by that ending!?If you're still umming and ahhing about whether to bother to trek into London to catch it, LaGoosh - do it!Also, if you go to the Curzon in Soho, you can go to Wong Kei's for dinner beforehand, right round the corner (Best Chinese food around and cheap as fuck).

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This film from 1979 was Alan Clarke's picture on the brutality of the British Borstal. It focuses in on a number of new entrants into the borstal; Carlin (Ray Winstone), Davis and Banks, as well as examining long time inmate Archer.


This piece is very very brutal, with possibly one of the worst rape scenes in the history of flim (not only in the act itself, but the after-effects are soul scarring). The cast are very strong, with Winstone demonstrating why he is one of Britain's best, as he goes from keeping his head down to super violent angle of vengeance in the film's duration. Infact the most fluid scenes is also its most violent, as Carlin goes to the game room, fills a sock with two pool balls and batters the wing's 'daddy'.


The film also looks at the other spectrum of inmate - Archer. Intelligent, and very aware of this, Archer demonstrates his rights to the point of refusing to wear leather due to his Vegetarianism. He acts as the film's voice, vocalising Clarke's damnation of them borstal system through his intellectual arguments which get him nothing but a longer sentence.


Harrowing, yet breathtakingly well producded and shot, Borstal should be considered one of the great British films of the 1970s, and is still painstakingly effective, as the argument underlining the film is still very valid in 2006.



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recently saw Borat at the cinemas, very funny stuff and also saw the 2 superman documentaries from the UE Tin set. If youre a true superman fan, you need to get this set.finally, the roddy piper dvd documentary, some great stuff in there, all wwe docs these days are top notch.

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Hey, I just watched Nightwatch on a whim and ended up really enjoying it. I had zero expectations going in, but really took the style and panache it was made with, almost Sam Raimi/Evil Dead like in it's direction, except with a mad budget. It's a trilogy apparently, which makes the wonderfully down beat ending perfect, imagine if Empire Strikes Back had been the first Star Wars film...


Anyone else catch this one?

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